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Baluchistan Interior minister threaten to expel Afghan refugees by force.

Ok that was a bit harsh but funny in the same time :) I don't like trolling but I had a laugh for the Samuel Jackson protrayal from Django, he was such an asshole to his fellow colored folks.
I don't know what he is if khan is a house negro like Django actor Samuel Jackson was, betraying his nation and his people. What blame he has set on Khan's shoulders for being a patriotic Pakistani Pashtun can be put on his shoulders for not being a patriotic Pakistani.

The majority of Pakistani Pashtuns are and continue to be hostile to Afghans for the reasons I have mentioned before but also because of the emotional and ethnic blackmailing Afghan nationals, especially Afghan Pashtuns are involved in-the belief that a Pashtun, a Pakistani Pashtun does not exist and cannot be part of Pakistan. A house negro is a person who betrays his people. He is ready to drag Pakistani Pashtuns into the dirt to defend Afghans so he should be crowned the King of House Negros and the father of anti Pakistanism. This could all be untrue because it has been revealed to me Samandri is not a Pakistani national.

Anyway from the start Daood Khan's policy was flawed. If he had met and signed an agreement with the now or never movement leaders, 3 of whom were Pashtun or even Jinnah (who is called the choicest abuses on Afghan forums) Afghanistan could have gained not only Pashtunkhwa but all of Pakistan without firing a single bullet-a union between Pakistan and Afghanistan with all the perks and privileges it brought (like access to the sea, no porous and uncontrolled border, elimination of the durand line, tribesmen with families on each side united)-instead Daood sent militias to take Bajur and to an extent other regions. An Afghan national killed Liaqat Ali Khan possibly on Afghan orders who was the last deserving head of state of Pakistan.

The question is if ISI is so bad then what was stopping relations from flourishing at that time when Afghanistan did not even recognize Pakistan as a state? The cause of Pakistani Afghan tension existed long before ISI began sending Islamist militias to Afghanistan-it was a mistake I admit but the durand line and nonacceptance of Pakistan as a reality and as a state is at the center of deterioration of Afghan-Pakistani relations.

I still believe in erasing the durand line through unity of all Pashtuns in one state-which can be called both Afghanistan or Pakistan though having a larger population its natural Pakistan would have more say. Now however this will raise questions from Pakistani nationalists as Afghanistan is both infested by the Taliban and economically far weaker than Pakistan though I want to admit that economic conditions today in Pakistan are not as good as they should be-not only for Pashtuns but all of us.

Lets note that even I for my sympathy for Pashtuns in Afghanistan may become a ripple going against a wave. Sympathizing with Afghans when all the rest of my countrymen want Afghans out may make me as hated as Samandri though at least I have shame and know where my loyalty lies. My country will always come before my ethnicity. A-team I hope you see the situation from a Pakistanis perspective. 30 Million Pashtuns won't break away to join 12 million. Its foolish to assume this and be locked in hatred for a state because of this. The smaller population usually joins the larger one. @TMA
I don't know what he is if khan is a house negro like Django actor Samuel Jackson was, betraying his nation and his people. What blame he has set on Khan's shoulders for being a patriotic Pakistani Pashtun can be put on his shoulders for not being a patriotic Pakistani.

The majority of Pakistani Pashtuns are and continue to be hostile to Afghans for the reasons I have mentioned before but also because of the emotional and ethnic blackmailing Afghan nationals, especially Afghan Pashtuns are involved in-the belief that a Pashtun, a Pakistani Pashtun does not exist and cannot be part of Pakistan. A house negro is a person who betrays his people. He is ready to drag Pakistani Pashtuns into the dirt to defend Afghans so he should be crowned the King of House Negros and the father of anti Pakistanism. This could all be untrue because it has been revealed to me Samandri is not a Pakistani national.

Anyway from the start Daood Khan's policy was flawed. If he had met and signed an agreement with the now or never movement leaders, 3 of whom were Pashtun or even Jinnah (who is called the choicest abuses on Afghan forums) Afghanistan could have gained not only Pashtunkhwa but all of Pakistan without firing a single bullet-a union between Pakistan and Afghanistan with all the perks and privileges it brought (like access to the sea, no porous and uncontrolled border, elimination of the durand line, tribesmen with families on each side united)-instead Daood sent militias to take Bajur and to an extent other regions. An Afghan national killed Liaqat Ali Khan possibly on Afghan orders who was the last deserving head of state of Pakistan.

The question is if ISI is so bad then what was stopping relations from flourishing at that time when Afghanistan did not even recognize Pakistan as a state? The cause of Pakistani Afghan tension existed long before ISI began sending Islamist militias to Afghanistan-it was a mistake I admit but the durand line and nonacceptance of Pakistan as a reality and as a state is at the center of deterioration of Afghan-Pakistani relations.

I still believe in erasing the durand line through unity of all Pashtuns in one state-which can be called both Afghanistan or Pakistan though having a larger population its natural Pakistan would have more say. Now however this will raise questions from Pakistani nationalists as Afghanistan is both infested by the Taliban and economically far weaker than Pakistan though I want to admit that economic conditions today in Pakistan are not as good as they should be-not only for Pashtuns but all of us.

Lets note that even I for my sympathy for Pashtuns in Afghanistan may become a ripple going against a wave. Sympathizing with Afghans when all the rest of my countrymen want Afghans out may make me as hated as Samandri though at least I have shame and know where my loyalty lies. My country will always come before my ethnicity. A-team I hope you see the situation from a Pakistanis perspective. 30 Million Pashtuns won't break away to join 12 million. Its foolish to assume this and be locked in hatred for a state because of this. The smaller population usually joins the larger one. @TMA

Interesting points you have raised, I for one consider Dawood¨s policies vis-a-vis Pakistan as naive, he was more of hot headed nationalist than an astute politician.

I consider Pakhtoons on your side of the border as Pakistanis, their loyalty lies with the Pakistani state and if they decide to call themselves Pakistanis then good for them and who are we to judge them. Some of the Afghan folks are naive to consider the Pakhtoons on your side of the border as anything but Pakistani citizens.
Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajiks are more closer to me because they swear loyalty the Afghan state then a Pakistan Pakhtoon in Peshawar. Thus if we can get the definition right, at least we have a starting point.

One more thing that I usually ask Afghans and some Pakistanis who day dream about so called lar-aw-bar is that why would Pakistani Pakhtoon want to join Afghanistan under the current circumstances when their livelihood is better in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Of course if Afghanistan becomes Dubai or the Japan or South Asia then Pakistani Pakhoons probably will decide otherwise but until then we can't hold our relationship hostage to the past and better start moving in making hard but logical decisions to make it peaceful between us.
Interesting points you have raised, I for one consider Dawood¨s policies vis-a-vis Pakistan as naive, he was more of hot headed nationalist than an astute politician.

I consider Pakhtoons on your side of the border as Pakistanis, their loyalty lies with the Pakistani state and if they decide to call themselves Pakistanis then good for them and who are we to judge them. Some of the Afghan folks are naive to consider the Pakhtoons on your side of the border as anything but Pakistani citizens.
Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajiks are more closer to me because they swear loyalty the Afghan state then a Pakistan Pakhtoon in Peshawar. Thus if we can get the definition right, at least we have a starting point.

One more thing that I usually ask Afghans and some Pakistanis who day dream about so called lar-aw-bar is that why would Pakistani Pakhtoon want to join Afghanistan under the current circumstances when their livelihood is better in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Of course if Afghanistan becomes Dubai or the Japan or South Asia then Pakistani Pakhoons probably will decide otherwise but until then we can't hold our relationship hostage to the past and better start moving in making hard but logical decisions to make it peaceful between us.
I am glad you understand things from the Pakistani perspective. I should learn more about the Afghan perspective as well. I wish you luck in finding peace and stability in your country. I hope both Afghanistan and Pakistan abandon the past and look towards a brighter lusher future.
Interesting points you have raised, I for one consider Dawood¨s policies vis-a-vis Pakistan as naive, he was more of hot headed nationalist than an astute politician.

I consider Pakhtoons on your side of the border as Pakistanis, their loyalty lies with the Pakistani state and if they decide to call themselves Pakistanis then good for them and who are we to judge them. Some of the Afghan folks are naive to consider the Pakhtoons on your side of the border as anything but Pakistani citizens.
Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajiks are more closer to me because they swear loyalty the Afghan state then a Pakistan Pakhtoon in Peshawar. Thus if we can get the definition right, at least we have a starting point.

One more thing that I usually ask Afghans and some Pakistanis who day dream about so called lar-aw-bar is that why would Pakistani Pakhtoon want to join Afghanistan under the current circumstances when their livelihood is better in Pakistan than Afghanistan. Of course if Afghanistan becomes Dubai or the Japan or South Asia then Pakistani Pakhoons probably will decide otherwise but until then we can't hold our relationship hostage to the past and better start moving in making hard but logical decisions to make it peaceful between us.
They do not want to join Afghanistan but they show their relation with Afghan Pashtoon.
Afghan call to Pashtoon not to percian speaking people or others.
The real name of pashtoon is Afghan.
We don't need words, action is required. Kick out Afghan refugees from Pakistan.
These Afghanis are doing bombs with the help of india, Modi & NDS in Balochistan, these are the only cause of instability in Balochistan.
But lots of the afghan refugees have settled in the area and have established themselves there. Moreover many have married with Pakistani women. They are pretty much equal to Pakistanis
Simple they have their country they must leave our land no justification I agree take them out by force
bhai there is a difference. They came when soviet invaded Afghanistan (bad choice on there end) and now their are no soviets anymore and still they stayed here then USA invaded them which may i remind you that they were the one who financed whole war against the Soviets and now they also are leaving if we go on like that then my guess is they wanna stay here after china invade them.(Calculated prediction)
They need to go back with dignity and respect many of them were good to this country but they supported those who wanted to harm this country so No sir they are not welcome anymore.
But lots of the afghan refugees have settled in the area and have established themselves there. Moreover many have married with Pakistani women. They are pretty much equal to Pakistanis

They aren't welcome anymore. Afghans should move to India. They came here as refugees and they are still refugees. They should move back to Afghanistan or India.
Balochistan Provincial govt just do it. Pakistan has delayed at country's economic burden, these thankless Two and a half million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan, how could these lived in Pakistan for three decades without papers, what a cost, & suffering Pakistan had to bear, they should be deported like water opened up from a closed dam.

There must be a quick way to deport or kick these Afghans out of Pakistan and permanently block the border. Pakistan is not a cash cow for Afghanis, Pakistan is not a job grab economic loot for these Afghanis, Pakistan is not a haven for Afghan terrorists, Pakistan is not a place for drug smuggling and bach bazi. Pakistan has a level, we cannot be compared like if UK cannot be compared to Zimbabweans.

A tough decision but a decision has to be made, it has cost us enormous economically and financially, and what in return do Pakistanis get, what have these namak haram Afghanis good for. What resource they provide .
These guys are not paying taxes and causing massive inflation..
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