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Featured Azerbaijan and Pakistan JF-17 negotiations

Azerbaijan needs an air force to protect itself from potential Russian or Iranian interference in the future. Azerbaijan could possibly pay for a division of the Turkish army to be permanently stationed in their country. And perhaps three squadrons of JF-17s would fit in terms of an air force deployment.

Block IIs could be offered but I just don't feel that anyone other than Turkey should get Pakistani block IIIs. Perhaps an alternate Block III could be sold with different radar and electronics.
Azerbaijan will never allow Turkish soldiers to station at Azerbaijan. They will need to count on the Russia if they want to recover all NK area. Turkish troops station at Azerbaijan will turn the tide of war if Russia enter and support armenia. Precisely, azerbaijan are gaining a big advantage in war becos Russia never interfere. But whoever makes the wrong move to anger the bear will pay for the price.
Well this war is proven that Russians care more about money. Also Armenia doesn't spend as much to influence Russians. Well thats was i have witnessed so far.
Pashinyan president of armenia is a fool try to side with NATO. You think Russia is allies with Armenia?
BTW Russian engines are not even needed. So the point is moot. Ws13

The AESA that lost the contest can be used.

When you are mentally colonized, you need every excuse why you cannot be a great country that exports fighters, rather than a country that exports slave labour and kisses everybody's ***, is afraid of everyone and their own shadow.
Make Pakistan Great Again.
BTW Russian engines are not even needed. So the point is moot. Ws13

The AESA that lost the contest can be used.

When you are mentally colonized, you need every excuse why you cannot be a great country that exports fighters, rather than a country that exports slave labour and kisses everybody's ***, is afraid of everyone and their own shadow.
Make Pakistan Great Again.

Engine issues have nothing to do with "colonial mentality", stop twisting every issue into your own warped sense of geopolitics. Up until recently, even the Chinese were reluctant to use their own engines, and the mythical WS13 has never appeared to be a fully tested and validated engine to the point where it is trusted to be used in PAF's mainstay fighter.

Really---when it is your need and turn---you go begging nations for weapons---and now when you are producing them---you have issues giving them to a brother in need---.

This "brother in need" is in bed with israel. That dear "brother in need" has strategic alliance with israel, selling it 40% of all of israel's oil requirements. And darling israel, has Pakistan, in its crosshairs since day one.

The same darling israel, who allegedly was going to conduct air strikes in Pakistan, when Pakistan was poised to conduct nuclear tests in 1998.

The same innocent israel, that hand in glove orchestrated the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks in 2008.

The same saintly israel that advised india on revoking the status of Kashmir. Importing and settling hindu population to contrive demography of Kashmir.

It is what it is, since israel has employed the same tactics in Palestine.

My primary concern for Pakistan, is to watch out from where it can be hit next and by whom. Like it or not, believe it or not, israel classifies Pakistan as an existential threat to its existence. Even though Pakistan has not ever officially or directly threaten israel. Need I point out why that (israel considers Pakistan a threat to it) is.
This "brother in need" is in bed with israel. That dear "brother in need" has strategic alliance with israel, selling it 40% of all of israel's oil requirements. And darling israel, has Pakistan, in its crosshairs since day one.

The same darling israel, who allegedly was going to conduct air strikes in Pakistan, when Pakistan was poised to conduct nuclear tests in 1998.

The same innocent israel, that hand in glove orchestrated the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks in 2008.

The same saintly israel that advised india on revoking the status of Kashmir. Importing and settling hindu population to contrive demography of Kashmir.

It is what it is, since israel has employed the same tactics in Palestine.

My primary concern for Pakistan, is to watch out from where it can be hit next and by whom. Like it or not, believe it or not, israel classifies Pakistan as an existential threat to its existence. Even though Pakistan has not ever officially or directly threaten israel. Need I point out why that (israel considers Pakistan a threat to it) is.


Pakistan intentionally created animosity with Israel---. Israel had nothing against pakistan.
Azerbaijan can't afford JF-17 because low oil price.

Then they can just sell more oil at the lower prices. We can come to some kind of understanding on a fair volume and price based on their costs to pump. The British-Saudi Tornado and Later Eurofighter deals were financed through favorable multi-decade oil deal if I’m not mistaken. Pakistan needs long term cheap raw materials and we need business for our arms industry so it can keep on growing.

If there is lingering fear of technology being compromised, in the event we sell our Best technology, we can work with the hardware and software vendors to make different versions, waveforms, etc. for an export variant. Not because of lack of trust in the Azeris, but the higher risk of foreign espionage whenever tech is exported. The money (or money paid to the Air Force for the oil given to Pakistan) generated could help the Air Force speed up procurement of more JF-17 so we can retire the Mirages and the F-7s. Even if the Air Force is only F-16s and JF-17s in a decade, it’s better then still flying those Mirages and F-7s.
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Pakistan intentionally created animosity with Israel---. Israel had nothing against pakistan.

Is that right! Tell me then, when Pakistan establish and proclaim itself to be an Islamic Republic, that was done by mistake? Or was the creation of Pakistan based on secularism? Better yet, Palestinians invited british to invade them and then requested the british to populate their (Palestinian) lands with white Jews from all over Europe who would carry out a systematic genocide of the Palestinians on the heretical argument that "God gave them this land!!"

And of course, the Muslims in the Middle East were that sinister to start a war against the imported, white European Jews in Palestine. Or perhaps they had nothing to do and were bored outta their minds.

Pakistan did nothing intentionally, my dear friend. It is the zionists and their pets London, Berlin, Washington DC and Paris who attacked Muslims first. Go read the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and understand that the first strike and aggression was carried out by zionists. Go read the Haavara Declaration of 1933 between the zionist for the migration of German Jews to Palestine. Payment for which was given to the Nazis from Anglo Zionist Bank in PALESTINE!!!

I have studied the zionists, their lineage, their history in Europe and North America, for the last 15 years. So I don't run my mouth with incoherent babble, I know what and whom I am talking about. Fact, israel has perceived Pakistan to be an existential threat since Pakistan helped the Arab States during the wars in 1967 & 1973. And more so, since Pakistan became the first and only nuclear state which happens to also be a Muslim majority country. Now if you argue that Pakistan made israel it's enemy, by fighting along side the Arab States in wars against the illegal state of israel. Then my friend, america, britain, france, netherlands, australia and canada are equally guilty of systematically waging war of aggression against Muslim States, as a collective.

Because all that comes to mind, when I read your post, is that only western countries are permitted to fight as a coalition against any other state, and not be implicated as the ones who are guilty of fighting alongside their fellow western states. If the west can have a NATO, then so can the Middle East, Central Asia and the Far East.
I wonder how many Pakistanis the Israelis have killed vs say the Americans. Not selling to Azerbaijan because they have bought Israeli drones makes no logical sense whatsoever. Give it a few years and once SA recognizes Israel too, Pakistan will follow suit

Pakistan intentionally created animosity with Israel---. Israel had nothing against pakistan.

Yea....nothing like planning to attack our nuclear facilities along with India or their prime ministers pointing us out as their main enemy over the Arabs or us sending Airforce pilots to spar with them & Jinnah warning us about any relationship with them...

Why do Pakistanis always blame themselves?
I wonder how many Pakistanis the Israelis have killed vs say the Americans. Not selling to Azerbaijan because they have bought Israeli drones makes no logical sense whatsoever. Give it a few years and once SA recognizes Israel too, Pakistan will follow suit

Pakistan has killed enough Israelis, officially and unofficially. Israel has probably helped killed loads of Kashmirs and Pakistanis though, a lot more than the other way around. And then some wonder why there's enmity between us.
I wonder how many Pakistanis the Israelis have killed

Officially Israeli AF pilots, unofficially.....take some guesses.
This "brother in need" is in bed with israel. That dear "brother in need" has strategic alliance with israel, selling it 40% of all of israel's oil requirements. And darling israel, has Pakistan, in its crosshairs since day one.

The same darling israel, who allegedly was going to conduct air strikes in Pakistan, when Pakistan was poised to conduct nuclear tests in 1998.

The same innocent israel, that hand in glove orchestrated the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks in 2008.

The same saintly israel that advised india on revoking the status of Kashmir. Importing and settling hindu population to contrive demography of Kashmir.

It is what it is, since israel has employed the same tactics in Palestine.

My primary concern for Pakistan, is to watch out from where it can be hit next and by whom. Like it or not, believe it or not, israel classifies Pakistan as an existential threat to its existence. Even though Pakistan has not ever officially or directly threaten israel. Need I point out why that (israel considers Pakistan a threat to it) is.
I understand what you are saying, but firstly the JFT is an efficient 4th generation fighter with nothing extraordinary so what would Israel want to know about it. I suspect the AESA radar for PAF and export might be different so it will have some idea about the flight characteristics but not the radar.
One of my acquaintance was in Isloo during the 90s. he told me all Top secret files of the Government are for sale and the cost was bearable. I cannot say what it is like now but I believe it is no different
In any case do you think in all Honesty that the Mosad does not know the inns and outs of the JFT. The Chinese are pretty cosy with Israel as Have been the Turks and the Israelis are masters of the honey trap and our people if they will not fall for that will definitely fall for the money. Unfortunately whether we like it or not this is how it is. I think PAF may guard some aspects of the fighter but most of it will already be known.
Then there are aspects like our need to sell the fighter. When you sell a system you have the buyer in your hands as these systems have a life in excess of 30years so considerable amount of money is involved. Even if we do not want to sell the fighter the Chinese would want to. so if a demand is there we will sell.
Lastly to prevent prying eyes we can always station liason officers on Azerbaijani soil to look after our birds so if we want there are ways to prevent prying eyes from taking a peek.
The politics of the Jews and the Indian Shiv Sena remain the same. These are classic schemes of any usurper. It was part of Modi's election Manifesto and he has complied with it. So it was a declared intention . We could not have done anything about it then and we cannot do anything about it now. The truth is unless India makes the foolish mistake of invading Pakistan legally we are helpless to intervene in kashmir.
I fully agree that Pakistan remains in the cross hairs of Israel. I think it would be wrong on Pakistan's part to recognize Israel. The time for that was in the 70s and I think Bhutto missed the opportunity. The Islamic block en masse should have offered Israel recognition and trade in exchange for vacation and recognition of the state of Palestine. The dye is now cast and whether we like it or not the Pakistan of today is too engrossed in its own problems to be any threat to anyone other than itself.
I am too old to believe in jingoism but the trend appearing today is plane to see. Keep Pakistan and Turkey involved in regional and internal conflicts, use Iran to scare the Sheikhdoms into submission and loot their money. Once the states are exhausted the time for takeover will be rife. We are walking headlong into this abyss and there does not seem to be anything we can do.
Not gonna happen. With low oil price, pandemic, expensive war with Armenia with death toll in the thousands, Azerbaijan has no money to buy JF-17 in the foreseeable future.
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