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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

Internal Troops




Azerbaijan and SMT are negotiating over the construction of military shipyard and construction of ships
both Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan are interested in Milgem


APA - Турецкая компания обсуждает с Азербайджаном строительство военной верфи и производство военных кораблей

Azerbaijan is also negotiating with South Korea over frigates , submarines , transport ships and etc.


Azerbaijan plans to procure new equipment from South Korea :: Strategic Defence Intelligence
How frequent do this kind of shootouts happen?
I also wonder how our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters feel about a war with Armenia. Do Azerbaijani people in general want war with Armenia in order to get back its stolen land?
How frequent do this kind of shootouts happen?
I also wonder how our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters feel about a war with Armenia. Do Azerbaijani people in general want war with Armenia in order to get back its stolen land?

happen multiple times in a day
yes ,but most realize we still need to build up the economy and military
in order to get the land back fast and have a minimal effect on the economy
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