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Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

Great, please copy and paste that "spreadsheet" that you so meticulously keep. Also, decide what is your source: APA, to which you referred before, or your own spreadsheet (from the Ministry of Information of Armenia)? Because it can't really be both - APA is a serious source, your spreadsheet is not.

Uhm...are you stupid? You think that Armenia keeps track of every noncombat death in Azerbaijan? lmao. The spreadsheet is based on APA, which records 53 deaths, so you can be sure that there are more. And no, you cant see it. But you can go back and look in APA archives.

Firstly, there is no independent press in Armenia. Armenia is a dictatorship - and when your people protest protest, they get killed in the dozens, like it happened in 2008. So please, save your rhetoric for someone else.

Living in the US probably your whole life, I can see why you might think that. Please go the the 1:13:57 mark in this video to watch an Azerbaijan official acknowledge that Armenia has free press:

Secondly, at least the Azerbaijanis have been open and honest, admitting all deaths and wounding's, and not keeping them secret like Armenians, or using various tricks, like reporting only the death of those from the Republic of Armenia, and suppressing the death's figures of those born in occupied Azerbaijani lands whom they conveniently count as soldiers of some non-existing "NKR".

What?! Honest?!?!? Are you kidding me? Read this:

http://en.apa.az/xeber_soldier_of_azerbaijani_army_dies_of_elec_195 049.html

This is not the first time Azeri soldier has "died of shock." Again, it's either lies or an indication of severe imbecility.

Oh, and that makes 54 :D

Thirdly, I guess because you've been described by other forum members as an Armenia government operative, you decided to level a similar accusation at everyone else - probably because according to you, "best defense is attack". It's funny, because over the years, on various forums, I've been accused of being an American, Israeli, Turkish, Russian, Iranian, Azerbaijani, and other "official". That's fine - although I wish they all paid me as well, that would have been nice. :-)

That would be an idiotic accusation, because Armenian officials do not lurk around the internet combatting Turkish trolls. I'm a college student.

Are you actually not Turkish?

Dedovschina is a very serious problem in Armenian Army. It is shameful, and the officers overseeing this should be jailed for life. But it pales in comparison to Azeri army.

Enjoy: Azeri organ trafficking scandal: heart, liver removed from soldier?s dead body - PanARMENIAN.Net
Azerbaijani Army for sale - Opinions - GeorgiaTimes.info


If you want to nitpick about the difference between 68,000 and 85,000, that's fine. Just remember that Armenians were outnumbered 20 years ago as well, and we both know how that ended.

"Shushi" is a recent Armenian invention, and does not translate from Armenian language - whether modern Armenian, or ancient Armenian. It is meaningless. Which makes no sense - why would "ancient Armenians" give a meaningless name to "their" city? Meanwhile, "newcomers" Azerbaijanis gave a meaningful name? So 1:0 for Azerbaijanis.

Oh I see. Please tell me then, if you are such an expert on languages, what does "Nakhichevan" mean in the Azeri language? Now tell me what it means in Armenian :D

Names are names. They don't always have meanings. What does New York "mean"? lol

I never called anyone cowards, so please spare us of your pseudo-patriotic mumbo-jumbo. Karabakh is not "your land". It is the land of Azerbaijani people, who according to the last Soviet census of 1989 made up 75% of all those territories from which they were ethnically cleansed (and they made up 75% in 1917, and they made up 75% and more in 1805 when Azerbaijani Karabakh Khanate joined Russia as a Muslim kingdom, and Azerbaijanis were majority before that too).

Thank you Ilham Aliyev. Now please go back to your oil bath.

Meanwhile, the "people of Karabakh", who mostly live in refugee camps in unoccupied parts of Azerbaijan, are more free than the Armenian residents of occupied Karabakh.

You make me laugh otar. If Karabakhi Armenians do not live in refugee camps, how are they less free then the Azeris that do? I am going to Karabakh next week, and I do not plan on surrendering my freedom. Lmao.

Now let me ask you something if you are so smart: If Azerbaijan has so much money, why not provide housing for these IDPs.

I really hope that you are not an American, because if you are then your support for Azeri regime is disgusting.
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Azerbaijan has 120 thousand soldiers . 20 years ago Azerbaijan was almost in a state of civil war , no stable government , no one to provide ammunition since your Russian masters were backing you up
now Azerbaijan has one of the fastest growing economies in the world , most powerful army in South Caucus
I would also like to say Georgia has a better army than Armenia
and like I said before if Russia didn't have troops in Armenia , Armenia would fall within a week

btw they do provide housing for them, and they live in better conditions than most Armenians
Azerbaijan has 120 thousand soldiers . 20 years ago Azerbaijan was almost in a state of civil war , no stable government , no one to provide ammunition since your Russian masters were backing you up
now Azerbaijan has one of the fastest growing economies in the world , most powerful army in South Caucus
I would also like to say Georgia has a better army than Armenia
and like I said before if Russia didn't have troops in Armenia , Armenia would fall within a week

btw they do provide housing for them, and they live in better conditions than most Armenians

you do not have to prove anything to an armenian or armenia ; any comparison between Azerbaijan and armenia in economy , industry, army etc. would seem absurd at best;so please leave the troll alone like her country.

... please just focus on The development of Azerbaijan, for it is the point that is important for us, WHO cares what poor armenia thinks?!
Azerbaijan has 120 thousand soldiers . 20 years ago Azerbaijan was almost in a state of civil war , no stable government , no one to provide ammunition since your Russian masters were backing you up
now Azerbaijan has one of the fastest growing economies in the world , most powerful army in South Caucus
I would also like to say Georgia has a better army than Armenia
and like I said before if Russia didn't have troops in Armenia , Armenia would fall within a week

120,000 seems low. Azerbaijan has 1 billion soldiers.

btw they do provide housing for them, and they live in better conditions than most Armenians

Now you are just being bitter :D. Keep in mind that that army you say is worse than Georgia's and backed by Russia during Karabakh war whipped the floor with Azerbaijan. Armenians even constructed "Wall of shame" of license plates from the cars of the Azeri babies who were running away :rofl:
Uhm...are you stupid?

No, but I am simply smarter than you.

You think that Armenia keeps track of every noncombat death in Azerbaijan? lmao.

Yes, I do. And if you think otherwise - as you now claim - you are in a serious denial and are once again a laughing stock for everyone.

I guess the Armenian government is too busy slaughtering its own people like in 2008 or in its army to keep track of Azerbaijani army deaths. It subcontracts that to Armenian college students. ;-)

The spreadsheet is based on APA, which records 53 deaths, so you can be sure that there are more. And no, you cant see it. But you can go back and look in APA archives.

So you can't prove it - thus you are a liar. I've already provided you the source APA uses - there were less total deaths in all Azerbaijani security ministries in Jan-June 2013 period than what you claim. And there is no report from APA that confirms your blatant misinformation.

Living in the US probably your whole life, I can see why you might think that. Please go the the 1:13:57 mark in this video to watch an Azerbaijan official acknowledge that Armenia has free press:

You are clearly employing Armenian logic there. I do ask everyone who reads this to visit the link Kajutyun provided to see that he is saying nonsense - the Azerbaijani guy does not confirm there is freedom of press in Armenia - that would be ridiculous, considering human rights reports and press freedom reports from many different international organizations. Instead, he is asking his Armenian embassy interlocutor to not deviate from topic, not steer into another direction, and not introduce topics that were not discussed. Only an Armenian propagandist would consider this as an example of "an Azerbaijan official acknowledge that Armenia has free press".

What?! Honest?!?!? Are you kidding me? Read this:

What exactly are you saying or alleging? You are trying desperately to boost your position, but failing miserably at it. The news you've cited - what makes it so special? Azerbaijani government, as well as private media, all admit combat and non-combat deaths in its army, and compile a regular statistics - unlike Armenians. And they list all reasons for death, including electric shock. What makes it unbelievable that a soldier could have died from electric shock? What, people don't die from it? For example, in the UK some 28 people died in 2010 from electrical shock: esc.org.uk/industry/policies-and-research/statistics/

In case you, like all Armenian propagandists, attempt to make a point that "it is impossible to believe that an Azerbaijani soldier could have died from electrical shock, he must have been killed by his army superiors or colleagues, and then they covered up the crime -- because Azerbaijani army is in a state of lawlessness and unprofessionalism", then you have an a very long way to go. Not only are you in a seriously weak position as an Armenian, whose army has a higher relative non-combat casualties than Azerbaijan, but your country and you personally are much less transparent, open and honest about all national security matters, thinking you can cover them up from people - whether weapons purchases or deaths.

And what difference does it make at the end of the day if Azerbaijani government/military admit their soldier 1) died and 2) died from non-combat reasons? That's a courageous admission, that they openly reveal. So trying to make this much bigger than it really is is a case of desperation by you.

This is not the first time Azeri soldier has "died of shock." Again, it's either lies or an indication of severe imbecility.

Oh, and that makes 54 :D
No, it does not make 54 - read the report from Doctrine center, where that death from electric shock is accounted for. There were 49 total deaths from all combat and non-combat reasons in all of Azerbaijani security structures in Jan-June 2013 - and on a relative basis it's less than in Armenia.

That would be an idiotic accusation, because Armenian officials do not lurk around the internet combatting Turkish trolls. I'm a college student.

Idiotic accusations are made by you left and right for the second day in the row my racist Armenian interlocutor. ;-)

And Armenian officers do much worse things than going around the Internet. For example, they hack their wives to death in their sleep, as one Lt-Colonel did.

Dedovschina is a very serious problem in Armenian Army. It is shameful, and the officers overseeing this should be jailed for life. But it pales in comparison to Azeri army.

No it doesn't - facts prove that what happens in Armenian army is worse than what happens in Azerbaijani army.



This is a disgusting news from an Armenian news source PanArmenian - why should we believe it?

If you want to nitpick about the difference between 68,000 and 85,000, that's fine. Just remember that Armenians were outnumbered 20 years ago as well, and we both know how that ended.

Armenians were never outnumbered - they always enjoyed a quantitative advantage over Azerbaijan in 1992-1994. This is proven by MOD records as well as Soviet army statistics. But I don't expect you to know any of this. Had you been a more serious forum member, I would have presented the evidence, but I won't bother.

Oh I see. Please tell me then, if you are such an expert on languages, what does "Nakhichevan" mean in the Azeri language? Now tell me what it means in Armenian :D

Sure, in Azerbaijani it means the land of Noah, the place where Noah came from - Nuh-cihan. Meanwhile, Armenian language does not have the word "cihan", hence you change it to "jevan" to artificially Armenianize it.

Names are names. They don't always have meanings. What does New York "mean"? lol

Brilliant Armenian logic! New York means what it says - that it's a new York, named after an English city in UK.

Thank you Ilham Aliyev. Now please go back to your oil bath.

Not sure what that even means. I guess I should tell you to go back to Serzh Sargsyan so that he can show you how much he loves his people, like he did in March 2008?
gr8vision[/MENTION]: I'm sorry, but you are idiot. You think your smart because you scoure the internet, but you are no better or smarter than any of the Turks on this forum.

I don't know where you are getting that Armenia keeps track of all noncombat deaths in Azerbaijan. They will take notice if Azerbaijan says we violated the ceasefire, and will also print ridiculous stories like when APA claims a conscript was killed by snakebite.

Like you just said, APA reported 49 deaths. I count 53. Doesn't that seem to close a number to just make up? See, unlike you, I do actual research instead of looking up stuff on the spot.

Lol you don't believe Armenian sources when they say there is organ harvesting in Azeri army. But you happily quote them other times. Again, I have exposed your idiocy for the world to see.

Sure, in Azerbaijani it means the land of Noah, the place where Noah came from - Nuh-cihan. Meanwhile, Armenian language does not have the word "cihan", hence you change it to "jevan" to artificially Armenianize it.

mhmm yeah of course. That is why when you look at a map even in Azerbaijan, it will say Naxcivan. Closer to the Armenian term no? That is also why English language adoped Armenian term. Don't believe me?


Brilliant Armenian logic! New York means what it says - that it's a new York, named after an English city in UK.

lmao this so easy. So now if we name something else Shushi, everything will be ok?

Not sure what that even means. I guess I should tell you to go back to Serzh Sargsyan so that he can show you how much he loves his people, like he did in March 2008?

No because unlike you I recognize the illegitimacy of my people's government. You are just like all other Turks: anything Aliyev says is always right always.
120,000 seems low. Azerbaijan has 1 billion soldiers.

Now you are just being bitter :D. Keep in mind that that army you say is worse than Georgia's and backed by Russia during Karabakh war whipped the floor with Azerbaijan. Armenians even constructed "Wall of shame" of license plates from the cars of the Azeri babies who were running away :rofl:

I guess you can't read other stuff I wrote which was already a response to that
LL repeat again that was 20 years ago
go join your mighty army and maybe if you get lucky they will send you to the front line
then you will see what has changed :)


No because unlike you I recognize the illegitimacy of my people's government. You are just like all other Turks: anything Aliyev says is always right always.

damn , this is what reading panarmenia all day does to your head
gr8vision[/MENTION]: I'm sorry, but you are idiot. You think your smart because you scoure the internet, but you are no better or smarter than any of the Turks on this forum.

Actually, everyone who reads this will clearly see, once again, that you are a perennial little loser who needs, among other things, some lessons in normal manners. But then, it's so easy to sit behind a computer and spit "idiot" and "BS" at everyone you can't ever defeat or approach in any way. What a sad, pathetic ignoramus you are! But I am having fun with you, showing the forum members just how weak and pathetic you are.

And your perennial racism - "any of the Turks on this forum" - is just priceless!

I don't know where you are getting that Armenia keeps track of all noncombat deaths in Azerbaijan. They will take notice if Azerbaijan says we violated the ceasefire, and will also print ridiculous stories like when APA claims a conscript was killed by snakebite.

My terminally mad, always angry and racist interlocutor! Armenian government does keep track of all combat and non-combat deaths in Azerbaijan, as does the Armenian media which, like a little jackal, is ready to (mis)report anything negative from Azerbaijan. This is why you are also so obsessed with electricity supply, organ transplants, snakes, and other things in Azerbaijan.

You inability or unwillingness to provide your "spreadsheet" is plain ridiculous, showing just how unintelligent and stupid you are. You are caught, yet once again, red-handed like a thief. Liar, liar!

And snakebites do happen all the time in Caucasus, including in Azerbaijan. There is actually nothing unusual or unbeliveable in that. More importantly, it doesn't really matter if a soldier died from snake bite, frost, electric shock or car accident - he died, and his death is a terrible thing for his family and friends, as well as for the army and Azerbaijani people. At least thankfully for Azeri army, they die relatively less than Armenian military aggressors.

Like you just said, APA reported 49 deaths. I count 53. Doesn't that seem to close a number to just make up? See, unlike you, I do actual research instead of looking up stuff on the spot.

Your accounting - double accounting - is worthless. I and anyone else chooses APA any given day and time over your "accounting", because APA as a major news provider and an acclaimed wire service has nothing to gain or lose from reporting 53 vs. 49 killed, whereas you are a racist little student who is dancing happily on people's graves and finds it "cool" that 18 year old conscripts die in non-combat situations. That's of course because among other things you're a draft dodger who never served in the military.

Lol you don't believe Armenian sources when they say there is organ harvesting in Azeri army. But you happily quote them other times. Again, I have exposed your idiocy for the world to see.

That's right, I believe Armenian sources when intelligent people there report or write something and it is corroborated, but refuse to consider a clearly propaganda piece. Not only PanArmenian, but the so-called "Georgian" news portal where all news are unsigned and a quick review of their headlines and articles reveals it to be a Russian project that's pro-Abkhaz/S.Ossetian separatism, anti-Saakashvilli, and very pro-Armenian.

Meanwhile, organs of dead people are allowed for transplanting in many countries with their permission - for example, in U.S., when you get a driver's license, you are asked to mark a box in the application if you allow to use your organs in case you die. Only permission of the person himself/herself is needed - no need for parents' or wife/husband permission.

mhmm yeah of course. That is why when you look at a map even in Azerbaijan, it will say Naxcivan. Closer to the Armenian term no? That is also why English language adoped Armenian term. Don't believe me?

What "Armenian" term? For example, word "Amerika" exists in Armenian language - does it mean America is an Armenian word, or America is Armenian? No. Moreover, what does "Armenia" mean in Armenian? Considering that you guys call your country "Hayastan", and yourselves "Hay", then you can't even proclaim "Armenia" as your term - so before setting your sights at Nakhchivan, which is clearly not and never been Armenian (just like Karabakh or Artsakh), sort that out first (hint: according to Encyclopedia Britannica, "The Hayk, as the Armenians name themselves (the term Armenian is probably the result of an Iranian or Greek confusion of them with the Aramaeans)"). So you guys are all confused, and your very name as is known in the West is a result of confusion with other more important and ancient people. And you dare to speculate about Nakhchivan - or Ararat (Agri Dagh), for that matter.

lmao this so easy. So now if we name something else Shushi, everything will be ok?

Strange logic. "Shushi" is a made-up name - the proper name, Shusha, was used throughout history, and you can find 19th and 18th century sources referring to it as such as well. And no, by naming something else with the same name does not legitimize it or make it more ancient.

Meanwhile, apparently, in 1664, the English conquered the area and renamed it "New York" after the Duke of York (see: Homberger, Eric (2005). The Historical Atlas of New York City: A Visual Celebration of 400 Years of New York City's History. Owl Books. p. 34). And where does Duke of York's name origin come from - you can read about it here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/York#Origin_of_the_name

No because unlike you I recognize the illegitimacy of my people's government. You are just like all other Turks: anything Aliyev says is always right always.

That's right, according to all sources, your Armenian government is illegitimate, unlike Turkey's or Azerbaijan's, or Georgia's. And Azerbaijani army has relatively less casualties than Armenian army, despite the fact that the task in front of the Azerbaijani army is tougher and more complex.
It's interesting how our Armenian forum member tries to make some weird point about Azerbaijani army by citing electrical shock non-combat death of an Azerbaijani soldier, while being completely oblivious to the fact that his own Armenian army also has similar casualties from electrocution (but in case of Armenians, they definitely falsified the death of their soldier, as their human rights defenders prove it).

Father of Non-Combat Soldier Who Died While Serving in Armenian Army to Appeal to European Court (VIDEO)
The death of Tigran Ohanjanyan, who died while serving in the army during a period of non combat in 2007, has remained unsolved because the country’s president doesn’t want it to be solved, while the military prosecution, headed by military prosecutor Gevorg Kostanyan, travelling to military units and meeting parents of deceased soldiers is simply putting on a theatrical performance.

This was told to Epress.am by Suren Ohanjanyan, father of Tigran Ohanjanyan, who died in Vardenis military unit on Aug. 30, 2007. According to the official version of events, Tigran touched a rope that was hanging from an antenna mast and died from the electric shock. According to Tigran’s parents, however, senior officers are responsible for their son’s death.

Read more here:



So Kajutyun, what do you have to say to this? Let's quote you, with one key modification: "This is not the first time Armenian soldier has "died of shock." Again, it's either lies or an indication of severe imbecility."
APA claims a conscript was killed by snakebite.

actually snake bites are very common in Azerbaijan
we have very deadly snakes called Gurza which have already sent 15 people to a hospital in a single month
try harder next time
Some more about the heroic Armenian army that is the most disciplined and professional in the world. Back in August 18, 2005, a very senior Armenian officer, Lt.-Colonel Pargev Abramyan, who then worked for the Chief of the General's Staff, hacked to death with an axe his sleeping wife, Marine Maloyan. He then very coolly washed the axe in his bathroom. Read more from an Armenian newspaper: aravot.am/2006/aravot_rus/February/23/aravot_news.htm

What else to expect for the Armenian armed forces? They practiced killing innocent Azerbaijani civilians, such as in Khojaly, the largest war crime in the Caucasus, and once they could not anymore (as Azerbaijani army, in relative terms, inflicts greater damage on them), they started killing their own people - such as Lt.-Colonel Pargev Abramyan, or president (ex-defense minister) Serzh Sargsyan, or other Armenian generals and military leaders, such as the "brave" general Manvel Grigoryan, who was given a public slap in the face by some Hayko, who was representative in Armenia of the late Russian-Kurdish mafia boss Aslan Usoyan.

Gen. Grigoryan was then begging Hayko to forgive him and to open his ability to travel to Russia and elsewhere in CIS without the threat of being killed by Hayko/Usoyan men. More in this Armenian report: n-idea.am/ru/publications.php?id=10071

What a brave, professional army in Armenia! It is so high-spirited, top morale, highly ethical and "exemplary" that it leaves everyone else behind with such great leaders as Gen. Manvel Grigoryan, defense minister Serzh Sargsyan, or Lt-Colonel Pargev Abramyan!
actually snake bites are very common in Azerbaijan
we have very deadly snakes called Gurza which have already sent 15 people to a hospital in a single month
try harder next time

But snakes do not exist in Armenia, and never attack Armenians. Just like electric shock never kills an Armenian soldier!




According to the following source, in from Jan-October 2012, there were at least 140 snake bites in Armenia (one person died). In all of 2011 there were 220 snake bites (two people died).

So snakes and snake bites are as common in Armenia as they are in Azerbaijan, as I've written before.
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