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Ayesha Sidiqa calls Jinnah "Homosexual"

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This is what you do when you need some sort of cheap publicity.
Does anybody other than Indians give any lift to Aysha Siddiqa? Which Uni does she teach at?
News were out there that even the publication cost of her "Military Inc" was paid by Indian criminals. But the saddest thing to me is that a Muslim lady picking up extremely vulnerable time of "Pakistani History" to write such degrading/demeaning staff against its founder.
Should Be Hang Till Death.... We should come up with new law in pakistan for all anti pakistani people that they should be hang in front of public so that in future no1 dare to come up with such Speculations n try to make it look like reality
If Jinnah,Gandhi and Nehru are gays so what?Its their personal choice..Jinnah and Gandhi are the father of our respected nations and those three fought for the freedom now we enjoy ..no one can take it away from them..
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I heard that Indian Gandhi is a homo sexual too
is that correct?:smitten:

For God Sake Indian, she won you a war !!! and she is dead. Have some respect for your leader dude. I hate her coz of what she did to us, even i do not believe in slandering her personal character
From what i read she did not call anyone a homo, she meant something else.

Ofcourse easier to throw acid than brush up english eh!
I find this thread extremely offensive please delete as its spreading lies and disrespecting our leaders who fought to give us freedom

thank you kindly
the most easiest, cheapest and convinient way to get publicity is .......... say something negative about the celeberity or the great leaders :rofl:

Just imagine tomorrow a girl stands up saying she spent a night with Musharraf in London Hilton Hotel :rofl: she will obviously be get publicity from all over the world

Same is here, she called all the great leaders as homosexual to get publicity in both countries Pakistan and India
She should apply for indian immigration.

In case in future Indian immigartion does open up for Pakistan, i am sure lot of people will be applying for it , It would be an equal rage with Pakistani people as it maybe for Canada and Aus.
Does anybody other than Indians give any lift to Aysha Siddiqa? Which Uni does she teach at?

Who is she?? :) well said Asim

She teaches at Quaid-e-Azam University ironically, Where her students have been seeing her teaching them with a cigarette in one hand puffing on it it smoothly .

There some other inside stories too which her students narrate but i consider it inappropriate to repeat here as its her personal matter.
There some other inside stories too which her students narrate but i consider it inappropriate to repeat here as its her personal matter.


yeah right, Explains a lot
well guyz i emailed her to explain the charge n she said this is a lie n a part of campaign to malign her..am not sure it shud b believd or not ..i suggest u guys to email her n post the responses here.
this was her sense of something funny. i dont think she was actually saying that all of them were homosexuals. people need to calm down.
what if they were he is way better than all the straight men that have run and are running pakistan know.
Not defending her or anything but apparently no one has enough reading skills on these boards to read the line where she wrote "On a Serious Note"
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