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Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

Turkish engineering is miles ahead of the Russian when it comes to advance armored designs. However like any NATO country, Turkish stuff isn't cheap.

TOS-1A has pathetic armor and it can be destroyed by an RPG.

Sry,but it´isn´t.

TOS-1A and the 2S19 are all Systems from the Cold War.

T-90 is a present @90´s and it´s over 20 Years old.

Russia is too developing a new Systems like Turkey.


Armata Russian main battle tank technical data sheet specifications information description pictures*-*Army Recognition*-*Army Recognition


Black Eagle :


Type 95 Object 195 :


Russia is not stupid.
Me stating that the azeris can't deal with armenia and if going to war would be crushed by Iran is a clear assessment that most people would agree with. Neutrality has nothing to do with this assessment, the armed forces of each nation, their assets and training speak for themselves.

Why would Iran crush Azerbhaijan? Well if you would care to read the initial post you would realise the azeri brought up the opinion that Iranians would crush the Azeris and somehow this new purchase would guarantee that they wouldn't be able to, i merely pointed out that the azeris are deluded thinking this.

Is that simple enough for you? Get you thinking cap on again.

I for one consider both nations as brothers, who does not want to see any conflict between these nations and support the azeri claim to karabakh. If you don't like my comments jog on.
Just give a clear answer.
If Azerbaijan would go to war with Armenia then Iran would crush Azerbaijan ?
If your answer is yes,then explain why would Iran help Armenia?
Maybe care to explain how Iran is so superior in those fields? The most modern tanks they got is 200-300 hundred T-72 you deluded retard, Azerbaijan's T-72s upgraded by Israel is already superior to that, add to that the new purchase of T-90SA. We have S-300PMU2 and Iran has been howling after PMU1 for years. Iran and their armed forces, plus their pathetic propaganda is laughed at.

No I didn't imply that, I posted it for them to see the growing potential of Azerbaijani armed forces, don't make up stuff you troll.

You deluded imbecile where have you seen me trolling, i gave a fair assessment. Yes your land forces may have the slight edge in some fields but who said land forces are the only tools used in war, Irans missile forces would reign hell on your tanks, secondly as stated it is not merely the tool which makes you win but knowing how to operate it, Iran has more than 400-500 t72s & don't argue about your t-90sa you don't have it yet. An upgrade by Elbit doesn't guarantee you a win.

If you have such 200-300 mighty Elbit t72s then why aren't you using them to crush 100-150 armenian t72s to get back karabakh. the fact is your full of BS.
"don't argue about your t-90sa you don't have it yet"

What is it you see in the photos then you retard?

Your using the not so neutral logic there you moron, as I have said, everything has its turn.

Now, go and celebrate the remarkable achievement of Iranian military:

Just give a clear answer.
If Azerbaijan would go to war with Armenia then Iran would crush Azerbaijan ?
If your answer is yes,then explain why would Iran help Armenia?

Grow some brain cells, was that not clear enough?

Where did you see me write than if the azeri went to war with the armenians Iran would crush the azeris? No where have i written this.

I said if azeris and persians fought then Iran would crush them. War with Iran or Armenia are two mutually exclusive events according to my statements earlier. Clear enough son or not?
"don't argue about your t-90sa you don't have it yet"

What is it you see in the photos then you retard?

Your using the not so neutral logic there you moron, as I have said, everything has its turn.

Now, go and celebrate the remarkable achievement of Iranian military:


Are you telling me all 300 t-90sa have been delivered. Then again as stated even if you do Iran would still crush you, take it as a neutral viewpoint or not it is the truth.

I have no love for Azeri or Irani fanboys, you're worse than each other trying to justify your superior military when the world knows your all full of bullsh1t.

Why would i celebrate iranian military achievments? I'm Pakistani not Iranian, you retard.
Grow some brain cells, was that not clear enough?

Where did you see me write than if the azeri went to war with the armenians Iran would crush the azeris? No where have i written this.

I said if azeris and persians fought then Iran would crush them. War with Iran or Armenia are two mutually exclusive events according to my statements earlier. Clear enough son or not?
Well Einstein lets ask others what this tells you if you read it i qoute;

Merely having the tools does not guarantee success, you need to know how to use them. You can't deal with armenia, the iranians would crush you.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...-90sa-bmp-3m-msta-s-tos-1a.html#ixzz2WOYLZ1jT
what does this say?
Either write what you mean or mean what you write!
Maybe you have to many braincells?
Iyi etmisin ,sen gelip burda azerbaycanlı Kardeslerimize Provoke edenlere sahip cik , sen Vatan Haini misin ?

Al sende YE ,sende GÖR :


Not only are you ill mannered but at the same time not so smart aswell arent you?

Post reported again!

You ll get 2 infraction points for that already so keep it up one more point to go.

lol, we reported many reports including heavier insults. Infact nothing has been done.

This forum gone shıt.

Why is nobody taking action against these trolls.

Also he speaks Turkish all the time that is against forumrules aswell should report him for that too.
I don't know why everyone is acting like Iran would attack Azerbaijan if war resumed between the Azeris and Armenia. Iran isn't stupid and isn't going to do something so much out of their interests. Even if it did happen, while it's questionable that Turkey would intervene to save Azerbaijan from Russia, Turkey would no doubt be sending quite the army into South Azerbaijan if Iran attacked Azerbaijan. It's not gonna happen tho, so that's good.
Why is nobody taking action against these trolls.

Also he speaks Turkish all the time that is against forumrules aswell should report him for that too.

Because we have no mod.
"don't argue about your t-90sa you don't have it yet"

What is it you see in the photos then you retard?

Your using the not so neutral logic there you moron, as I have said, everything has its turn.

Now, go and celebrate the remarkable achievement of Iranian military:


Dear asq-1918

we do not have to prove anything to third World countries, just post what Azerbaijani army has; let the citizens of those third World countries -throw mud; because that is the only thing they can do right now.

... please keep your calmness.
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