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Featured Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power

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Yea right 16th century. Busy worshipping indian buddha then i believe. You are talking as if it is a chinese carefully considered decision not to industrialize and "let" europe leapfrog. Your culture simply couldnt produce the scientific temper that europeans could.
Exactly, Qing dynasty was busy suppressing thoughts that could disrupt their corrupt rule. Once China had a competent government in the form of CCP, we became the world's largest industrial power within 4 decades. That's what good organization and competent leadership can do.

Don't be mad. Maybe one day you can achieve half our IQ. Don't worry, numbers can't harm you. No need to screech like a monkey.
Traitors and strenght of internal unity also play a big part.
IQ is not everything, but will greatly help in learning where it went wrong and coming up with remedies.
That is why the Chinese keep coming back up with the longest living history.
Cannot say the same for the Romans, Egyptians, and the Babylonians.

YES, the British only needed a VERY SMALL FORCE OF 3000 SOLDIERS to take all of modern India.
For comparison, a million soldiers from industrially advanced Japan couldn't take China down in 8 years.
Combined forces of the 8 formost Industrially Advanced Nations couldn't colonize China.
Hahaha, LOL.

If IQ is not everything why does it come again and again like a desperate clutch to pathetically present chinese as some genetically super engineered super race. Indians are not the one here claiming IQ this and that (there brahmins do by the way ).

Did you acquire these stupid racist beliefs from chinese education or western education ?
Exactly, Qing dynasty was busy suppressing thoughts that could disrupt their corrupt rule. Once China had a competent government in the form of CCP, we became the world's largest industrial power within 4 decades. We're just that good.

Don't be mad. Maybe one day you can achieve half our IQ. Don't worry, numbers can't harm you. No need to screech like a monkey.

Yea right - the IQ kicked in the last 4 decades - haha
If IQ is not everything why does it come again and again like a desperate clutch to pathetically present chinese as some genetically super engineered super race. Indians are not the one here claiming IQ this and that (there brahmins do by the way ).

Did you acquire these stupid racist beliefs from chinese education or western education ?

Yea right - the IQ kicked in the last 4 decades - haha
Well the IQ cut off for retardation is 70. India is only 19 points above that, so it's fair to say your country is quite stupid in general. And yes, the IQ kicked in in the last 4 decades thanks to superior education and competent leadership. While you were busy worshiping cows, we were studying our asses off for exams.

We're just a better civilization than you are. Nothing racist about it. It's not biological.
Well the IQ cut off for retardation is 70. India is only 19 points above that, so it's fair to say your country is quite stupid in general. And yes, the IQ kicked in in the last 4 decades thanks to superior education and competent leadership.

We're just a better civilization than you are. Nothing racist about it. It's not biological.

IQ is biological and it is also individual measure btw. I guess you must be a chinese "outlier" with low IQ being unable to grasp the concept - how unfortunate. But yea you can make it up by keep connecting yourself with more succesful chinese and averaging out your low IQ with their high IQ and screaming here.

If some mishap happens and chinese dreams of super power gets stunted then maybe you can pimp yourself out to koreans and average out their IQ and still increase the average - haha.

And that insecurity in keep blaming indians despite them not claiming any IQ super powers here.
If IQ is not everything why does it come again and again like a desperate clutch to pathetically present chinese as some genetically super engineered super race. Indians are not the one here claiming IQ this and that (there brahmins do by the way ).

Did you acquire these stupid racist beliefs from chinese education or western education ?

Yea right - the IQ kicked in the last 4 decades - haha
There is also EQ, and hard work among other qualities.
It is a sad fact that there were Chinese with High IQ that were aiding the enemies.
Lee Teng Hui and his father are well known to have sold out the Chinese for the Japanese.

Some examples of HIGH IQ Chinese who helped the US, who was not considered as adversarial then, but only Credited a CENTURY LATER.

The Chinese Birdman Who Got U.S. Aircraft Giant Boeing Flying
Sep 24, 2015

It isn't well known outside aviation circles that the first engineer at U.S. aircraft maker Boeing almost a century ago was a man from China, Wong Tsu – and his story is one that doesn’t sound possible in the current era of distrust between the two nations.
Mr. Wong’s hiring by Boeing produced almost immediate results.

March 1, 2017
Chien-Shiung Wu Is the Manhattan Project Physicist Who Succeeded Where Fermi Failed

In 1944, she joined the Manhattan Project, the famed research program conceived by Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi to develop an atomic bomb. Wu actually made a breakthrough where Fermi himself had struggledshe developed a way to enrich uranium ore that helped create large quantities of fuel for the atomic bomb. That wasn't the last time she gave Fermi a helping hand. She also was responsible for the first confirmation of his theory of beta decay, where a neutron or proton changes into the other and creates a different element.

Nobel Prize for Enrico Fermi,"architect of the atomic bomb",
but not for Chinese Mdm Wu
IQ is biological and it is also individual measure btw. I guess you must be a chinese "outlier" with low IQ being unable to grasp the concept - how unfortunate. But yea you can make it up by keep connecting yourself with more succesful chinese and averaging out your low IQ with their high IQ and screaming here.

If some mishap happens and chinese dreams of super power gets stunted then maybe you can pimp yourself out to koreans and average out their IQ and still increase the average - haha.
False, IQ is not strictly biological.

"Intelligence is also strongly influenced by the environment. Factors related to a child’s home environment and parenting, education and availability of learning resources, and nutrition, among others, all contribute to intelligence. A person’s environment and genes influence each other, and it can be challenging to tease apart the effects of the environment from those of genetics. For example, if a child’s IQ is similar to that of his or her parents, is that similarity due to genetic factors passed down from parent to child, to shared environmental factors, or (most likely) to a combination of both? It is clear that both environmental and genetic factors play a part in determining intelligence. "

Since you don't know that fact. I am going to assume you have lower IQ than average Indians. That makes you borderline if not outright retarded. Your poor thing.

I forgive you for your stupidity just as I forgive monkeys for throwing their own poop when confused. It's okay to be retarded. I won't make fun of you.
It is a sad fact that there were Chinese with High IQ that were aiding the enemies.
Lee Teng Hui and his father are well known to have sold out the China for the Japanese.

Some examples of HIGH IQ Chinese who helped the US, who was not considered as adversarial then, but only Credited a CENTURY LATER.

The Chinese Birdman Who Got U.S. Aircraft Giant Boeing Flying
Sep 24, 2015

It isn't well known outside aviation circles that the first engineer at U.S. aircraft maker Boeing almost a century ago was a man from China, Wong Tsu – and his story is one that doesn’t sound possible in the current era of distrust between the two nations.
Mr. Wong’s hiring by Boeing produced almost immediate results.

March 1, 2017
Chien-Shiung Wu Is the Manhattan Project Physicist Who Succeeded Where Fermi Failed

In 1944, she joined the Manhattan Project, the famed research program conceived by Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi to develop an atomic bomb. Wu actually made a breakthrough where Fermi himself had struggledshe developed a way to enrich uranium ore that helped create large quantities of fuel for the atomic bomb. That wasn't the last time she gave Fermi a helping hand. She also was responsible for the first confirmation of his theory of beta decay, where a neutron or proton changes into the other and creates a different element.

Nobel Prize for Enrico Fermi,"architect of the atomic bomb",
but not for Chinese Mdm Wu

It doesnt matter. There are several individuals of india, africa too with outstanding scientific, literary achievements. Civilizational progress almost always come by establishing fairness, egalatarianism. Development and industraliazation are not hard things - but destroying racism, genetic elitism, etc are.

5 centuries back English was considered a vulgar language and every educated person in england spoke latin or french.
False, IQ is not strictly biological.

"Intelligence is also strongly influenced by the environment. Factors related to a child’s home environment and parenting, education and availability of learning resources, and nutrition, among others, all contribute to intelligence. A person’s environment and genes influence each other, and it can be challenging to tease apart the effects of the environment from those of genetics. For example, if a child’s IQ is similar to that of his or her parents, is that similarity due to genetic factors passed down from parent to child, to shared environmental factors, or (most likely) to a combination of both? It is clear that both environmental and genetic factors play a part in determining intelligence. "

Since you don't know that fact. I am going to assume you have lower IQ than average Indians. That makes you borderline if not outright retarded. Your poor thing.

I forgive you for your stupidity just as I forgive monkeys for throwing their own poop when confused. It's okay to be retarded. I won't make fun of you.

If it not genetics than WTF is chinese about it. It will be there whever the environment exist. You are no match to me in every way. YOu know that - stupid monkey using national pride to diss and troll others. Now fk off.
If it not genetics than WTF is chinese about it. It will be there whever the environment exist. You are no match to me in every way. YOu know that - stupid monkey using national pride to diss and troll others. Now fk off.
It's not genetic. We're just a better culture with better educational system. You do know culture isn't biological right? Just checking because you are kinda retarded after all.

I certainly would not want to match you in any way. That means I must have suffered major brain damage in that case.
It's not genetic. We're just a better culture with better educational system. You do know culture isn't biological right? Just checking because you are kinda retarded after all.

I certainly would not want to match you in any way. That means I must have suffered major brain damage in that case.

Yes - you copied western culture and values derived from communism well. I agree and that explains chinese progress in last 4 decades. You destroyed your stupid elite with their stupid mandates from heaven claiming biological superiority over other chinese. You gave dignity to chinese peasants who were considered less pieces of $hit by your great chinese cultural elite. Yes now you do have a good culture - but you dont need a chinaman for it.
Yes - you copied western culture and values derived from communism well. I agree and that explains chinese progress in last 4 decades. You destroyed your stupid elite with their stupid mandates from heaven claiming biological superiority over other chinese. You gave dignity to chinese peasants who were considered less pieces of $hit by your great chinese cultural elite. Yes now you do have a good culture - but you dont need a chinaman for it.
That's where you're also wrong. Below is the list of ten highest regions by IQ. See a pattern?

1. Hong Kong (108)
2. Singapore (108)
3. South Korea (106)
4. China (105)
5. Japan (105)
6. Taiwan (105)

7. Iceland (101)
8. Macau (101)
9. Switzerland (101)
10. Austria (100)

Confucian cultures had always encouraged learning and academic achievements. The only difference is that ruling elites are no longer able to withhold their knowledge from the masses as a mean of retaining political power. If Western influence was the only factor, Indians wouldn't be borderline retarded today after being colonized by British.
It doesnt matter. There are several individuals of india, africa too with outstanding scientific, literary achievements. Civilizational progress almost always come by establishing fairness, egalatarianism. Development and industraliazation are not hard things - but destroying racism, genetic elitism, etc are.

5 centuries back English was considered a vulgar language and every educated person in england spoke latin or french.

If it not genetics than WTF is chinese about it. It will be there whever the environment exist. You are no match to me in every way. YOu know that - stupid monkey using national pride to diss and troll others. Now fk off.
There will always be some outstanding individuals among a billion people.
I am surprised that there are so few of them in India, pulling their average IQ score down.

I am not supportive of people who use language to showcase their finese or sophistication.
Mao did good to simplify Chinese so more can be literate instead of admiring the beauty of its calligraphy and difficulty.

EQ and hard work and other qualities are also important factors in the success of a nation.
Even the most intelligent can be scammed, but they will most likely not be scammed again.

Would be good if you provided links to those you consider outstanding Indian Individuals in technology.
I don't consider CARETAKER CEO's of Western established corporations as outstanding in technology.
If it not genetics than WTF is chinese about it. It will be there whever the environment exist. You are no match to me in every way. YOu know that - stupid monkey using national pride to diss and troll others. Now fk off.
He have a point though, apart from genetics, good food and environment will certainly help in achieving full potential in the knowledge gathering process.
That's where you're also wrong. Below is the list of ten highest regions by IQ. See a pattern?

1. Hong Kong (108)
2. Singapore (108)
3. South Korea (106)
4. China (105)
5. Japan (105)
6. Taiwan (105)

7. Iceland (101)
8. Macau (101)
9. Switzerland (101)
10. Austria (100)

Confucian cultures had always encouraged learning and academic achievements. The only difference is that ruling elites are no longer able to withhold their knowledge from the masses as a mean of retaining political power. If Western influence was the only factor, Indians wouldn't be borderline retarded today after being colonized by British.

Indian act like borderline retards because they haven't destroyed their venal elite. You are basically too much of a geek giving importance to things that don't really matter. Some westerner came up with this concept of IQ and no one knows how well it is measured or whatever and you desperately keep pumping it up. It doesn't matter mate what that precious three digit number of yours says- who ruled HK till like 1998 - was it not the tiny british? And arent a significant HKeges still unhappy with china ? why was korea poorer than congo in 1950s?

There is no myth or mystery about human economic development. Once a modicum of fairness is established most societies do well. Did you know that average indian in early 20th century was more well off than average russian under tsar ?
Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power
The unilateral restrictions are intended to demonstrate to other nations the costs of challenging China’s interests.

By Sebastian Strangio
November 05, 2020

In the same week that China’s President Xi Jinping pledged to promote “an open world economy” in a speech at an international trade expo, his government declared a raft of punitive restrictions on imports from Australia.

As my colleagues at The Diplomat have noted, China this week ordered traders to stop purchasing at least seven categories of Australian commodities: coal, barley, copper ore and concentrate, sugar, timber, wine and lobster. The government has ordered the halt to begin on November 6, with the South China Morning Post reporting that a ban on Australian wheat is likely to follow.

The reports confirmed fears that emerged last weekend, when tons of live lobsters from Australia were unexpectedly stranded at Chinese airports while waiting to be inspected by customs officials. This came shortly after Beijing imposed tariffs on Australian barley imports, and said it would block imports of timber from the state of Queensland due to pests.

The restrictions are set to deal a multibillion dollar blow to an economy that is already grappling with COVID-19-induced economic recession, its first in three decades. Iron ore, Australia’s biggest export to China, has reportedly been excluded from the import freeze.

While it is unclear if anything specific prompted the move by the Chinese government, the order is consistent with the recent deterioration in relations between Beijing and Canberra, which have roughly paralleled the souring relations between China and the United States. Chinese leaders were angered in 2018, when Australia barred the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei from involvement in its national 5G network over national security concerns, shortly after passing an anti-foreign interference law geared mostly at fears of Chinese finagling in Australian politics.

That was the dire state of ties in April, when Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s government publicly called for an independent probe into the origins of the coronavirus, sending relations into free-fall.

Since then, according to Bloomberg, China has barred meat imports from four Australian slaughterhouses and has initiated an anti-dumping investigation into Australian wine. Cotton purchases have also been suspended, while Chinese power stations and steel mills have been told to stop using Australian coal.

When asked about the import blocks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin hinted at the political motive that clearly lies behind them. Speaking at a news briefing in Beijing on November 3, Wang said that the measures had been taken in accordance with China’s “laws and regulations,” and expressed hope that Australia would “do more to enhance mutual trust and bilateral cooperation … and bring the bilateral relations back to the right track as early as possible.”

This oblique message was later clarified by the Global Times, the Chinese Communist Party’s hawkish media mouthpiece, which published a quasi-analysis of the import ban on November 4, under the headline, “Australia nervous at losing Chinese market.” The article opined: “Chinese consumers’ confidence in Australian products would significantly drop if Australia continues to sabotage bilateral relations, which would cost Australia its best and biggest market, jobs and an opportunity to quickly recover from the pandemic.” It quoted a China-based analyst as saying that “being a mouthpiece for U.S. aggression against China will cost Australian jobs.”

The unilateral move, imposed in violation of World Trade Organization rules as well as the free trade agreement that was signed between China and Australia in 2015, is set to buffet an economy that has been pushed into recession by the coronavirus pandemic. China is Australia’s most important trading partner, and its exports to the country totaled A$169 billion (US $121.7 billion) in 2019. In particular, the sanctions on Australian lobster exports could pose a “dire threat” to the industry, which typically exports more than 90 percent of its catch to China. China is also the number one export market for Australian wine, an export worth around A$1.2 billion (US $864.9 million) per year.

In a statement on November 4, Trade Minister Simon Birmingham called on the Chinese government to play by the rules. “China has consistently denied any targeting of Australia and spoken about its commitment to trade rules,” the statement said. “In the spirit of their statements, we urge relevant Chinese authorities to address concerns of sectors like the seafood trade to ensure their goods can enter the Chinese market free of disruptions.”

Beijing’s move is clearly intended to make an example of Australia, a close American ally, in a way that is not possible with the U.S. itself, and to demonstrate the material costs of challenging Chinese interests.

In this sense, it strikes a discordant note with the keynote address that Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered at the third annual China International Import Expo in Shanghai on November 4. As my colleague Shannon Tiezzi noted of the speech, Xi aimed to reassure foreign firms that Beijing’s new focus on self-reliance and domestic consumption would not work to their disadvantage. On the contrary, Xi said, “Our aim is to turn the China market into a market for the world, a market shared by all, and a market accessible to all.”

After these actions against Australia, few can now doubt that this market access comes with firm political conditions attached.

China is digging a hole for itself here. All Australia asked was investigate covid-19 origin in wuhan. Australian prime minister reactions suggest China went all childish and threatened retaliation.

Australia will not step back and allow it to be bullied by China. One Australian state had even signed on to be part of Belt and Road initiative. Now all that will be rolled back.

Unfortunately Chinese residents here in Australia are facing the brunt. One Chinese lady had to step down from contesting elections as she was treated like a spy.
IQ does make a difference. To say there is no difference between IQ of different groups of people is absurd.

Does chinese education teach this ? IQ's of nationalities etc. Just asking.
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