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Bahrain buys Israeli radars and anti-drone systems

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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On February 9, the Hebrew "Israel Defense" website reported that Bahrain had purchased anti-aircraft radar systems.

The site reported that BATS had revealed a deal to sell radars and anti-aircraft systems with Bahrain.

The statement issued by the company stated that “the Bahraini Defense Forces have chosen BATS to provide it with integrated coastal monitoring systems, to defend the coasts of a military base in the country,” according to him, adding, “The solution includes multiple installations of radars and electro-optics integrated into the command and control center.”

The statement continued, "BATS's GR12 radar technology will be the core of the solution, as the system will provide medium and long range as well as near-shore identification and tracking, and deliver them to comprehensive tactical situational images that are presented to operators."

The statement said, "The contract was signed in the second half of 2021, and the delivery is expected to be in 2022, and BATS is proud to support the improvement of the Bahraini Defense Forces, and to maintain operational superiority, while this was the company's first contract in Bahrain, and we look forward to strong cooperation." And a long-term relationship with the Bahrain Defense Forces,” the statement said.

According to the site, the company concluded a deal in the UAE related to anti-drone devices, in addition to concluding a similar deal with the United Nations forces in Mali.


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The only cuck is you for the mullahs.. The world is free market

Who said they want them dead..
Free market yeah, worst than prostitution ....

Dignity isn't in your education dictionary...
Free market yeah, worst than prostitution ....

Dignity isn't in your education dictionary...

You never fired back that is dignity.. You make yourself deaf and hide but pop up in market places trying to give it a religious context..

But you betrayed your dignity when it actully mattered... I see things and I am cerebral..

Maybe you can fool the ones who aren't paying attention to you but not me
Arabs buying from Israel is like Pakistan buying weapons from India... its so shameful that they should kill themselves.

Maybe you should kill yourself for lack of brain capacity politics change and so do interests.... Also never bring such retardation into market places ppl will think you are a neanderthal... You bring bad light to yourself and pakistan... Coming off like neanderthal
You never fired back that is dignity.. You make yourself deaf and hide but pop up in market places trying to give it a religious context..

But you betrayed your dignity when it actully mattered... I see things and I am cerebral..

Maybe you can fool the ones who aren't paying attention to you but not me
Start by making coherent sentences.

I'm not in your ill mind to understand your thoughts, not have the time to waste my time pondering what's the exact meaning of your extrapolations or paraboles....

Tbh, also not keen to waste time with a troubled mind hater like you....

PS : and a sionist cuck...
Start by making coherent sentences.

I'm not in your ill mind to understand your thoughts, not have the time to waste my time pondering what's the exact meaning of your extrapolations or paraboles....

Tbh, also not keen to waste time with a troubled mind hater like you....

You understood me clearly just didn't want to bring it to light loudly I was being nice
Making peace has its merits, but buying weapons from them is stupid.

Its in Israel's interest to keep regional nations weak. Israel has employed many methods to achieve this. Mainly regional leaders and non state actors have repeatedly been infiltrated by fifth columnists.
Making peace has its merits, but buying weapons from them is stupid.

Its in Israel's interest to keep regional nations weak. Israel has employed many methods to achieve this. Mainly regional leaders and non state actors have repeatedly been infiltrated by fifth columnists.

Is the water in pakistan poisoned with chemicals that make them retarded.... Bahrain will arm itself and get the source from everywhere it takes...

Even if Iblees himself is selling one should buy security before idiocy it is not hard to understand...
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Is the water in pakistan poisoned with chemicals that make them retarded.... Bahrain will arm itself the source from everywhere it takes

What's with the anger Danish? my words hold no weight in international politics
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