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Avoid cow slaughter on Eid to respect Hindu sentiments: Darul Uloom Deoband

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there are equal amount of muslims too who find pork tasty so whats the point. pork can be cleansed and the pigs can be taken good care of before actually slaughtering them

I never saw any Muslim eating pork but saw thousands of Hindus(indians) eating cow meat.
Because ur religious duty doesn't apply on us so you cant stop us ethically.

to stop you is the religious duty in a sense to ensure that the cow slaugter does not happen. nothing to do with being a hindu or a muslim.
at least one should do so in the vicinity where there are majority of hindus around.

Now this gundapan of hindus of india ,
here in pakistan hindus are full free to do what ever they want in their own community ,
but your point tells Muslims are not free in India.
So plants are non living things? Come outta your stone age thinkings about cow & stuffs. I've saw modern Indians in US eating beef & saying, why the hell we haven't eat this before, it is too much tasty.

whatever makes you happy , weather it is eating grass or a cow , otherwise nobody here is asking you to stop eating beef .
Avoid cow slaughter on Eid to respect Hindu sentiments: Darul Uloom Deoband

MUZAFFARNAGAR: On the eve of Eid-ul-Zuha, leading Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband on Sunday appealed to Muslims to avoid cow slaughter on the festival as a mark of respect for the feelings of Hindus.

Vice-chancellor of the Darul Uloom, Maulana Abul Kasim Naumani said, "As a mark of respect for the feelings of Hindus, the seminary has asked Muslims in the country to avoid cow slaughter on the occasion of Id-Ul-Zuha tomorrow."

He also asked Muslims to cooperate with the sanitary department for the cleanliness drive during the festival.

I totally second your motion. I think part of the problem is Muslims don't understand that Hindus Worship just COWS.

There are plenty of other animals that can be sacrificed without hurting the feelings of our Hindu brothers.

Abraham ( Ibrahim ) sacrificed sheep and not cows so there is no conflict if we follow the Abrahamic tradition of sacrificing sheeps.

We can sacrifice sheeps, goats, camels etc. to carry on with this Islamic tradition.

A good Muslim is one who is also humane and respects the feelings of other human beings.

If you live in a neighbourhood with Hindus as your neighbours, It would not be very neighbourly to kill an animal they consider their deity. I think this call by the Deobandis is wise move even though Deobandis dont always make wise calls.
Being a devil's advocate here, why only cow? I mean why has it to be a COW, the female?
Why cant it be a Buffallo, Bull, or some other bovine animal? Same thing right?

I have eaten beef in India - one made from buffalo, during Id. So, why only cow, why is it so important that it has to be The COW?

It doesn't has to be cow but it is more available and easy to obtain than the others.
Now this gundapan of hindus of india ,
here in pakistan hindus are full free to do what ever they want in their own community ,
but your point tells Muslims are not free in India.

hope hindus are free to slaughter pigs in open?
hope hindus are free to have any position in goverment of pakistan?
As i said religious harmony comes with mutual respect with for one anothers religious sentiments. hindus majorly are vegetarians no one asks muslims to become veggies but at the same time expect them to not to slaughter cows.
we should live happily whatever religion , point is not to impose opinion on other , and live peacefully.
I totally second your motion. I think part of the problem is Muslims don't understand that Hindus Worship just COWS.

There are plenty of other animals that can be sacrificed without hurting the feelings of our Hindu brothers.

Abraham ( Ibrahim ) sacrificed sheep and not cows so there is no conflict if we follow the Abrahamic tradition of sacrificing sheeps.

We can sacrifice camels, goats etc. to carry on with this Islamic tradition.

A good Muslim is one who is also humane and respects the feelings of other human beings.

If you live in a neighbourhood with Hindus as your neighbours, It would not be very neighbourly to kill an animal they consider their deity. I think this call by the Deobandis is wise move even though Deobandis dont always make wise calls.

One correction. Hindus dont actually worship cows but consider her equivalent to mother as it feeds the people just like mother. secondly alive it can feed more people then she is dead.
hope hindus are free to slaughter pigs in open?
hope hindus are free to have any position in goverment of pakistan?
As i said religious harmony comes with mutual respect with for one anothers religious sentiments. hindus majorly are vegetarians no one asks muslims to become veggies but at the same time expect them to not to slaughter cows.

yes they can slaughter pig and eat it no one will stop them .

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

One correction. Hindus dont actually worship cows but consider her equivalent to mother as it feeds the people just like mother. secondly alive it can feed more people then she is dead.

we dont think she is mother or some thing like this , we think its a resource of milk and meat.
at least one should do so in the vicinity where there are majority of hindus around.

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ----------

if we go the same lane then worshipping nothing hurts the sentiments of hindus by that logic but then again mutual respect for other religions is something alien on your side.

Mutual respect for other religions? That is comingg from an Indian:cheesy:, Orissa, Gajarat, Occupied Kashmir have we forgotten them? BTW stop worshipping statues so that Muslim sentiments don't gets hurt, but it is impossible for you, now keep in mind that same way it is impossible for others too, not to sacrifice cow.
I for one cant understand this whole killing of numerous innocent animals on the name of religion.
How can any God be possibly happy seeing its own creation being slaughtered.

This video made me sick... Peace my a$$..
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I for one cant understand this whole killing of numerous innocent animals on the name of religion.
How can any God be possibly happy seeing its own creation being slaughtered.

This video made me sick... Peace my a$$..

Post # 13.
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