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Featured Azerbaijan Armenian War

Turkey does, but it's not a part of this war. ARM is nowhere near collapse. They hold 95% of their pre war positions and territory. They are not retreating, rather they are sending more troops and equipment to the front. There are 3 roads into NK, but you don't need roads to move vehicles. especially tracked vehicles. Again, there is no retreat, roads are necessary only for quickly supplying the ARM troops in NK not getting out.

i see now, then change of tactics is now required from Azerbaijan in that case why they not try and strangle and choke occupied NK routes going to and from Armenia aiding NK occupation cutting it off by using there air drones and aircraft? surely start hitting bridges and roads and bit of intelligence on the ground regarding which routes being smuggled in tanks , fuel and other heavy equipment coming in to NK. from what I’m gathering is a mix picture from Armenia forces some fight. most I believe are now probably been trapped in NK by Turkish air superiority. unable to move and most video clips of Turkish drone strikes on there equipment show very little Armenian soldiers outside hiding in bunkers ? Or maybe already ran!
i see now, then change of tactics is now required from Azerbaijan in that case why they not try and strangle and choke occupied NK routes going to and from Armenia aiding NK occupation cutting it off by using there air drones and aircraft? surely start hitting bridges and roads and bit of intelligence on the ground regarding which routes being smuggled in tanks , fuel and other heavy equipment coming in to NK. from what I’m gathering is a mix picture from Armenia forces some fight. most I believe are now probably been trapped in NK by Turkish air superiority. unable to move and most video clips of Turkish drone strikes on there equipment show very little Armenian soldiers outside hiding in bunkers ? Or maybe already ran!

You cut off roads into NK, but that won't stop weapons and people coming into NK. you don't need a road for vehicles to operate. soldiers are quite capable of walking most of the time. it just takes longer.

Turkey hasn't destroyed a single Armenian vehicle or killed a single Armenian soldier. There have been no Turkish drone strikes during the entire war.

There are no Armenian forces trapped in NK. they are there to occupy a foreign country.
"Turkey’s influence over Aliyev is stronger than Moscow’s influence over him. It’s clear that a key to peace is in Ankara, not in Moscow.”
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Hadrut is seen on video to be in AZ hands.

Wonder how the spin doctors are going to spin this one.
You cut off roads into NK, but that won't stop weapons and people coming into NK. you don't need a road for vehicles to operate. soldiers are quite capable of walking most of the time. it just takes longer.

Turkey hasn't destroyed a single Armenian vehicle or killed a single Armenian soldier. There have been no Turkish drone strikes during the entire war.

There are no Armenian forces trapped in NK. they are there to occupy a foreign country.

You are substituting your prejudices for your lack of military knowledge.
Whats the aircraft/drone inventory like on both sides now? Have they lost 50% yet?

I don't think any of them have lost any significant numbers. AZ probably has enough drones. I don't think ARM has recovered a single Baykartar wreckage. AZ had an unknown number of Bayraktar drones to start with, now they have an undisclosed number left. :) I'm sure turkey will provide however many are needed if they lose them all.
Hadrut is seen on video to be in AZ hands.

Wonder how the spin doctors are going to spin this one.

You are substituting your prejudices for your lack of military knowledge.

I'm here to learn from you.
ARM begging for a ceasefire now. Russia conducting naval exercises next to Azerbaijan as a threat and warning. But not prepared to intervene. Russia bombing Idlib as it's not able to save Armenia right now.

Russia plays in Turkey's backyard, Turkey plays in Russias backyard.

You can't freeze the conflict in NK and not freeze the conflict in Syria. Turkey is playing a very clever game.
Hadrut is seen on video to be in AZ hands.

Wonder how the spin doctors are going to spin this one.

You are substituting your prejudices for your lack of military knowledge.

It's an old video. Hadrut is occupied by Armenia. Latest map.

Armenians use artillery to repel Azeris in NK

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The latest map shows anyone in the Hadrut area is about to be encircled by AZ forces.

Not really. Hadrut itself is empty and has been empty since early 1990s. The mountain in the area is very hard to control, especially with Armenians running around with MANPADS and man portable ATGM and sniper rifles. And I think Azeris already lost all their drones to MANPADS by now so recon is going to be tough.
Not really. Hadrut itself is empty and has been empty since early 1990s. The mountain in the area is very hard to control, especially with Armenians running around with MANPADS and man portable ATGM and sniper rifles. And I think Azeris already lost all their drones to MANPADS by now so recon is going to be tough.

Hadrut has a very nice hospital and very new buildings. It was fully inhabited until a few days ago. Now it is either empty because the area is almost surrounded by AZ forces, or it is already in full control of AZ forces.

When the villages of Sakuri, ataqut and Agdam fall, it will be too late for anyone foolish enough to be near Hadrut. Then they will already be deep behind enemy lines. Not fun.
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