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Featured Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power

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China’s GDP will reach US$20 trillion in 2025 and US$15 trillion this year
Samsung, Hasbro, Apple, Nintendo and GoPro are some of the companies moving their facilities out of china. Their move has nothing to do with International politics but a mere realization that labor cost has increased several fold in past decade. China is no longer a developing country so it is loosing its charm point which is cheap labor. Couple that with fact that Chinese govt is subsidizing its companies to run others out of business forcing companies to move to better venues so they can compete. Even many Chinese companies are moving out of china to stay in business which is fact not some rumor. With hostile environment for Chinese business in west after China tried to lord over them despite being a mere exporter. Obama started this environment which peaked with Donald trump and will reach new heights in Biden's tenure. There is a reason china preferred trump in power. There is just a simple rule of doing business which is that you cant bite the hand that feeds you.

"So many companies are moving out of china in favor of developing nations so wait for few years to see results of your aggression." Tell us what these aggression are that you are referring to. Companies come and go does that mean China will not remain as the world factory in 2025? What is there for China to look at? I am telling you now that China remains the world factory even in 2025 so will you openly admit you are stupid if your prediction turned out to be wrong?
Chinese economy is going from strength to strength. In 5 years time, China will be significantly more powerful than today. Foolish for Australia to antagonise China and lose out on Chinese market and Chinese investment.

I for one don't want a govt which blindly toes the line of US in respect to china. If i had to choose i would always choose Labor Party bcz they always go for economy friendly policies. Victoria a state with labor part welcomed BRI related investment in its state. Relations should be built on mutual respect and not on arm twisting to suite ones agenda. As for Chinese economy it is a matter of fact that china is becoming a consumer based economy rather than net exporter as per capita income increases. Now Chinese govt is pouring a lot of subsidy to keep their home made products competitive but that cant last long. There is a reason china is investing so heavily in BRI and CPEC type project so it can move its industry to places with lower labor cost. China yearns to be a consumer economy bcz that is the only way for it to overtake US. As time goes by China will relinquish its status of net manufacturer toward consumer which is a natural way forward. Some Chinese members her are calling me stupid for quoting a policy which was highlighted by several policy papers of PRC.
"So many companies are moving out of china in favor of developing nations so wait for few years to see results of your aggression." Tell us what these aggression are that you are referring to. Companies come and go does that mean China will not remain as the world factory in 2025? What is there for China to look at? I am telling you now that China remains the world factory even in 2025 so will you openly admit you are stupid if your prediction turned out to be wrong?

Kid first of all dont get your panties in a twist and try to get the feel of the forum before you take off your leash. I am one of members who always supports China and its policies of non interference. I am not inclined to reply to little kids who are not even out of their diapers yet.

It is always wise to do a bit of research before calling other stupid. Chinese govt has issued several economic policy papers where they mentioned moving away from export oriented economy to consumer based. There are plenty of policy papers and news article based on those papers out there. Expand you knowledge first then come out to debate here rather than talking nonsense and making yourself look stupid.
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I thought he said due to Chinese aggression is the reason why companies are leaving China and within few years China will see the result. Now he is not defending himself from his own earlier remark but calling PRC policy and China's intention of the BRI project is to have factories move out of China. So where is the Chinese aggression?
Why is Australia being punished?
1. Anti-China five eyes
2. Anti-China Quad
3. Interference with China's internal affairs
4. Anti-Huawei moves
5. Anti-China SCS patrols
6. Support Trump's trade war
the list goes on and on...

With Trump out, they must have cold sweat now. China might just buy more from US instead of from Australia. Losing 35% of export is no joke, plus lost of billion $ from Chinese students and tourists will add salt to the wound. Furthermore, lost of investment from China add more pain.

The prediction of gain in positive GPD in Australia is in ruin now, not going to happen, the most recent current events changed all that.

The world's economies are in ruin, except China and a very few active trade partners of China.

Aussies are lucky now that their exporters will be forced to sell all their beef, barley, seafood at dirt cheap prices to locals. enjoy while the prices have dropped dirt cheap.
I for one don't want a govt which blindly toes the line of US in respect to china. If i had to choose i would always choose Labor Party bcz they always go for economy friendly policies. Victoria a state with labor part welcomed BRI related investment in its state. Relations should be built on mutual respect and not on arm twisting to suite ones agenda. As for Chinese economy it is a matter of fact that china is becoming a consumer based economy rather than net exporter as per capita income increases. Now Chinese govt is pouring a lot of subsidy to keep their home made products competitive but that cant last long. There is a reason china is investing so heavily in BRI and CPEC type project so it can move its industry to places with lower labor cost. China yearns to be a consumer economy bcz that is the only way for it to overtake US. As time goes by China will relinquish its status of net manufacturer toward consumer which is a natural way forward. Some Chinese members her are calling me stupid for quoting a policy which was highlighted by several policy papers of PRC.

Kid first of all dont get your panties in a twist and try to get the feel of the forum before you take off your leash. I am one of members who always supports China and its policies of non interference. I am not inclined to reply to little kids who are not even out of their diapers yet.

It is always wise to do a bit of research before calling other stupid. Chinese govt has issued several economic policy papers where they mentioned moving away from export oriented economy to consumer based. There are plenty of policy papers and news article based on those papers out there. Expand you knowledge first then come out to debate here rather than talking nonsense and making yourself look stupid.

So instead of calling it Chinese aggression you are now calling it Chinese policy of moving into consumer based economy. This dimwit is really that stupid. Even when China has become a consumer based economy it still holds the title of being the world factory. You are the idiot that says China will see plenty of factories moving out of China in a few years time. Okay like i said companies come and go but it will not lose that title as the global manufacturer and GDP will keep on rising. And yes you are a dimwit not qualified to comment if you cannot defend your earlier comment or keep avoiding answer it.
Learn to read moron. We are talking about two different things here. If you have comprehension issues go see a specialist.
What a dimwit you turned out to be. Here let me quote you again
"So many companies are moving out of china in favor of developing nations so wait for few years to see results of your aggression." , So aggression is now being called China's policy to invest in other countries through BRI? In 2025 China lost plenty of foreign companies? The one who has comprehension problem is a certain dimwit here.
Australia in the past year:
  • Banned Huawei
  • Sent ships to SCS to refute China's maritime claims
  • Formed QUAD with US, India and Japan to set up containment against China
  • Openly talked about confronting China and CCP in particular
  • Accuse China of running spy and political influence campaign in Australia
  • Called for investigation into China hinting malicious COVID-19 origins
  • Criticize China's Hong Kong policy and suspends cooperation with extradition

Australia Now: China doesn't want to buy our stuff?! Why is China so mean?

I swear some countries and their leaders have zero sense of self-awareness. If you keep antagonizing your biggest customer, chances are he'll take his business elsewhere. Since Australia hates us so much, we'll grant them their wish and leave them alone. You can't keep your hands in our wallet while spitting in our faces.

white man's arrogance
What a dimwit you turned out to be. Here let me quote you again
"So many companies are moving out of china in favor of developing nations so wait for few years to see results of your aggression." , So aggression is now being called China's policy to invest in other countries through BRI? In 2025 China lost plenty of foreign companies? The one who has comprehension problem is a certain dimwit here.
Does this look like French to you dolt?
Samsung, Hasbro, Apple, Nintendo and GoPro are some of the companies moving their facilities out of china.
Yes i did and i stand by it. Now F off seriously how many times i have to spoon feed you here.
The one who need to get lost is the dimwit here. You have trouble defending what you said and using all the excuses to avoid what you said. Now that you finally admit you said those words you can get lost.
I wasted an hour of my time on stupid fuckwad. That is why i said in my first comment to go get yourself checked. You are a moron stuck like a tape recorder.
A dimwit will remains a dimwit, my goodness China does not need such supporter and certainly won't be thanking you for your so called support.
I never asked for your thanks. I have good understanding with chinese veteran members here and some little dolt Chinese with wet diapers aint going to change my views on china.
Nobody ever said you asked for any thanks, and do not even say out loud you a China supporter, we Chinese will just laugh at your face.
Nobody ever said you asked for any thanks, and do not even say out loud you a China supporter, we Chinese will just laugh at your face.

Who is we lol? You and your imaginary Chinese friends. You are a little no body out of a population of over a billion. Go get yourself checked.
Who is we lol? You and your imaginary Chinese friends. You are a little no body out of a population of over a billion. Go get yourself checked.
And you are somebody? It is you the dimwit who said you are a China supporter. Well i have never seen anyone who claims to be one would describe China's BRI project as aggressive policy. Before calling someone a no body first look at the mirror, are you somebody then? You are as insignificant as i am , the difference is Chinese IQ way higher than yours.
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