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Avoid cow slaughter on Eid to respect Hindu sentiments: Darul Uloom Deoband

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Mutual respect for other religions? That is comingg from an Indian:cheesy:, Orissa, Gajarat, Occupied Kashmir have we forgotten them? BTW stop worshipping statues so that Muslim sentiments don't gets hurt, but it is impossible for you, now keep in mind that same way it is impossible for others too, not to sacrifice cow.

i can go ahead and stop worshipping stautes and would be perfectly fine with it. i can even read islamic prayers if you like and still remain a hindu... :lol: and i am ready to do that. what about you wanna have a pork party?
We have no interest in hurting fellows from india , just talked about our human rights , hope you didn't get offended.
Why should we?

It's our culture and our religion. We try our best to respect yours during your festivals but in India you dont respect the Muslims and their culture, so how can you imagine us listening to the title?
I for one cant understand this whole killing of numerous innocent animals on the name of religion.
How can any God be possibly happy seeing its own creation being slaughtered.

This video made me sick... Peace my a$$..

LoL at the comments in the video. Shows Indian mentality doesn't it??
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Why should we?

It's our culture and our religion. We try our best to respect yours during your festivals but in India you dont respect the Muslims and their culture, so how can you imagine us listening to the title?

What a load of bull$hit...

You call this mass slaughtering of innocent animals a festival... Which blood thirsty diety can possibly be happy with this blood shed..??:angry:
We have no interest in hurting fellows from india , just talked about our human rights , hope you didn't get offended.

the news is for indian muslims not for you by the way....
and yeah typical crap of human rights and animal rights
LoL at the comments in the video. Shows Indian mentality doesn't it??

Indian mentality...???
Are u happy seeing these innocnet animals being butchered on the name a blood thirsty diety..???
give it a break people..

People are entitled to eat whatever they like,irrespective of their religion.

The religious leader just made a suggestion,as a nice gesture towards people of other religion.People can choose to ignore it if they like,nobody is forcing anybody.
I am non vegetarian myself.But I find the idea of sacrificing animal a little distasteful.I understand the purpose of killing an animal for eating.But killing an animal to make a prayer is something that I find distasteful.It feels like I am taking away a life just because I have the power to do it.
I am a Hindu,and there are rituals in Hinduism where animals are sacrificed and I find them equally distasteful.My personal opinion.
And I find it amazing that people actually have the audacity to justify this bloodshed o innocent animals just becoz they think it will please some blood thristy diety...
@ Divya - let it be.
This was a statement issued by the Darul-Uloom-Deo to respect sentiments. It "asked" our Muslim brothers NOT to sacrifice a COW. Did not mention about any other bovine. So Muslims in India are free to ignore the statement or they can sacrifice any other bovine animal like a buffalo, ox, bull etc, like my friends used to do. Anyway thats usually what happens. Its only a few 'troube mongers' who insist on the sacrificial animal being the cow.

Making a big deal out of nothing actually.
Religion of peace my a$$

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@ Divya - let it be.
This was a statement issued by the Darul-Uloom-Deo to respect sentiments. It "asked" our Muslim brothers NOT to sacrifice a COW. Did not mention about any other bovine. So Muslims in India are free to ignore the statement or they can sacrifice any other bovine animal like a buffalo, ox, bull etc, like my friends used to do. Anyway thats usually what happens. Its only a few 'troube mongers' who insist on the sacrificial animal being the cow.

Making a big deal out of nothing actually.

aahhh right sir... i am outa here its hard to explain the word "respect for other religions" to some people who brought with the mentality of them being superior to other humans.
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