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Featured Azerbaijan and Pakistan JF-17 negotiations

Thanks for proving my point for me. :tup:

You mean JF-17 should be called "air force"? o_O

Internationally people don’t know what “Faizya” means. So if we MUST put a “F” NATO code name designation, it would be good marketing not just for the plane but our Air Force. We still have the Thunder name for our internal nomenclature, but world wide it would be the Pakistani plane. We need a way for our industry to get more attention.

The key is if we MUST have an “F” designation, “Fizaya” is better then a forgettable name no one will use.

BTW, Tejas should be called “Failure”
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Recent clash for liberation of Karabakh has already up the game in that region. Whether JF-17 for Azerbaijan or any other platform, it is not going to stop here and other side did feel the need of AirForce. Azerbaijan has the reason to opt for fighters & JF-17 is the best among contenders.
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we should introduce ban on export of Block III

Azerbaijan is too close to Israel and India is close to Israel

we could end up back firing here

max. should be Block II

Finally, someone who uses their God given reasoning and logic. Thank you Allah, Pakistan has not been lost yet to Jahils!!!
You aware like, all of the critical technological inputs are from China right? The same China who is also buddy-buddy with Israel and the same China who has conducted multiple overt and covert deals with Israel.

China isn't azerbaijan, for starters, Pakistan's relations with China are on a strategic level. This goes far beyond the conventional standards of bilateral relationship between countries. China isn't fool hardy to give away or expose itself or it's premier ally to foreign espionage or vulnerability.

The so-called "buddy-buddy" you so casually make reference to, has no grounds whatsoever. As you fail to take into account, that China is acutely aware of the closeness america, britain and france have to israel. So to insinuate that China somehow would have such a level of relations with israel, that it would casually endanger it's alliance and friendship with Pakistan, is both wreckless and beneath one's intelligence.

On the other hand, azerbaijan's relationship with israel can be equated to that of China's relationship with Pakistan. I have documented this in the azerbaijan-armenia war thread.

Comparing China to azerbaijan, is a foolish prospect, from an intellectual point of view.
Manned jets are not survivable in heavy AD environment like in Armenia Azerbaijan war. What Azerbaijan needs are attack drones, not manned jets. Precisely why Azerbaijan has a few MiG-29A only.

lets move the discussion to relevance and application of JF 17 for Azerbaijan.
from Air force point of view Azeris have little to none challenge from Armenians.
maybe Jeffs tuned for strike roles / ground support should be priority (with WVR missiles for A2A role) instead of (emphasis on) BVR air superiority unless Armenians take a drastic decision and start modernizing and expanding their air force with French/ Russian jets .

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More accurately.

Armenia's 4 Su-30SM were delivered December 2019 so they are all serviceable. Azerbaijan's 12 MiG-29A are second hand ones delivered in 1990s. About half of them should still be serviceable.
China isn't azerbaijan, for starters, Pakistan's relations with China are on a strategic level. This goes far beyond the conventional standards of bilateral relationship between countries. China isn't fool hardy to give away or expose itself or it's premier ally to foreign espionage or vulnerability.

The so-called "buddy-buddy" you so casually make reference to, has no grounds whatsoever. As you fail to take into account, that China is acutely aware of the closeness america, britain and france have to israel. So to insinuate that China somehow would have such a level of relations with israel, that it would casually endanger it's alliance and friendship with Pakistan, is both wreckless and beneath one's intelligence.

On the other hand, azerbaijan's relationship with israel can be equated to that of China's relationship with Pakistan. I have documented this in the azerbaijan-armenia war thread.

Comparing China to azerbaijan, is a foolish prospect, from an intellectual point of view.


we should introduce ban on export of Block III

Azerbaijan is too close to Israel and India is close to Israel

we could end up back firing here

max. should be Block II "

dunno how any of what you said is relevant to what i said

we should introduce ban on export of Block III

Azerbaijan is too close to Israel and India is close to Israel

we could end up back firing here

max. should be Block II "

dunno how any of what you said is relevant to what i said

Well this is what you said "in context" to what Asif posted, "You aware like, all of the critical technological inputs are from China right? The same China who is also buddy-buddy with Israel and the same China who has conducted multiple overt and covert deals with Israel."

Ring any bells?! My post was a response to what your post insinuated. Stay on point, my friend. It's easy to lose track of the discussion!!
Well this is what you said "in context" to what Asif posted, "You aware like, all of the critical technological inputs are from China right? The same China who is also buddy-buddy with Israel and the same China who has conducted multiple overt and covert deals with Israel."

Ring any bells?! My post was a response to what your post insinuated. Stay on point, my friend. It's easy to lose track of the discussion!!
relax big boy, the point is, pakistan has no reason to restrict JF-17 types and their export, China is happy to export the same, if not better products to whoever is willing. He suggested AZ could pass off 'secrets' of the JF-17 to IL who in turn would pass it off to IN, which is not the case, regardless, if IL wanted to they more than likely could just buy the stuff directly from CN, regardless, others agree with what i have said too. IDK what you are trying to say tbh
I think the observation i have made recently at one of the International airports of Pakistan
"at least one antonov is flying out in the morning"
Is it related to Azerbaijan?
Finally, someone who uses their God given reasoning and logic. Thank you Allah, Pakistan has not been lost yet to Jahils!!!


Really---when it is your need and turn---you go begging nations for weapons---and now when you are producing them---you have issues giving them to a brother in need---.
Azerbaijan needs an air force to protect itself from potential Russian or Iranian interference in the future. Azerbaijan could possibly pay for a division of the Turkish army to be permanently stationed in their country. And perhaps three squadrons of JF-17s would fit in terms of an air force deployment.

Block IIs could be offered but I just don't feel that anyone other than Turkey should get Pakistani block IIIs. Perhaps an alternate Block III could be sold with different radar and electronics.
5 pages already on this thread as well and still no order, maybe its time to move on.
I am afraid, Russian has strategic relations with Armenia, they won't allow 3rd party engine export to Azerbaijan, due to ongoing war.
I am afraid, Russian has strategic relations with Armenia, they won't allow 3rd party engine export to Azerbaijan, due to ongoing war.

Well this war is proven that Russians care more about money. Also Armenia doesn't spend as much to influence Russians. Well thats was i have witnessed so far.
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