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Azerbaijan-Turkey to hold joint military exercise

It is sad that there is not much left of ancient Turkic culture. Whatever left behind was mostly destroyed by Chinese. But unlike what is widely known, Turks built some durable cities in the antiquity. There are still a few examples are left if you can dig through

What's more painful is that the most of our literature was lost. Today the oldest pieces of literature we can get our hands on, are written upon Orkhon inscriptions. Turkish is one of the oldest languages around the world, it's about 3000 years old. There were some ceremonial items found even older than Orkhon inscriptions but.. too little

Thanks for the info. Didn't knew about those Chinese destruction campaigns.
I'm happy that our brothers abroad are not assimilated and act like they are actually part of them and forgot their mighty history, this is probably the case with Persians who are ashamed of their nation and and get assimilated into society, tries to act like they are part of them.

We should carry on not forgetting the Turkish blood in our veins.
Lol. First you tried to say that Turks didn't found any cities. I came with the cities founded by Turks.
Then you said, Turks didn't build any goddamn monuments in their ancient homeland, Mongolia. I came with the monuments.
Again, you said, Turks didn't contribute anything to the countries they have migrated to. I came with their contributions.

And over and over again, you tried to manipulate the examples I gave. Extreme trolling has no limits.
sende suc, niye onun oynuna geliyorsun ki? It is not worth it, why do you even try?
@ASQ-1918...I have a strong feeling that you are not located in Azerbaijan. You are probably just some "patriotic" armchair warrior

If you are in Azerbaijan, then you must know that the only reason you have a computer(or anything else for that matter) is because of sheer luck, that your country happened to have oil. In ten years time, the very commodity that 98% of Azeri economy depends on will end. Armenian economy is terrible as well, but at least it is sustainably so (it grew 6.2% this year).

I read in APA about how Aliyev has all these "plans" for 2020 etc., but it is all a farce. In 2020, Azerbaijan will have nothing but some empty oil refineries and Armenian shrapnel in their @ss.
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It is sad that there is not much left of ancient Turkic culture. Whatever left behind was mostly destroyed by Chinese. But unlike what is widely known, Turks built some durable cities in the antiquity. There are still a few examples are left if you can dig through

What's more sad is that the most of our literature was lost. Today the oldest pieces of Turkic literature we can get our hands on, are written upon Orkhon inscriptions. Turkish is one of the oldest languages around the world, it's about 3000 years old. There were some ceremonial items found even older than Orkhon inscriptions but.. too little

It's not destroyed actually Chinese helped to find them as well as other countries, recovered but it's hard to find, Göktürk monuments and ancient things was founded like a month ago. If you want to watch it, Tarihin Arka odası haber Türk Göktürk it will come up.
Iran- Country under sanctions from US and Europe.

Turkey - Full support from NATO.

Don't put it on just oil, look at other factors too.

The sanctions applied to Iran is its Her fault...and i dont understand how being Nato member affects GDP positively? its not like we dont spend much on military equipment just because we are a member of Nato alliance..actually, its the other way around, we need to spend much to be on par with Nato standarts..

If Turkey had the oil and gas reserves Iran has, we would fly like a rocket right now..But unfortunately we have not..And we have to spend most of our money to get energy just because of that..Thats the reality
sende suc, niye onun oynuna geliyorsun ki? It is not worth it, why do you even try?

Burayı kim kontrol ediyor, mesaj gönderin baskın ve gereğini yapsın.

I'm waiting for the moderator here to ban Surenas the ultimate troll.
I hope Deno is consequent in his regime, and gives all you guys an infraction for communicating in another language, which is forbidden on this forum.
The sanctions applied to Iran is its Her fault...and i dont understand how being Nato member affects GDP positively? its not like we dont spend much on military equipment just because we are a member of Nato alliance..actually, its the other way around, we need to spend much to be on par with Nato standarts..
If Turkey had the oil and gas reserves Iran has, we would fly like a rocket right now..But unfortunately we have not..And we have to spend most of our money to get energy just because of that..Thats the reality
How it affects your GDP ?

1. You don't have to research for Fifth gen. aircrafts, you can simply buy. So you saved years and money there.

2. NATO gives you security cover, that helps in controlling defense expenditure. Look at Iran, US and Israel has already threatened to attack, they HAVE to spend more on military, i.e. more % of GDP on defense. You can afford it, they can't but they have to.

3. Ever heard of Soviet Russia disintegration due to Cold War race with US on technological front and weapons which led to their weakening of economy.

4. US PAC-3 cover will give you protection against enemy missiles. Now to overwhelm that, the opposition has to build fire more missiles. So you are indirectly affecting the enemy. So its an added benefit. Hope you know it.

4. As for Should, Woulda, Coulda, if yo had Oil, you would have been progressing real fast, if you had US and others as your enemy, you should think that too.

See mate, I have no problem with your country. I respect Ataturk and his leadership which created a progressive Muslim nation but I also respect Iran because of other reasons too.
Kajutyun, has your retarded trolling any limits? The only armchair warrior here is you as one can see from the comments. And yes I'm located in Azerbaijan, do not confuse Azerbaijan with your schithole.

Just read your pathetic comment, and then you call others "armchair warrior"? As I have said before, your one of the most annoying trolls to exist.

I will not even bother to respond to your pathetic words.

HAHAHAHA you have not addressed a single one of my points. You know it is true. Don't worry, when your country collapses in ten years time, you can come to Armenia as a guest worker and maybe apply for citizenship later.

By talking down to turks in their section you are inviting the same to our section. Please don't.
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By talking down to turks in their section you are inviting the same to our section. Please don't.
Actually, he is talking down Iranians. He is hurting the image of Iranians with his spastic behavior.
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This armenian said Azerbaycan is poor? Only hazar islands which is being built is worth more than all of armenia.
First about what Turks brought issue,only one example ;

Tolga Ergin and Nicolas Stenger at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany used a technique called direct laser writing lithography to create a sheet of cloaking material from tiny plastic rods. The spacing of the rods, each of which measured one thousandth of a millimetre wide, alters a property of the material known as the refractive index, which changes the speed of light inside it.

Cloaking device makes objects invisible

Btw in same day he had a son and his family named him Selim

About rape and drugs we all know kind of stuff related with which group i guess and magically they are beein Turk when they did kind of stuff.


Turkish historians start to found many stuff which is related with ancient Turkic culture and history even you can follow this blog from a Khakas Turk brother Timur Devletov about Turkic cities not only with Chinese (even Turkic generals became part of Chinese army for long time) Arab and following Campaigns of Mongols became pretty bad for old Turkic cities.Funny thing today Chinese archives pretty important for Turkic history too.



So we can say similar thing between Russian & Indian military relitionship mate,about F-35 issue we are part of program buying F-35 not related with NATO too btw


When Azerbaijan finding new gas & oil sources everyday,do you think your fairy tales gonna happen?You are speaking about guest workers but as i know majority of Armenians living abroad instead of Armenia.
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