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Featured Azerbaijan and Pakistan JF-17 negotiations

Not gonna happen. With low oil price, pandemic, expensive war with Armenia with death toll in the thousands, Azerbaijan has no money to buy JF-17 in the foreseeable future.

We will fund them on future contract. Atleast Kims *** wont be funding it
If Azerbijan had ordered their planes they would have won the fight already due to Air Superiority
Is that right! Tell me then, when Pakistan establish and proclaim itself to be an Islamic Republic, that was done by mistake? Or was the creation of Pakistan based on secularism? Better yet, Palestinians invited british to invade them and then requested the british to populate their (Palestinian) lands with white Jews from all over Europe who would carry out a systematic genocide of the Palestinians on the heretical argument that "God gave them this land!!"

And of course, the Muslims in the Middle East were that sinister to start a war against the imported, white European Jews in Palestine. Or perhaps they had nothing to do and were bored outta their minds.

Pakistan did nothing intentionally, my dear friend. It is the zionists and their pets London, Berlin, Washington DC and Paris who attacked Muslims first. Go read the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and understand that the first strike and aggression was carried out by zionists. Go read the Haavara Declaration of 1933 between the zionist for the migration of German Jews to Palestine. Payment for which was given to the Nazis from Anglo Zionist Bank in PALESTINE!!!

I have studied the zionists, their lineage, their history in Europe and North America, for the last 15 years. So I don't run my mouth with incoherent babble, I know what and whom I am talking about. Fact, israel has perceived Pakistan to be an existential threat since Pakistan helped the Arab States during the wars in 1967 & 1973. And more so, since Pakistan became the first and only nuclear state which happens to also be a Muslim majority country. Now if you argue that Pakistan made israel it's enemy, by fighting along side the Arab States in wars against the illegal state of israel. Then my friend, america, britain, france, netherlands, australia and canada are equally guilty of systematically waging war of aggression against Muslim States, as a collective.

Because all that comes to mind, when I read your post, is that only western countries are permitted to fight as a coalition against any other state, and not be implicated as the ones who are guilty of fighting alongside their fellow western states. If the west can have a NATO, then so can the Middle East, Central Asia and the Far East.
I want you to Make a detailed youtube video lecture or lectures, you must have enough material in mind to summarize it for us who are not well informed in this area
max of 3 lectures and min 1
I want you to Make a detailed youtube video lecture or lectures, you must have enough material in mind to summarize it for us who are not well informed in this area
max of 3 lectures and min 1

Yes brother, I will make the video lectures and post the link to you and whomsoever wants to view them.
Is that right! Tell me then, when Pakistan establish and proclaim itself to be an Islamic Republic, that was done by mistake? Or was the creation of Pakistan based on secularism? Better yet, Palestinians invited british to invade them and then requested the british to populate their (Palestinian) lands with white Jews from all over Europe who would carry out a systematic genocide of the Palestinians on the heretical argument that "God gave them this land!!"

And of course, the Muslims in the Middle East were that sinister to start a war against the imported, white European Jews in Palestine. Or perhaps they had nothing to do and were bored outta their minds.

Pakistan did nothing intentionally, my dear friend. It is the zionists and their pets London, Berlin, Washington DC and Paris who attacked Muslims first. Go read the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and understand that the first strike and aggression was carried out by zionists. Go read the Haavara Declaration of 1933 between the zionist for the migration of German Jews to Palestine. Payment for which was given to the Nazis from Anglo Zionist Bank in PALESTINE!!!

I have studied the zionists, their lineage, their history in Europe and North America, for the last 15 years. So I don't run my mouth with incoherent babble, I know what and whom I am talking about. Fact, israel has perceived Pakistan to be an existential threat since Pakistan helped the Arab States during the wars in 1967 & 1973. And more so, since Pakistan became the first and only nuclear state which happens to also be a Muslim majority country. Now if you argue that Pakistan made israel it's enemy, by fighting along side the Arab States in wars against the illegal state of israel. Then my friend, america, britain, france, netherlands, australia and canada are equally guilty of systematically waging war of aggression against Muslim States, as a collective.

Because all that comes to mind, when I read your post, is that only western countries are permitted to fight as a coalition against any other state, and not be implicated as the ones who are guilty of fighting alongside their fellow western states. If the west can have a NATO, then so can the Middle East, Central Asia and the Far East.


Pakistan was created by a Secular---.

When western countries fight in a coalition---they have goals and designs and action plans---.

Pakistan has two pilots in two different countries who have kills and the paks have not stopped bragging about their success but overlooking the total defeat of the muslims on the warfront.

Pakistanis did not even have goals and designs even when the GCC was put on a platter regarding yemen and the commander in chief later states " he did not understand ' at the time how big the stakes and rewards were.
China and Russia won't allow sale of JF-17 to Azerbaijan because of war.

You underestimate both China and Russia and their will to expand military and geo political clout via Military sales. China has never refused anyone when it comes to Military equipment sales. They run their Military industry just as they run any other business meaning there are no good or bad customers. UAE and Saudis are staunch supporters of US and West yet they were provided with Chinese weapons. Even US doesnt really give a horse $hit as long as you dont step on their toes. Military deal are big money and china would be the last country to ever refuse such a sale.

Pakistan was created by a Secular---.

When western countries fight in a coalition---they have goals and designs and action plans---.

Pakistan has two pilots in two different countries who have kills and the paks have not stopped bragging about their success but overlooking the total defeat of the muslims on the warfront.

Pakistanis did not even have goals and designs even when the GCC was put on a platter regarding yemen and the commander in chief later states " he did not understand ' at the time how big the stakes and rewards were.

If Pakistan is secular, going by your definition, then Kashmir should be off our agenda. Great argument you've put there my friend. It seems as though some of my fellow countrymen would go to any lengths to run away from the reality that Pakistan was created on the basis of faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.

GCC served on a platter by Najdi scum. Recognition of the state of israel, trade with india taking precedence over the Kashmir issue. Sure my dear friend, sure!!
If Pakistan is secular, going by your definition, then Kashmir should be off our agenda. Great argument you've put there my friend. It seems as though some of my fellow countrymen would go to any lengths to run away from the reality that Pakistan was created on the basis of faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah.

GCC served on a platter by Najdi scum. Recognition of the state of israel, trade with india taking precedence over the Kashmir issue. Sure my dear friend, sure!!
Might I suggest that we keep this thread for JFT sales to Azerbaijan discussion rather than on pointless middle Eastern politics which is not relevant to this thread. Feel free to continue with that in its relevant thread.
Kind regards
Azerbaijan would be a good operator of the block II with IFR

a larger order like 36 x JF17 made up of 24 x JF17A Block II + 12 x JF17B Bock II would be awesome

then PAC can start on Block 3 next year for the PAF and exports for next year
Azerbaijan would be a good operator of the block II with IFR

a larger order like 36 x JF17 made up of 24 x JF17A Block II + 12 x JF17B Bock II would be awesome

then PAC can start on Block 3 next year for the PAF and exports for next year

Azerbaijan will have incurred some losses, so they will need to backfill and in that case they could go for JF17s, but the current conflict with drain their coffers for quite some time, so dont bet on it being anytime soon.
Is that right! Tell me then, when Pakistan establish and proclaim itself to be an Islamic Republic, that was done by mistake? Or was the creation of Pakistan based on secularism? Better yet, Palestinians invited british to invade them and then requested the british to populate their (Palestinian) lands with white Jews from all over Europe who would carry out a systematic genocide of the Palestinians on the heretical argument that "God gave them this land!!"

And of course, the Muslims in the Middle East were that sinister to start a war against the imported, white European Jews in Palestine. Or perhaps they had nothing to do and were bored outta their minds.

Pakistan did nothing intentionally, my dear friend. It is the zionists and their pets London, Berlin, Washington DC and Paris who attacked Muslims first. Go read the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and understand that the first strike and aggression was carried out by zionists. Go read the Haavara Declaration of 1933 between the zionist for the migration of German Jews to Palestine. Payment for which was given to the Nazis from Anglo Zionist Bank in PALESTINE!!!

I have studied the zionists, their lineage, their history in Europe and North America, for the last 15 years. So I don't run my mouth with incoherent babble, I know what and whom I am talking about. Fact, israel has perceived Pakistan to be an existential threat since Pakistan helped the Arab States during the wars in 1967 & 1973. And more so, since Pakistan became the first and only nuclear state which happens to also be a Muslim majority country. Now if you argue that Pakistan made israel it's enemy, by fighting along side the Arab States in wars against the illegal state of israel. Then my friend, america, britain, france, netherlands, australia and canada are equally guilty of systematically waging war of aggression against Muslim States, as a collective.

Because all that comes to mind, when I read your post, is that only western countries are permitted to fight as a coalition against any other state, and not be implicated as the ones who are guilty of fighting alongside their fellow western states. If the west can have a NATO, then so can the Middle East, Central Asia and the Far East.


You Only been reading it for last 15 years---gd for you.

But your understanding of the issue is minimal---. You are just an average pakistani male who has a knee jerk reaction to the issue---.

Young sir---likes of you are filling up the streets of pakistan and other muslim countries---.

You kids are like a noodle---brittle when dry--and shapeless when wet---. All that the likes of you has done is yell scream and holler---no tactics---no strategy---no game plan---no learning how to act against the enemy---.

Pakistan had a chance at coalition in GCC---and that was with the permission of the west---( their big blunder and fck up and of pakistan for not understanding their blunder---).

Then you are getting into the cause and creation of pakistan---.

Jinnah Sahib was a true secular---a whiskey drinker who may have liked pork as well---so don't get carried away with the name of Islamic Republic of Pakistan---.

The name Islamic republic of Pakistan was given to attract those muslims who did not want to leave india and join pakistan---Islami was to attract the muslims---.

You kids are so innocent and so illiterarte---it is so sad---.

Just remember---you are another loud mouth braggart---and there are hundreds of millions of you roaming the streets of The Islamic World---.
In an interview with Pucará Defense, the Chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Air Force, Brigadier Xavier Isaac, revealed that the country will reconsider the JF-17 Thunder.[1] The disclosure follows Buenos Aires’ inability to secure the F/A-50 from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI). The F/A-50 uses six key British components which required the United Kingdom’s approval for third-party transfers. KAI could not get those approvals for Argentina due to the country’s marred relationship with the UK.[2] Brigadier Isaac stated that the air force’s interest in the JF-17 is part of its wider look at non-Western fighter platforms.

Argentina started its pursuit for a new-generation fighter aircraft in 2013. It had originally sought Spanish Air Force Dassault Mirage F-1s. However, that deal fell through because of a lack of funding and technical issues with the program. Argentina then requested Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Kfir fighters, but lack of certainty regarding the health of those airframes scuttled that route. In 2014, Argentina had broadened its look to include both Chinese and Russian fighters, but at that time, it still sought a Western fighter.

By 2016, Argentina began serious negotiations with Israel for the IAI Kfir Block-60. With the Kfir Block-60, IAI overhauled the fighter’s J79 turbojet to zero hours and upgraded it with modern subsystems, including the EL/M 2052 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. Argentina was in talks with Israel for 12-14 aircraft, but in 2017, the Argentine Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced it suspended those plans.

In 2019, reports started emerging of the Argentine Air Force entering serious talks with KAI for the latter’s F/A-50. The F/A-50 is the multirole fighter variant of the T-50 lead-in-fighter-trainer (LIFT) platform. This solution would have provided Argentina with both an advanced training platform and an adept lightweight multi-role fighter. However, according to Brigadier Isaac, when the prospect of a sale took on momentum (with Argentina arranging funds), KAI was unable to seriously commit due to the British-origin parts of the fighter. Brigadier Isaac said that Argentina was expecting the deal to fall through due to this issue.[3]

The Argentine Air Force has had a chequered experience seeking new combat aircraft to replace its legacy fleet, which are made up of aging A-4ARs. The A-4AR is an advanced variant of the A-4M Skyhawk built on a number of onboard electronics from the F-16, such as the AN/APG-66v2 radar, among other subsystems. It is unclear how many of Argentina’s original 36 A-4ARs remain in service, though one report claims that the Argentine Air Force is operating as six aircraft as of 2020.[4] If this situation is accurate, then Argentina lacks a credible air warfare capability in both the present and the future.

Argentina is working to generate movement towards its new fighter program in 2021, and in that vein, it will consider a variety of options, including non-Western solutions. The Argentine Air Force is planning for 12 new aircraft, and Brigadier Isaac said that it is considering the JF-17 Block-III an option. In fact, Brigadier Isaac revealed that Argentina had sent a commission to Pakistan about the JF-17 in 2017. However, it is currently interested in the JF-17 Block-III, which Brigadier Isaac says is “quite another plane” compared to the variant (likely Block-II) it had examined several years ago…


Thank you for the post---. Many a young pakistani readers don't understand that it takes a long time to make these fighter aircraft deals---.

For these posters---whenever they stop understanding this---they need to look at what the Paf did to pakistan---.

Pakistan---in dire need of fighter aircraft on sept 11 2001 and Paf never purchase anything till about 8 years later---.

The argentinian deal is also a wake up call for the industry---. When you want to sell---do the search as to what the buyer wants in a machine and not what the seller thinks what it can do with it---.
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Azerbaijan has very good relation with Israel. Pakistan is sworn enemy of Israel. Azerbaijan won't buy JF-17 from Pakistan because Azerbaijan won't risk its good relation with Israel.
In an interview with Pucará Defense, the Chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Air Force, Brigadier Xavier Isaac, revealed that the country will reconsider the JF-17 Thunder.[1] The disclosure follows Buenos Aires’ inability to secure the F/A-50 from Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI). The F/A-50 uses six key British components which required the United Kingdom’s approval for third-party transfers. KAI could not get those approvals for Argentina due to the country’s marred relationship with the UK.[2] Brigadier Isaac stated that the air force’s interest in the JF-17 is part of its wider look at non-Western fighter platforms.

Argentina started its pursuit for a new-generation fighter aircraft in 2013. It had originally sought Spanish Air Force Dassault Mirage F-1s. However, that deal fell through because of a lack of funding and technical issues with the program. Argentina then requested Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Kfir fighters, but lack of certainty regarding the health of those airframes scuttled that route. In 2014, Argentina had broadened its look to include both Chinese and Russian fighters, but at that time, it still sought a Western fighter.

By 2016, Argentina began serious negotiations with Israel for the IAI Kfir Block-60. With the Kfir Block-60, IAI overhauled the fighter’s J79 turbojet to zero hours and upgraded it with modern subsystems, including the EL/M 2052 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. Argentina was in talks with Israel for 12-14 aircraft, but in 2017, the Argentine Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced it suspended those plans.

In 2019, reports started emerging of the Argentine Air Force entering serious talks with KAI for the latter’s F/A-50. The F/A-50 is the multirole fighter variant of the T-50 lead-in-fighter-trainer (LIFT) platform. This solution would have provided Argentina with both an advanced training platform and an adept lightweight multi-role fighter. However, according to Brigadier Isaac, when the prospect of a sale took on momentum (with Argentina arranging funds), KAI was unable to seriously commit due to the British-origin parts of the fighter. Brigadier Isaac said that Argentina was expecting the deal to fall through due to this issue.[3]

The Argentine Air Force has had a chequered experience seeking new combat aircraft to replace its legacy fleet, which are made up of aging A-4ARs. The A-4AR is an advanced variant of the A-4M Skyhawk built on a number of onboard electronics from the F-16, such as the AN/APG-66v2 radar, among other subsystems. It is unclear how many of Argentina’s original 36 A-4ARs remain in service, though one report claims that the Argentine Air Force is operating as six aircraft as of 2020.[4] If this situation is accurate, then Argentina lacks a credible air warfare capability in both the present and the future.

Argentina is working to generate movement towards its new fighter program in 2021, and in that vein, it will consider a variety of options, including non-Western solutions. The Argentine Air Force is planning for 12 new aircraft, and Brigadier Isaac said that it is considering the JF-17 Block-III an option. In fact, Brigadier Isaac revealed that Argentina had sent a commission to Pakistan about the JF-17 in 2017. However, it is currently interested in the JF-17 Block-III, which Brigadier Isaac says is “quite another plane” compared to the variant (likely Block-II) it had examined several years ago…

This is off topic I believe.
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