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Authentic Hadees Reference of Ghazwa-E-Hind

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Well yes indeed. In transliteration and interpretation these two need clarifying.

(i) "We" - I suppose in context this would refer to Muslims as within the context of those times.

(ii) "India" - This is 7th century. Furthermore the transliterator has taken liberties by using the term "India" as I am pretty sure in the original document it must have used the term "Hind". It is matter of transliteration and being accurate to history and time that the appropriate term is used. I am pretty sure in 7th Century Arabian context "Hind" meant modern day Sindh/Indus Valley. At differant times it has had differant meaning. As I showed in the map of British India in 1909 it even included Myanmar/Burma. Over history this term has flexed from meaning Sindh, subcontinent to modern political state.

We have to be mindful of linguistic drift. I might have happily said "I feel gay" in 1950. I am not sure I would say that today to convey my elevated mood as in 2015 most would understand "gay" to mean something else. Of course this is not going to stop the morons to go about "Ghazwa e Hind" to mean call for conquest of modern Indian Republic. Nuanced thinking has never been their forte.

On a side note did you know "Asia" was coined by Ancient Greeks and meant the western coast of Turkey ( Anatolia) originally and over time has morphed to mean an entire continent. In fact in USA today that term would suggest Chinese/Japanese. Far from anything what the Ancient Greeks used that term for.
What I would do research or in a world where very few speak the truth ...I used to take my doubts to an Arab speaker ask them to translate it word for word....Take out the words which make it sound like its a hadith (usually the narration and that Prophet said this and that) join back the sentence with help of another Arab and go to the 3rd Arab and ask him/ her to read and tell me what they think about it....

Long story short I got really interesting answers
Gazawa e hind Expert Sir Zaid hamid sir is back from Saudi with his Red A$$. You can ask him. He will give you many references including How the soldiers of Allah will come on horses to slaughter Hindus. He quotes BBC news for that also. He is the right person to through the light on subject.
Thats why I am against any kind of pure Islamic discussion on Online forums.
Just like Isalm says ask one with knowledge not one who trolls :rofl:
2ndly, its ok to listen to 10-20 people but analyze yourself and decide which to accept and which is more close to Quran and Hadith :enjoy:
3rdly if neither helps, pray always helps me ;)
:rofl: and I posted from a website which is not secular (meaning free from religion)

This is not right...

In the Quran it has repeatedly asked ...."koi hai jo souchay samjhay"

Now if you do "souch" you will come up with questions...

Nabi Adam asked questions no one stopped him Nabi Ibrahim asked questions he came to ALLAH through his questions...I can actually prove from the Quran that questioning is encouraged! What is discouraged is mischief - to question for the sake of confusing the other...and causing mischief!

I like this concept of "souch".

It gives me great joy that the billion plus Gazwa followers don't have the collective strength to actually follow up on the so called "hadees".


The collective Muslim nations including the whole ME, the Central Asian nations including Pakistan (including the "wet dreaming on killing all the Hindus enmasse"), Afghanistan, (Bangladesh..lol), the North African nations aka the "Islamic maghrib" declaring war on India collectively..


The "kafeers" and the "unbelievers" and the idol worshipers decide to oppose the "Islamic invasion"...namely the whole west including Europe, the non believers of the East..China to Japan, Russia, Israel etc etc decides to side with the idol worshipers for no love lost with the "Muslims"....who do you think will win?.....Assuming India decides to adopt the Israeli "samson option" and all the world's powers backs it?. Wouldn't take much to reduce much of the Islamic centers to reduce to dust...

if the non Muslim world including India can send space ships and satellites to Mars..it is child's play to send a few nukes to the main Islamic centers dead center.

So..end of the day, ideally letting wet dreams be wet dreams and "souch" should deter from taking any crass steps.
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It gives me great joy that the billion plus Gazwa followers don't have the collective strength to actually follow up on the so called "hadees".
Usually when a poor man comes over begging, you feel pity and give him some cash....same is the thinking of some people, if a so called self proclaimed pious man comes preaching and like our indian friend here just now saying these lines "I KNOW ABOUT ISLAM" then MANY dont think to double check!
Just like Isalm says ask one with knowledge not one who trolls :rofl:
2ndly, its ok to listen to 10-20 people but analyze yourself and decide which to accept and which is more close to Quran and Hadith :enjoy:
3rdly if neither helps, pray always helps me ;)
I have a simple rule for matters which i don't understand perfectly. working for me not sure about you guys.
"The thing which goes against love and respect of prophet S.A.A.W should be rejected Immediately".
Just a rule of thumb which is taught to me.
@Color_Less_Sky @Indus Falcon

The collective Muslim nations including the whole ME, the Central Asian nations including Pakistan (including the "wet dreaming on killing all the Hindus enmasse"), Afghanistan, (Bangladesh..lol), the North African nations aka the "Islamic maghrib" declaring war on India collectively..
Nice to know you are thinking but not exactly in the right direction....
As you can see some on the first few pages claim that this prophesy has already happened....so your india is safe and no one wishes to take over it ...except few who havent checked it up and are literally following some old man's assumption/ dreams/ wants

Though it would be interesting that soo many nations would come together COLLECTIVELY!

As for Islamic maghrib - that doesnt even make sense! No idea whose blog you have been going through!

The "kafeers" and the "unbelievers" and the idol worshipers decide to oppose the "Islamic invasion"...namely the whole west including Europe, the non believers of the East..China to Japan, Russia, Israel etc etc...who do you think will win?.....Assuming India decides to adopt the Israeli "samson option" and all the world's powers backs it?. Wouldn't take much to reduce much of the Islamic centers to reduce to dust...

if the non Muslim world including India can send space ships and satellites to Mars..it is child's play to send a few nukes to the main Islamic centers dead center
And we can see here a display of who actually wants what! Had you not included this para I would have believed you really wanted a discussion :tsk:

So..end of the day, ideally letting wet dreams be wet dreams and "souch" should deter from taking any crass steps.
And a masterpiece of an example of exactly what I was saying- taking words out of context

@waz I think the thread served its purpose...the new comers are just trolling...

I have a simple rule for matters which i don't understand perfectly. working for me not sure about you guys.
"The thing which goes against love and respect of prophet S.A.A.W should be rejected Immediately".
Just a rule of thumb which is taught to me.
@Color_Less_Sky @Indus Falcon
Well then the question comes in what do you call respect? My prophet is dead any moron disrespecting my prophet is looking exactly like what I called him a moron!

I mean who disrespects a dead man?

2ndly, I tend to ignore such people...What use is it to try to explain something to a person who can be as shameless as disrespecting a dead man?

And lastly, ALLAH and also the Prophet in his las kutba told us we are to pass the msg to those who didnt hear only

What they do with the msg is their problem :tup:
Usually when a poor man comes over begging, you feel pity and give him some cash....same is the thinking of some people, if a so called self proclaimed pious man comes preaching and like our indian friend here just now saying these lines "I KNOW ABOUT ISLAM" then MANY dont think to double check!

I appreciate what you trying to do here..i.e. prove the fakery that's actually driving many of your people towards terrorism..many of your comrades sadly do believe in self destruction...It isn't a piece of cake to kill a "billion Hindus" without wiping your "quom" and the rest along with it..sadly this doesn't register into the minds of the gazwa lovers.
prove the fakery that's actually driving many of your people towards terrorism..
No one is driven by such a thing
If they are that is their problem
.many of your comrades sadly do believe in self destruction
My religion clearly says I am not responsible for the doing of another...Each is an adult enough to be responsible for his own doing...The only part I play is telling if they dont listen like you and repeat BS...then this is applicable:
no one can help one who doesnt help themselves

It isn't a piece of cake to kill a "billion Hindus" without wiping your "quom" and the rest along with it..sadly this doesn't register into the minds of the gazwa lovers.
I actually said
so your india is safe and no one wishes to take over it
But like a broken tape recorder filled with hatred you are just ranting now.
Reported for BS as no where in my posts have I said anything which you are implying thanks to you hatred filled brain!

.sadly this doesn't register into the minds of the gazwa lovers.
Their minds their business :tup:
No one is driven by such a thing
If they are that is their problem

My religion clearly says I am not responsible for the doing of another...Each is an adult enough to be responsible for his own doing...The only part I play is telling if they dont listen like you and repeat BS...then this is applicable:
no one can help one who doesnt help themselves

I actually said

But like a broken tape recorder filled with hatred you are just ranting now.
Reported for BS as no where in my posts have I said anything which you are implying thanks to you hatred filled brain!

Their minds their business :tup:


Reported for what? - I forgot why I have you on my ignore list.

Where did I even hold you responsible for anybody?..as I said..I appreciate what you are trying to do here..prove the fakery..adios.
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