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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

@Azeri440 @ASQ-1918 @rmi5 @Kamil_baku
i'm trying to find info regarding Azerbaijan's military indigenous capabilities. Maybe you can help.
Specifically I'd like to know the following 3 points in percentage.
1) indigenous equipment and systems
2) ToT/co-developing
3) off the shelf buying.
1)producing indigenous equipment in some equipments, needs some start up costs. So, if a country does not want to produce them in large scale, indigenous production is nothing but loss of money. That's why Azerbaijan is focused in indigenously production of cheaper, but larger in extent products like rifles, which it absolutely makes sense. producing indigenous aircraft or maybe even tanks is not economically beneficial for Azeris.
2)ToT/Co developing needs less start up capital and then producing some armored vehicles, like Mbombe as Azeri440 has also mentioned, and I guess even tanks, helicopters and UAVs can be economically beneficial. Azeri440 has provided more details in his post.
3) rest of items need to be bought. like MIG29s, S-300PMU, ...
As purchases are concerned, Azerbaijan has bought about 100 of T-90 tanks, 100 of BMP3s, Russian mil-35s are bought as well, S-300PMU, and Tor have been bought. MIG-29 are bought from Ukraine, and many drones(like Herms-450, IAI Heron) are bought from Israel.
Mbombe is the product of the same company that manufactures Marauder and Matador
both have been locally produced for few years in Azerbaijan , and it seems the company proved it self well
thus explains why Azerbaijan would want to continue business with them
there are tons of Israeli UAVs in Azerbaijan , and it would make sense to locally manufacture them
Azerbaijan will probably locally manufacture armed version of Anka in the future



Producing these vehicles instead of turkish vehicles maybe because of the instability of BMC which produces the Kirpi MRAP. If otokar or fnss had an mrap at the time Azerbaijan ordered the vehicles you showed then they probably would be co producing turkish vehicles.
Azerbaijan planning to purchase 2 spy satellites


I am wondering how good these satellites are? I read in some sources that 1m resolution satellites are highly outdated
is this true?
all Azerbaijan needs it for , is detection of bases in Armenia and probably troop movements in Iran
Producing these vehicles instead of turkish vehicles maybe because of the instability of BMC which produces the Kirpi MRAP. If otokar or fnss had an mrap at the time Azerbaijan ordered the vehicles you showed then they probably would be co producing turkish vehicles.
Otokar has Kaya II which is pretty comperable to south african MRAPs...but it didn't exist 4 years ago :)

And I must add I don't like south african MRAPs mostly because of the big windows they come with...
I don't like too much ballistic glass on military vehicles.
100 of T-90 tanks, 100 of BMP3s.

With regards to T-90 and BMP-3, as well artillery systems bought from Russia, they came with options for more. That is, additional 94 T-90s and so on. It should be excepted that these options would be exercised. The need for options itself might be related to the broad list of the weaponry that were included in that package (T-90, BMP-3, TOS-1A, Smerch, Vena, MSTA-S).

The cooperation with Turkey is also improving, particularly the T-122/300 MRL of Roketsan, which Roketsan has developed on KAMAZ chassis for Azerbaijan. Also the contract for T-155 Firtina is still in force despite the issues AFAIK.
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I am wondering how good these satellites are? I read in some sources that 1m resolution satellites are highly outdated
is this true?
all Azerbaijan needs it for , is detection of bases in Armenia and probably troop movements in Iran
No, 1 m resolution is pretty good. BTW, notice that saying resolution is 1m does not completely describe the quality of satellite and its pictures. ;)
Otokar has Kaya II which is pretty comperable to south african MRAPs...but it didn't exist 4 years ago :)

And I must add I don't like south african MRAPs mostly because of the big windows they come with...
I don't like too much ballistic glass on military vehicles.

the South African MRAPs are considered the best protected in their class
the South African MRAPs are considered the best protected in their class
Because they are heavy, not because they are great designs :)

The whole "MRAP" concept is not foolproof either. It's very problematic.

You need a V-shaped hull which requires ground clerance
You need heavy armor to give you the protection you want
These two factors give you a high center of mass and as a result the vehicle tends to tip over.

You see south africa doesn't have caucasian mountains, their needs are different.
The whole country doesn't have a single tracked vehicle ...even their "tanks" are wheeled.
I'm sure it's working out great in south africa, I'm sure their equipment is great down there.

But I wouldn't rely them in Azerbaijan. Turkey has a mountainous territory very much similiar to Azerbaijan, in time you'll find that our solutions are better applicable for your situation.
Because they are heavy, not because they are great designs :)

The whole "MRAP" concept is not foolproof either. It's very problematic.

that's like saying western tanks are not better protected because of their design
but because of their weight

it doesnt make sense for Azerbaijan to start buying Turkish MRAPs when it is already manufacturing its own
it would just create a logistical problem
although I did wish Azerbaijan to buy quite a few MRAP from US
for 100k you cant even buy a lightly armored vehicle
really good price for a MRAP
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Guys can we say this part is a weak point of this tank ? I guess those are fuel tanks...

did they just put remote controlled station on an unarmored vehicle ?

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