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'Azerbaijani people can see themselves as part of Iran only in a nightmare'

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what about the azeris in Iraq that are called turkmen due to the turkification during the ottoman empire, are they Iranic/Turkic ?
Same culture/language as Azeris but use latin letters.


I think you are confused big time.

"Azeri" is only a 20th century designation invented in Iran. Historically, it has no relation to Turks of Azerbaijan whom were never called this way, or identified this way. Likewise, in 1936 Soviet Union decided to apply "Azerbaijani" instead of "Turk" as an ethnic designation for Azerbaijani Turks, and it has remained as such. Mind you that in Republic of Azerbaijan, there is no such thing as "Azeri", it is "Azerbaijani". If you look at Russian Empire period, you would see that the official designation of Azerbaijani Turks was "Tatar". In short, "Azeri" is an alien term for Azerbaijani Turks, invented in Iran in 20th century and applied by the Shah regime, as a part of broader assimilation policy.

So Turkmens of Iraq are called by their proper names. Turkmen was a general name for Muslim Oghuz populations, which includes Azerbaijani Turks. Actually, during Russian Empire period, a large part of Azerbaijani population identified as "Tarakama", which is derived from "Turkman". Even in Russian sources, you can see that they mention Azerbaijani population as "Tarakama Tatars".

Azerbaijani Turks do use Latin letters. In fact Azerbaijan adopted Latin script prior to Turkey, in 1922.

As for Turkmens in Iraq, a part of them are descended from earlier Oghuz settlements in Iraq, a part of them are from Azerbaijan who settled there during Safavid and Nader Shah periods, and a part of them is descended from Turks who settled there from Ottoman lands during Ottoman rule. Their dialect is indeed closer to Azerbaijani Turkish.

Also, Iraq was home to Fuzuli, one of the greatest Azerbaijani poets, from the Oghuz Bayat tribe.
I think you are confused big time.

"Azeri" is only a 20th century designation invented in Iran. Historically, it has no relation to Turks of Azerbaijan whom were never called this way, or identified this way. Likewise, in 1936 Soviet Union decided to apply "Azerbaijani" instead of "Turk" as an ethnic designation for Azerbaijani Turks, and it has remained as such. Mind you that in Republic of Azerbaijan, there is no such thing as "Azeri", it is "Azerbaijani". If you look at Russian Empire period, you would see that the official designation of Azerbaijani Turks was "Tatar". In short, "Azeri" is an alien term for Azerbaijani Turks, invented in Iran in 20th century and applied by the Shah regime, as a part of broader assimilation policy.

So Turkmens of Iraq are called by their proper names. Turkmen was a general name for Muslim Oghuz populations, which includes Azerbaijani Turks. Actually, during Russian Empire period, a large part of Azerbaijani population identified as "Tarakama", which is derived from "Turkman". Even in Russian sources, you can see that they mention Azerbaijani population as "Tarakama Tatars".

Azerbaijani Turks do use Latin letters. In fact Azerbaijan adopted Latin script prior to Turkey, in 1922.

As for Turkmens in Iraq, a part of them are descended from earlier Oghuz settlements in Iraq, a part of them are from Azerbaijan who settled there during Safavid and Nader Shah periods, and a part of them is descended from Turks who settled there from Ottoman lands during Ottoman rule. Their dialect is indeed closer to Azerbaijani Turkish.

Also, Iraq was home to Fuzuli, one of the greatest Azerbaijani poets, from the Oghuz Bayat tribe.

Thanks for the information, Im partly Turkmen myself but I don't know a lot about this ethnicity and its history, I called it azeri because I thought it was a shorter name for Azerbijani.
Strange, because thousands of Azerbaijanis are annually coming to Iran to enjoy cheap products and health care. Must be a nice nightmare then.

Funny that Azerbaijanis have a Half-Moon behind a Red Backround and they Language not very different between Turkish & Azerbaijan´s Language !!!

You know i can understand very much Words from Azerbaijan´s Language where i didn´t know that.

Funny that i Feel the Same when something bad happens to Azerbaijanis , is that the Same for Iranians ? Still don´t believe that.

Why so many Iranians escaping Iran ?
Ah come on you guys want to have Azerbaijan for yourselves like Russia wants to have Tatarstan for them and Georgia wants Ahiska fro themselves you want to assimilate them i hope you stop that we saw in history what happeneds to tyrants and i think about a state that would love to help the Azeris against Iran
Azerbaijanis have a Half-Moon behind a Red Backround

The blue color on Azerbaijan's flag represents the Turkic heritage, I think that says more than crescent and star behind a red background (red is supposed to stand for modernization and secularism).
Ah come on you guys want to have Azerbaijan for yourselves like Russia wants to have Tatarstan for them and Georgia wants Ahiska fro themselves you want to assimilate them i hope you stop that we saw in history what happeneds to tyrants and i think about a state that would love to help the Azeris against Iran
Turkey doesn't want anything for themselves. Don't pull **** out of your ***.

Turkey and Azerbaijan relationship is totally voluntary and based on friendship, brotherhood and cooperation. Turkey is not Russia towards Azerbaijan. You are totally confused. We don't impose anything on them.

Azerbaijan and Turkey is known as two states, one nation. Never forget this.
Turkey doesn't want anything for themselves. Don't pull **** out of your ***.

Turkey and Azerbaijan relationship is totally voluntary and based on friendship, brotherhood and cooperation. Turkey is not Russia towards Azerbaijan. You are totally confused. We don't impose anything on them.

Azerbaijan and Turkey is known as two states, one nation. Never forget this.

Caktirma Iranlilar Söylüyor !
Atatwolf, you have a big mouth. I wonder if you have such big mouth in real life too.
Ghiafeha be basiji va khoonevade "shohada" va in kososhera mikhore. Valy bedarde khafe kardane in turkaye osgol mikhore.

watch your mouth body.:sick:
what about the azeris in Iraq that are called turkmen due to the turkification during the ottoman empire, are they Iranic/Turkic ?
Same culture/language as Azeris but use latin letters, Turks say they are Turkic, Iranians say they are Iranic..


Azeris are Descendants of Shah Ismail's Türkmen Tribes. Heterodox Muslims, later converted to Shia Islam.

Turkish Jafaris, Iraqi Turkmens, Azerbaijani Turks and West Iranian Turks are from the same branch of ethno-sectarian community.

Türklere sözüm: Ileri geri laf edip Iranlıları küstürmeyin, içlerinde çok bizden eleman var. Mantıklı olalım.
Azeris are Descendants of Shah Ismail's Türkmen Tribes. Heterodox Muslims, later converted to Shia Islam.

Turkish Jafaris, Iraqi Turkmens, Azerbaijani Turks and West Iranian Turks are from the same branch of ethno-sectarian community.

And we were traditionally and historically nomads.


Since you mention Shah Ismail, here is a historical quote about Shah Ismail and Turks of Azerbaijan. The sentence itself actually explains alot of history. Khatai was his pen-name, and with his words he reached to Azerbaijani Turks (or at that time, Turkmen tribes), he became the Pir of Turkistan (Azerbaijan).

Khata'i-də natiq oldı, Türkistanın piri oldı

"(Godhead) came to speech in the person of Khata'i, (who) became the pir of the Turks (of Azerbaijan)"

ASQ, we were divided once because of Sunni-Shia issue, which had nothing to do with Turks, but a pure Arabic dynasty war. Now our enemy tries to divide us again using Sects, Language transformation, Aryan propaganda and other ethnic groups such as Armenians, Kurds or Arabs.

Shah Ismail's army was more Turkic than Ottomans'. Ottomans damaged it so much that we cannot repair it in 500 years. Our enemies' nightmare is a Turkish Confederation stretching from Aegean in the West to Khazar in the east.
ASQ, we were divided once because of Sunni-Shia issue, which had nothing to do with Turks, but a pure Arabic dynasty war.

Indeed, and unfortunately Shah Ismal (the roots of his policy actually goes back to his grandfather Junayd, but specially his father Haydar who also created the Qizilbash movement, he simply continued it) takes most of the credit for it. I regard him as our greatest leader without a doubt, but I can also see through his wrong policies. He provocated Ottomans more than vice-versa.

Actually, it would had been better had Sunni Aq-Qoyunlu Khanate defeated Shah Ismail and continued to rule. They were centered on Azerbaijan (early Safavids were the same, but as we know Shah Abbas moved it to Isfahan), and had a sense of belonging to a traditional Oghuz heritage (Safavids on the other hand had religious background). Aq-Qoyunlu rulers belonged to Bayandur tribe and through this they claimed descend from Oghuz Khan. Shah Ismail on the other hand claimed descend from Imam Ali!
Ghiafeha be basiji va khoonevade "shohada" va in kososhera mikhore. Valy bedarde khafe kardane in turkaye osgol mikhore.

If those khoonevade shohada hadn't sent their husbands or sons to the battlefield nowadays you would have been half Iraqi - half Iranian .

You learn Arabic at your schools?

yep , people learn it in guidance school and then high school . God knows how I hate this ******* difficult language . hehe , all I remember is بحر which means sea .
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