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Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

I thought you wasn't going to list 'Turkmen'. Thew thank god. Or more like thank erdogan.

*sarcasm* anyone?

Bro there are Kurd, Circassian and Albanian MHP.

MHP never reject people just for their ethnicity to believe otherwise is stup!d to say the least.
Bro there are Kurd, Circassian and Albanian MHP.

MHP never reject people because of their ethnicity to believe otherwise is stup!d to say the least.

I didn't say the contrary.
It doesn't matter... weather we operate the samething or not.

Or weather it concerns me or not.

Facts are Facts.

Your constant ranting doesn't change it... but what it does change is the resemblence you put towards other people about you and your country... on an international stage.

Best of luck for your new endevour in the armor arena.

My friend it was not a Turk who came up with that claim.. we didnt start that argument..
My friend it was not a Turk who came up with that claim.. we didnt start that argument..

In fact if he checked the first page, he wouldn't be 'ranting' with false accusation; like you pointed out.
In fact if he checked the first page, he wouldn't be 'ranting' with false accusation; like you pointed out.

Unfortunately some members are like just waiting for any opportunity to bash the Turks.
I'm confused now. Azerbaijan regards Armenia as a sworn enemy which is under protection of Russia, but in the same time, Russia is the main supplier of arms to Azerbaijan. How could that be?

Because selling arms to countries will give you a certain leverage over that country + Russia mostly thinks of making money. They will protect Armenia though in case of war, whether politically or militarily. Armenia is just too important to Russia to let it fall.

Anyway, Azerbaijan doesn't have a chance against Iran, although I don't see a Iranian-Azerbaijan war happening this century.
Agree with that part but no way Hazal is mine bro :)

You can have that other lady from Ask i memnun the one who was having an affair; Hazal Kaya is mine ! :kiss3:

I'd duel you for her hand; meet me at the Taksim Square tonight. :angry:

At midnight we fight to the death while using two freshly caught fish as makeshift swords ! :azn:

And yes the looser promises to sing the Galas or Fener's anthem whilst being tied to a street light right outside the opposing team's stadium whilst wearing a pink frock & being dressed up as a fairy princess ! :fie:
You can have that other lady from Ask i memnun the one who was having an affair; Hazal Kaya is mine ! :kiss3:

I'd duel you for her hand; meet me at the Taksim Square tonight. :angry:

At midnight we fight to the death while using two freshly caught fish as makeshift swords ! :azn:

And yes the looser promises to sing the Galas or Fener's anthem whilst being tied to a street light right outside the opposing team's stadium whilst wearing a pink frock & being dressed up as a fairy princess ! :fie:

Oh Beren Saat is even better.

you can keep Hazal. bye :D
@ptldM3 Sorry for hitting the wrong nerve. That however does't change the fact that Russian armor has pathetic history. Afghanistan,Iraq,Bosnian,Arab Israeli war,Syrian civil wars are trophies for how badly the Russian armor sucks.
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This entire thread made me lose brain cells. The amount of subjective, non-factual nonsense being thrown around is absurd.

Relax with the pride and admire military tech for what it is. Russians have built incredible hardware, as have we. To claim our tank is superior when it hasnt even been produced yet, or claim Russias equipment is sub par is all hearsay. Give credit where it is due and move on. If you really want to discuss, please have real statistics and facts to back it. No side is "Better until proven otherwise".

As for the Country X vs Y....We all love our nations. Get that through your head and realize you'll never convince the other guy that your nation is better.
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