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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

I wouldn't disclose it if this was the tactic to unveil the S-300s that Armenians are deploying. I would let them keep guessing it until they're out of S-300s. May be after the war, but information like this should remain secret until the war is over - unless of course it is psy-op.
ARM side claimed to have downed dozens of AZ aircrafts! Hence, this disclosing...

I am pretty sure there're other ways of detecting S-300 sites! F16s, deployed in AZ, are armed with the anti-radiation missiles.....
ARM side claimed to have downed dozens of AZ aircrafts! Hence, this disclosing...

I am pretty sure there're other ways of detecting S-300 sites! F16s, deployed in AZ, are armed with the anti-radiation missiles.....

Anti radiation missile does not have the range of S-300. Or else Armenian Su-30 armed with Kh-31P can attack Azeri S-300. Kh-31P range 110 km. S-300 range 150 to 250 km.
I believe the Armenians abandoned the town after the first waves of Azerbaijani TB2 took out their heavy military equipment. As you can see, both civilians and military abandoned it in a hasty manner. The only explanation is they witnessed new strength from the Azerbaijani side, which they weren't expecting. Keep in mind Armenia fired their intelligence chief right after the first week of the conflict. They expected massive ground push after the first shock and awe from Azerbaijani air assault.
Armenians are good at ethnic cleansing, killing unarmed civilians, launching missile attacks and artillery shelling on Azeri cities, and crying non-stop in front of the whole world specially Europeans and Americans. These coards can only stage killing fields through ambushes and snipers but cannot fight face to face with Azeris. That's why, I believe, the best strategy for Azerbaijan would be to push these cowards back and then pull them up again by staging a tactical retreat, and then kill them again once they come out of their rat-holes. Another strategy might be to have feirce fighting in north and south fronts alternatively forcing their troops ping pong between north and south fronts. Get them exausted and eliminate them in the process.
Azerbaijani army liberates 3 more villages from Armenia's occupation

Khirmanjig, Agbulag, Akhullu villages of Khojavend district liberated, says President Ilham Aliyev



The Azerbaijani army has liberated three more villages in the Khojavend region from Armenia's occupation, the country's president announced Friday.

"Azerbaijan’s glorious Army has liberated Khirmanjig, Agbulag and Akhullu villages of Khojavend district," Ilham Aliyev said on Twitter.

"Long live Azerbaijan’s Army! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!," he added.

On Thursday, Azerbaijan liberated the Arish village of the Fuzuli district, Doshulu village of the Jabrayil district, and also Edishe, Dudukchi, Edilli, Chiraguz villages of the of Khojavend district from Armenia's occupation.

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

The recent clashes erupted between the two countries on Sept. 27, and since then, Armenia has continued its attacks on civilians and Azerbaijani forces.

Azerbaijan's Prosecutor General's Office said on Friday that at least 47 civilians had been killed and 222 injured due to the fresh Armenian attacks.

Relations between the two former Soviet republics have been tense since 1991, when the Armenian military occupied Upper Karabakh, or Nagorno-Karabakh, an internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan.

The OSCE Minsk Group – co-chaired by France, Russia, and the US – was formed in 1992 to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, but to no avail. A cease-fire, however, was agreed to in 1994. Multiple UN resolutions, as well as international organizations, demand the withdrawal of the occupying forces.

Many world powers, including Russia, France, and the US, have urged a new cease-fire. Turkey, meanwhile, has supported Baku's right to self-defense and demanded the withdrawal of Armenia's occupying forces.

Some 20% of Azerbaijan's territory has remained under illegal Armenian occupation for nearly three decades.

Erdogan calls Trudeau begging for Wescam EO for TB2 UAV?

You don’t need anything against s300 except bayraktar.

TB2 does not have the range to engage S-300. TB2 missile range a few km.
Some 20% of Azerbaijan's territory has remained under illegal Armenian occupation for nearly three decades.

What's your point? About 25% of Georgia's territory is controlled by South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
Russia is useless as for Iran US droned your most important general what did you do?
But after Soleimani was killed Iran sent his replacement- GHaani to Baghdad again...why didnt US kill him there??? because killing Soleimani eradicated US's presence in Iraq and therefore US wasted all $2trillion spent on the Iraq war. GONE forever...anymore questions??
But after Soleimani was killed Iran sent his replacement- GHaani to Baghdad again...why didnt US kill him there??? because killing Soleimani eradicated US's presence in Iraq and therefore US wasted all $2trillion spent on the Iraq war. GONE forever...anymore questions??

They spent $ 2T and destroyed the country for decades to come and generations fucked for decades.
Country with constant internal fighting.

If I was in US position it's money well spent.
A great talk from a Turkish scholar, Merhum Ustad Kadir Misiro'lu (1933-2019), while the ethnic cleansing and genocide were going on in Karabag' in the early 90s!!! Major points:
  • Armenians are taking revenge on the Ottomans by killing the helpless Turk women, kids, elderly etc. Armenia's main objective is to destroy Turkey via terrorism by PKK etc.
  • The Ottoman is resurrecting in Karabag'.
  • Turkey is helplessly watching while our brothers and sisters are getting killed. He can't hide his dire frustrations at Turkey's incapability to stop the genocide which is being done for her sake to begin with
  • We're being defeated now, but one day we'll defeat them for the Ijab-i Kadr dictates that
*And, that day has come Dear Ustad. And, that too with the active assistance from Turkey and Pak!! Rest in peace. Verily Hak is predestined to win over Ba'til by HIS PERMISSION

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan, @PakFactor, @Hassan Al-Somal
TB2 does not have the range to engage S-300. TB2 missile range a few km.

No it does not, it is a useless drone, no need to worry about them. your s300 are perfectly safe. You should spend all the 120 million donation to buy more of the very good s300. and some f22 fighter jets that Biden will send you.
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