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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Azeiris will go back. They are not like us. We have the option to go to Austria, Germany, Switzerland. what idiot would live in some eastern Bosnia village or even Serbian part of the country when they can live in the richest part of EU. Thats why we build weekend houses and visit for 4 weeks in the summer. Me included.

Azeriris are 10 million and the 1 million refugees live in camps. They will go back and AZ will invest money in the area. I'm sure some Armenians will stay too. It will be better than Armenia.

Yes, the goal is to retain ownership of the land and property on it. Many people are registered in the local municipalities and vote from abroad. This is all important.
I don't believe its near Kalbajar. But maybe someone can geo locate it.

It's funny how this guy is dancing and the other guy is on his phone. They then proceed to take a picture. FACE PALM X10000, this is how you end up in a body bag.
Azeri invasion of NK is a NATO ploy to expand NATO. Armenians will see Russia will do nothing when Azeris invade Armenia proper in order to retake Azeri enclaves in Armenia due to Putin's relationship with Erdogan. Ergo, Armenia then ditches CSTO and joins NATO and evicts Russian military base and hosts US military base and Russia loses another of its few allies left.


Azeris don't have a choice. They are being commanded by Turkey, a NATO country. Hell, Azeri generals were getting fired left and right when they tried to oppose Turkey. That's why Russia has not been able to get Azeris to negotiate. Therefore, when Azeris invade Armenia proper to retake Azeri enclaves in Armenia, Putin will again do nothing and that is when Armenia will ditch CSTO and join NATO. NATO wins. Russia loses.
It is UN ploy to develop those areas.
Azerbaijan is just working on UN resolutions.
Yes, the goal is to retain ownership of the land and property on it. Many people are registered in the local municipalities and vote from abroad. This is all important.

It's funny how this guy is dancing and the other guy is on his phone. They then proceed to take a picture. FACE PALM X10000, this is how you end up in a body bag.

Well that's true. Unfortunately, all of the ethnic groups of Bosnia are dying off. some more than others. One municipal area, in Serbian part, called, Istočni Drvar has population of 54. in the upcoming municipal elections they will be voting for 35 council members. lol, 35 people will be getting a salary to rule over 54 people. you couldn't make it up. Uber Democracy. I mean Bosniaks could settle 55 people into that municipality and take it over lol. but we don't. We just done care enough. There are cantons the size of NK that have like 5,000 voters. We could take that over. we don't care. no-one wants to live there. clean air forests, rolling hills. its sad and funny.
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What special place does that location have for Azeris?

It's probably the biggest town in NK that used to have an Azeiri majority before the war.

Its clear that when this is all done, and if AZ win, NK will be an autonomous region, divided between AZ and ARM communities. The parts that will be AZ controlled are probably the ones the capture now.

Expect a push to Shushi form Hadrut when that area and Fizuli are consolidated. Most of northern NK will be ARM populated and probably stay in their hands.
Finally, Hadrut is taken. It took a while, but it was taken intact. Better than house to house fighting and leave it looking like Berlin 1945.

The reason ARM are not bombing Hadrut to rubble right now is they fully believe they will be back there within a week or two.
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If anyone likes to see a relatively attractive and well spoken Armenian woman moan about the current situation, watch this video.

The only viable solution is for NK to withdraw Armenian forces and come into the fold with Baku. Armenians can keep their language but will pay taxes to Baku and receive AZ citizenship. I don't think the goal of Baku is to ethnically cleanse the region of Armenians. From what I am reading, it does not appear that Baku will stop until it achieves it's goal. I doubt Russia or the EU powers will do anything, sure they will talk, condemn, etc. but no one will send their soldiers in the near future to die for something that doesn't matter to Paris, DC or Moscow.

Kosovars didn't want to live in an autonomous state in Serbia, neither did South Ossetians and Abkhazians want to live in autonomous states in Georgia. Chechens didn't want to live in an autonomous state in Russia. If they can, they go for secession, not autonomy. The only way minorities live in autonomous state is by force.
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A brilliant tactic by AZ staff officers to detect highly clandestine and otherwise undetectable S-300 sites in
operational state!!! They used AN-2 turboprops, especially converted into UAVs with signatures of jets, to trick S-300 into firing its missile, and thereby getting unearthed by the TB2s flying undetected in the vicinity!!! In the next moment, the Armenian S-300 bastards are gone...

Kosovars didn't want to live in an autonomous state in Serbia, neither did South Ossetians and Abkhazians want to live in autonomous states in Georgia. Chechens didn't want to live in an autonomous state in Russia. If they can, they go for secession, not autonomy. The only way minorities live in autonomous state is by force.

Hence the force AZ is using to restore law and order over it's territory. Some of the examples you provided can't compare. for Example, Serbia with Kosovo had a 25% Albanian population, AZ with NK will have a 1.5% Armenian population, see the difference?
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