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Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

Just a photo of presidential guards (Qaravul).


It's because of the Karabakh conflict. But Azerbaijan pretty much openly supports Turkish Cyprus. Nakhchivan has recognized the independence of N.Cyprus. And I believe there is flights between Azerbaijan and N.Cyprus, and if I'm not mistaken, Azerbaijan is the only country apart from Turkey that are doing it.
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Dude, you guys are so rich you're arming non-armored vehicles with remote controlled gun stations :D

Dude, he's talking in future tense.

I think they are developing light armored version of Gurza

oh lol , he was talking about the Kord on the vehicle? I thought he meant the second picture :D

I can't see either. :undecided:
The azeri government doesn't even recognize the TRNC.
Well, if they recognize TRNC, Greeks will recognize Karabagh so it's not much of a choice.
I think they are developing light armored version of Gurza
It's okay, if you understood the rest of my post about procurement policies.
oh lol , he was talking about the Kord on the vehicle? I thought he meant the second picture :D
He doesn't have an understanding of military equipment, but SARP was written on the UKS in rather huge letters so I assumed otherwise :/

one must be blind to not see it
@ASQ-1918 @Azeri440
Guys, what has happened to the radar station in Gabala? Does government have any plans to use it again?
BTW, it seems that we have a new Azerbaijani brother here, @Kamil_baku , Welcome to the forum ;)
the reality is the most powerful and richest person in Azerbaijan(Kemaleddin Heyderov) is from Gabala and he changed this city to a touristic center by investing billions of dollars. I think he always was against it and he pushed not to renew the project by increasing the price 15 times at ones, simple saying that there are not willing to continue to the project. Because the radar was so unhealthy, not just for the city but also for the region.

İf the rumors are true and Azerbaijan has Elta's green pine radar, it's irrelevant really :)

Unless Turkey and Azerbaijan decides to merge, Azerbaijan will not need radar coverage over whole Iran. You can keep the antennas stored in a lead container somewhere or send them to Turkey, we might have a use for that one day.
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the reality is the most powerful and richest person in Azerbaijan(Kemaleddin Heyderov) is from Gabala and he changed this city to a touristic center by investing billions of dollars. I think he always was against it and he pushed not to renew the project by increasing the price 15 times at ones, simple saying that there are not willing to continue to the project. Because the radar was so unhealthy, not just for the city but also for the region.
Actually my major is electrical engineering, thus, I have many times heard that power lines or telecommunication posts have bad effects on health and people are very paranoid about them. The truth is that these centers may have impact on a long term and in a very short distance of them, and they are already many laws which prohibits building houses in the very close proximity of them. But, by regulating those laws, there would be no problem to live in the nearby areas. I think what you have mentioned, makes sense as well.

İf the rumors are true and Azerbaijan has Elta's green pine radar, it's irrelevant really :)

Unless Turkey and Azerbaijan decides to merge, Azerbaijan will not need radar coverage over whole Iran.
Azerbaijan are going to update its FOE and friend system based on Turkish technology. Turkey said they want to update Azerbaijani forces that both country can fight together with the same systems. I am sure, as soon as turkey develop its low and medium radar(which they have now and might sell to Azerbaijan) also AESA radar by 2016, Azerbaijan will receive them all.
Because of Russia also wants to sell army technologies to Azerbaijan and has control over Armenia to solve the Karabagh conflict, Azerbaijan mostly doesn't announce what they bought from Turkey if its strategic. Also, after Ukrain, the next target is Azerbaijan, and Thats why Turkish prime minister made his first trip to Baku by cutting his rest in ANtalya and flying to Baku. He made it clear that Turkey will not give up Azerbaijan. and Now they just update everything to the Turkish system so they both can fight together. Also, there is new shipbuilding facility in Baku(just constructed by 600 million $ investment) so Turkey also can build its quick ships for Azeri navy. Otherwise, Russia doesnt let any navy vehicle to Caspian sea through the river(the only way for ships to come to caspian from Black sea.


İf the rumors are true and Azerbaijan has Elta's green pine radar, it's irrelevant really :)

Unless Turkey and Azerbaijan decides to merge, Azerbaijan will not need radar coverage over whole Iran. You can keep the antennas stored in a lead container somewhere or send them to Turkey, we might have a use for that one day.
Those old technology radars can be an easy target for anti radiation drones or rockets(new technology) which is also called Harpy, so there is no need for that. Todays technology is LPI(low probability of intercept) that while its searching and targeting, others cant see it. Turkey is really developed in both technology, Thats why, Russians cant take a risk against Turkey or simply Azerbaijan.

İf the rumors are true and Azerbaijan has Elta's green pine radar, it's irrelevant really :)

Unless Turkey and Azerbaijan decides to merge, Azerbaijan will not need radar coverage over whole Iran. You can keep the antennas stored in a lead container somewhere or send them to Turkey, we might have a use for that one day.

its not a rumor , its confirmed , Azerbaijan bought 2 green pine radars
Azerbaijan are going to update its FOE and friend system based on Turkish technology. Turkey said they want to update Azerbaijani forces that both country can fight together with the same systems. I am sure, as soon as turkey develop its low and medium radar(which they have now and might sell to Azerbaijan) also AESA radar by 2016, Azerbaijan will receive them all.
Because of Russia also wants to sell army technologies to Azerbaijan and has control over Armenia to solve the Karabagh conflict, Azerbaijan mostly doesn't announce what they bought from Turkey if its strategic. Also, after Ukrain, the next target is Azerbaijan, and Thats why Turkish prime minister made his first trip to Baku by cutting his rest in ANtalya and flying to Baku. He made it clear that Turkey will not give up Azerbaijan. and Now they just update everything to the Turkish system so they both can fight together. Also, there is new shipbuilding facility in Baku(just constructed by 600 million $ investment) so Turkey also can build its quick ships for Azeri navy. Otherwise, Russia doesnt let any navy vehicle to Caspian sea through the river(the only way for ships to come to caspian from Black sea.

Those old technology radars can be an easy target for anti radiation drones or rockets(new technology) which is also called Harpy, so there is no need for that. Todays technology is LPI(low probability of intercept) that while its searching and targeting, others cant see it. Turkey is really developed in both technology, Thats why, Russians cant take a risk against Turkey or simply Azerbaijan.
Welcome to the forum. Looks like you will benefit us alot. :cheers:

@Kamil_baku I know, I understand your point but still a radar system like the one at Gabala can be useful because of the absurdly wide coverage area. I'm just saying that the important parts can be stored just in case :) Anti-radiation weapons can take out X-band radars too you know.

We're investing a lot on radar technologies, ASELSAN has a special facility dedicated to radar development and lots of engineers are working their asses off but we're not exactly there. We can't develop radars like Green Pine or AN/TPY 2 at this point. Until then, better safe than sorry :)
its not a rumor , its confirmed , Azerbaijan bought 2 green pine radars
Okay then, You currently don't have a need for Gabala. With Green Pines in Azerbaijan and AN/TPY2s in Turkey Russians must be feeling insecure :D

Must be why they sent that IL20... few days ago... pathetic
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I know, I understand your point but still a radar system like the one at Gabala can be useful because of the absurdly wide coverage area. I'm just saying that the important parts can be stored just in case

Bro the problem is that Azerbaijan does NOT owe anything except walls in Gabala base.
Unfortunately our government had to sign agreement in 90s where stated that every single bit belongs to Russia except walls and land of the Gabala Radio-location base.
Bro the problem is that Azerbaijan does NOT owe anything except walls in Gabala base.
Unfortunately our government had to sign agreement in 90s where stated that every single bit belongs to Russia except walls and land of the Gabala Radio-location base.

called a lease , now the russians are gone
and Azerbaijan can do anything it wants with it
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