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Avoid cow slaughter on Eid to respect Hindu sentiments: Darul Uloom Deoband

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I guess Darul Uloom Deoband shold start preaching the Hindus religion for its respect....:smokin:
You may be correct but as I said it is a ritual of following on the footsteps of our father Abraham. We do exactly like he did in his moments of absolute faith so we can experience the same faith he had or at least try to get close to it.

But then again when you have 2 paths in which following one makes you hurt sentiments of others and in other you can follow your religon without actually hurting the sentiments of others and remaining religiously legit. Hope what Abraham would have chosen and what a muslim should choose?
well god has blessed we human beings with so much of intelligence , i can understand a stone age man hunting for animals when he evolved on this planet since he had no other choice , same is the case with the cat which hunts for a mouse to fill its stomach , you may call it as survival of the fitest , but today a mordern day man can survive even on vegetarian food stuffs aswell , i don't think you will die if you stop eating beaf

So plants are non living things? Come outta your stone age thinkings about cow & stuffs. I've saw modern Indians in US eating beef & saying, why the hell we haven't eat this before, it is too much tasty.
well god has blessed we human beings with so much of intelligence , i can understand a stone age man hunting for animals when he evolved on this planet since he had no other choice , same is the case with the cat which hunts for a mouse to fill its stomach , you may call it as survival of the fitest , but today a mordern day man can survive even on vegetarian food stuffs aswell , i don't think you will die if you stop eating beaf , a cat killing a mice is his need , but a human being killing a cow is his greed or cruelty

I do not share your sentiment. We do not kill cows just for the fun of it but we do it for food. I will never become a vegetarian ever mainly because I think the act is stupid. God has created for us two sets of teeth (three if you count fangs) one for veggies and one for meat. A lot of our essentials we get from Meat. God has created human beings to eat both.
Yeah right RAW MOSSAD did it and how do you know because you said so.... :lol:
sure go ahead.

I don't wanna go offtopic so i will stop here.

BTW if you say cow is holyy so whole world stop eating it?
But then again when you have 2 paths in which following one makes you hurt sentiments of others and in other you can follow your religon without actually hurting the sentiments of others and remaining religiously legit. Hope what Abraham would have chosen and what a muslim should choose?

i guess your just imposing ur opinion on other,

why would my sacrifice hurt your feeling.

Grow up leave extremism.
So plants are non living things? Come outta your stone age thinkings about cow & stuffs. I've saw modern Indians in US eating beef & saying, why the hell we haven't eat this before, it is too much tasty.

there are equal amount of muslims too who find pork tasty so whats the point. pork can be cleansed and the pigs can be taken good care of before actually slaughtering them

---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

i guess your just imposing ur opinion on other,

why would my sacrifice hurt your feeling.

Grow up leave extremism.

because your sacrifice is something wrong for me even if i myself dont do it. i am supposed to not to let that happen as a religious duty just like yours to actually sacrifice it.

and please explain what is extremist about it?
there are equal amount of muslims too who find pork tasty so whats the point. pork can be cleansed and the pigs can be taken good care of before actually slaughtering them

they can eat whatever we are not stopping them .
Guys, you are mixing two things. Deoband asked to stop "Ritual Slaughter", not eating beef.
The fact that they do it to be popular is different matter.
People can and should be able to eat beef in India. I dont really understand the veggie view point.
But then again when you have 2 paths in which following one makes you hurt sentiments of others and in other you can follow your religon without actually hurting the sentiments of others and remaining religiously legit. Hope what Abraham would have chosen and what a muslim should choose?

If Hinuds choose to eat pork it is not hurting our sentiments by the way it is their choice and their religion does not mandate them not to so it is their choice. However the world is bigger than India. Again cow slaughter is cost efficient and it brings more meat to give as "Sadaqah" (charity to the poor) and thus more good deeds in the eyes of God.
there are equal amount of muslims too who find pork tasty so whats the point. pork can be cleansed and the pigs can be taken good care of before actually slaughtering them

---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

because your sacrifice is something wrong for me even if i myself dont do it. i am supposed to not to let that happen as a religious duty just like yours to actually sacrifice it.

and please explain what is extremist about it?

Because ur religious duty doesn't apply on us so you cant stop us ethically.
exactly the same point no one asks you to keep statues in a masjid nor anyone asks you to pray to them. cow slaughter and pig slaugter are equally offensive to both the communities so should be checked.

Muslims don't mind when people eat pork or other $h1ts, same thing you guys should do, & if you say it hurts your sentiments than worshipping statues hurt sentiments of Muslims too.
I don't wanna go offtopic so i will stop here.

BTW if you say cow is holyy so whole world stop eating it?

at least one should do so in the vicinity where there are majority of hindus around.

---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ----------

Muslims don't mind when people eat pork or other $h1ts, same thing you guys should do, & if you say it hurts your sentiments than worshipping statues hurt sentiments of Muslims too.

if we go the same lane then worshipping nothing hurts the sentiments of hindus by that logic but then again mutual respect for other religions is something alien on your side.
Being a devil's advocate here, why only cow? I mean why has it to be a COW, the female?
Why cant it be a Buffallo, Oxen, or some other bovine animal? Same thing right?

I have eaten beef in India - one made from buffalo, during Id. So, why only cow, why is it so important that it has to be The COW?
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