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Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

@ASQ-1918 - Congratulations, brother ! :)

So what ammunition rounds do these T-90s come with ? And what is the existing tank round in Azerbaijani Tank Inventory with the highest penetration ?
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This is coming from a neutral pakistani, consider crushing the armenians first and reclaiming nagorno karabakh before spouting gibberish.

Merely having the tools does not guarantee success, you need to know how to use them. You can't deal with armenia, the iranians would crush you.
Very neutral of you,''cant deal with armenia and iran would crush you''?
Armenia has Russia's backking,without Russia armenia would be crushed in a week.
And why would Iran crush Azerbaijan(help Armenia?)
If you could explain,it would be very kind of you.
Turkish engineering is miles ahead of the Russian when it comes to advance armored designs. However like any NATO country, Turkish stuff isn't cheap.

TOS-1A has pathetic armor and it can be destroyed by an RPG.
A T90 can't even be compared to a new Altay,Firtina is better than 2S19 Msta. I find it odd that azerbaijanis would buy from the same country that supports Armenia and not from Turkey.
The Altay is not ready yet,that could be the reason.
Azerbaijan has already contracted for Firtina (36 pieces), but MTU, which provides the engines blocked the deal. However, the contract is still in force AFAIK. The last information is that they were looking for alternative engine & transmission and that they had solved this issue, but still not delivery or news if they will be delivered at all or not.

And as you can see from the pics above, Azerbaijan isn't exactly after cheap stuff either.

Right now, you should be spending money on the Air Force FIRST since you don't need a Navy. Just an advice from a friend.
Turkish engineering is miles ahead of the Russian when it comes to advance armored designs. However like any NATO country, Turkish stuff isn't cheap.

TOS-1A has pathetic armor and it can be destroyed by an RPG.

Whhhhhaaat ! :blink:

This is their first tank whereas the Russians have been producing these babies since the '30s.
TOS-1A has pathetic armor and it can be destroyed by an RPG.

Its actually based on T-90, in the picture they have removed the reactive armour on side skirt, but its T-90. So on contrary, it has good armor.

And you know, its not exactly used in a way that would make it possible to be destroyed by an RPG.
Turkish engineering is miles ahead of the Russian when it comes to advance armored designs. However like any NATO country, Turkish stuff isn't cheap.

TOS-1A has pathetic armor and it can be destroyed by an RPG.

The Russians are in tank manufactring since 1930s. & this is turkeys first tank
Please explain how are they miles ahead or only explain why are they even ahead
Whhhhhaaat ! :blink:

This is their first tank whereas the Russians have been producing these babies since the '30s.
Yes they won against the Germans just because of numbers and not because of quality.
Look at history,russian tanks allways lost against western in wars.
Im not saying the T-90is not good enough but western tanks have an edge.
BTW, Azerbaijan is the first export customer which receives T-90 with Shtora.
The Russians are in tank manufactring since 1930s. & this is turkeys first tank
Please explain how are they miles ahead or only explain why are they even ahead
Because we use only battle prooven parts from various western tanks.
Very neutral of you,''cant deal with armenia and iran would crush you''?
Armenia has Russia's backking,without Russia armenia would be crushed in a week.
And why would Iran crush Azerbaijan(help Armenia?)
If you could explain,it would be very kind of you.

Me stating that the azeris can't deal with armenia and if going to war would be crushed by Iran is a clear assessment that most people would agree with. Neutrality has nothing to do with this assessment, the armed forces of each nation, their assets and training speak for themselves.

Why would Iran crush Azerbhaijan? Well if you would care to read the initial post you would realise the azeri brought up the opinion that Iranians would crush the Azeris and somehow this new purchase would guarantee that they wouldn't be able to, i merely pointed out that the azeris are deluded thinking this.

Is that simple enough for you? Get you thinking cap on again.

I for one consider both nations as brothers, who does not want to see any conflict between these nations and support the azeri claim to karabakh. If you don't like my comments jog on.
When are those JF-17s coming?

There is no JF-17 purchase, but it seems to have confused many people. There were news such as "x country is interested in JF-17", and Azerbaijan were mentioned among tons of other countries, not sure when we actually ended up buying it?

And frankly we need better fighters, from Russia, and probably thats the most likely choice.

Me stating that the azeris can't deal with armenia and if going to war would be crushed by Iran is a clear assessment that most people would agree with. Neutrality has nothing to do with this assessment, the armed forces of each nation, their assets and training speak for themselves.

Why would Iran crush Azerbhaijan? Well if you would care to read the initial post you would realise the azeri brought up the opinion that Iranians would crush the Azeris and somehow this new purchase would guarantee that they wouldn't be able to, i merely pointed out that the azeris are deluded thinking this.

Is that simple enough for you? Get you thinking cap on again.

I for one consider both nations as brothers, who does not want to see any conflict between these nations and support the azeri claim to karabakh. If you don't like my comments jog on.

Maybe care to explain how Iran is so superior in those fields? The most modern tanks they got is 200-300 hundred T-72 you deluded retard, Azerbaijan's T-72s upgraded by Israel is already superior to that, add to that the new purchase of T-90SA. We have S-300PMU2 and Iran has been howling after PMU1 for years. Iran and their armed forces, plus their pathetic propaganda is laughed at.

No I didn't imply that, I posted it for them to see the growing potential of Azerbaijani armed forces, don't make up stuff you troll.
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