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Featured Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power

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They do it in India, Pakistan, middle east and almost every country with lack of educational facilities. China does the same and many Chinese universities advertise cheap education in developing countries. I don't need to tell you level of education in those universities as they don't even get recognized overseas. People mostly come to Australia for Immigration not education. Also if you pay good money in Australia then you get to study in world class unis as well so it is all about how heavy are your pockets. People who go to cheap unis come for sole purpose of getting points for immigration system.

By marketing your universities overseas you're asking people to study in your country. It's that simple. I don't know why you felt the need to claim that no one in Australia had ever asked the Chinese to study there.
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Neither your friendship nor your enmity are worth anything. To have you as a friend is no benefit, to have you as an enemy is no loss.
Oh that’s not nice.
Then we will look for friends in another places.
you call me an idiot, but despite all these bans Australian GDP is growing...shouldn’t it be the opposite!
Australia was doing fine when the Chinese were dirt poor, the Australians will find other markets without China. You Chinese have such fragile egos you dream the world is crying at your feet.
Calling you an idiot is already too nice from my part. You think the impact on the GDP will be taking effect right away now that China has officially declared the ban? US farmers hit financial troubles months later after China stopped importing soy beans. Aussie exporters too will feel the financial pain months later, even a toddler can understand such logic. Australian GDP keep growing? Yeah well tell us how it keeps on growing within a year or two. Why did rich countries Norway and South Korea tried so hard to restore trade ties with China then? These are rich countries with high GDP right? Why need Chinese market? Why humiliate themselves crawling back to China?
Calling you an idiot is already too nice from my part. You think the impact on the GDP will be taking effect right away now that China has officially declared the ban? US farmers hit financial troubles months later after China stopped importing soy beans. Aussie exporters too will feel the financial pain months later, even a toddler can understand such logic. Australian GDP keep growing? Yeah well tell us how it keeps on growing within a year or two. Why did rich countries Norway and South Korea tried so hard to restore trade ties with China then? These are rich countries with high GDP right? Why need Chinese market? Why humiliate themselves crawling back to China?

despite the soy tariff....China folded and is on target to complete its phase 1 commitment and is opening its financial markets a key demand from Trump.
yeah boy! you sure showed us whose boss! .. :lol:

You Chinese have massive egos typical of the nouveau riche. Calm down the world does not revolve around China.

Sure you can hurt your trade partners short term but mid-term they will either find other buyers or diversify.
Do you know how many boom ...bust cycles the US has endured in its history, its the same with Australia.
You know what we both have in common, we are resource rich and resilient.

You can't hurt Australia with meat and cotton tariffs.
If China was really serious it would impose tariffs on Iron ore - but China can't, China is doing the opposite China is increasing imports of Australian Iron Ore.
Do you know why...some links to educate yourself.

The whole point of my repeated argument in this thread is consistently the same Australia will hurt short term but they will recover.

despite the soy tariff....China folded and is on target to complete its phase 1 commitment and is opening its financial markets a key demand from Trump.
yeah boy! you sure showed us whose boss! .. :lol:

You Chinese have massive egos typical of the nouveau riche. Calm down the world does not revolve around China.

Sure you can hurt your trade partners short term but mid-term they will either find other buyers or diversify.
Do you know how many boom ...bust cycles the US has endured in its history, its the same with Australia.
You know what we both have in common, we are resource rich and resilient.

You can't hurt Australia with meat and cotton tariffs.
If China was really serious it would impose tariffs on Iron ore - but China can't, China is doing the opposite China is increasing imports of Australian Iron Ore.
Do you know why...some links to educate yourself.

The whole point of my repeated argument in this thread is consistently the same Australia will hurt short term but they will recover.

What you should be doing is telling the Aussies not to panic and explain to them the arguments you have used here. You do not have to try so hard to convince us how Aussie is going to bounce back. Right now the Australian media has become hysteric after China announced the ban. You should be teaching them economic lesson. As for us we continue to monitor the next couple of months to 2-3 years how the Aussies economic wise are performing. While you are at it, tell them not to come crawling back to China's doorstep it will only make you look stupid as their teacher.
No one is powerless here especially Australia. It is good to be a patriot but thinking world revolves around you makes you look plain stupid. It is this attitude that got Huawei banned and no country in Europe is willing to install Chinese comm equipment. If you give respect then you will get respect otherwise good luck being an odd ball. There are always more buyers and always more sellers as well and considering Australia has support of west and US you will hardly make a dent here. Also like i said it is a two way street so if you impose restrictions on Australian products it will do the same in return. You live in a multipolar world so get used to it.

Nope. Australia is powerless against China economically. What can Australia do economically against China?

For all of Australia’s big talk, they don’t have the economic power, financial power or technological power to do any meaningful damage to China.
Chinese economy will grow bigger and bigger over the years and Australia won’t benefit from the China growth.

This is a monumental disaster for Australia. No sugarcoating this.
By marketing your universities overseas you're asking people to study in your country. It's that simple. I don't know why you felt the need to claim that no one in Australia had ever asked the Chinese to study there.

Where did i say no one asked? I merely said it a free market there is no compulsion for you to come if it is substandard by your logic. On one hand you people fly here in droves and one other hand you insult the same system so better stay away if it isnt by your standard.
Now that Joe Biden has won his Presidentlal Election, Scott Morrison must be feeling very low and in suspense.
By now he should be kicking himself in front of the mirror for listening to Mike Pompeo and regretting his hard line towards Australia No.1 trade partner China. All for nothing and creating an era of hostility and mistrust.

Indonesia Joko Widodo is smarter than Aussie Scott Morrison.
Singapore PM Lee LS when asked what would be his first advice to the the new POTUS. He said he will advise the US President to starts communicating and open their dialogue with China.

Nope. Australia is powerless against China economically. What can Australia do economically against China?

For all of Australia’s big talk, they don’t have the economic power, financial power or technological power to do any meaningful damage to China.
Chinese economy will grow bigger and bigger over the years and Australia won’t benefit from the China growth.

This is a monumental disaster for Australia. No sugarcoating this.

This is your lack of knowledge speaking here and your personal bias. China has been angry at many countries but at the end of the day china couldn't do $hit. For all the bolster and talk of power you people cant cross a line bcz your economy stands on export. So many companies are moving out of china in favor of developing nations so wait for few years to see results of your aggression.
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Pls note you make no friends by such silly actions. The Aussie are rich, they can afford earning less, they can look for customers elsewhere, Asean market is second behind China. I mean if they have a Mercedes now, then the second Mercedes can wait.

You have once again proven yourself to be an idiot, you lack basic logic thinking. You make it sound like as if China is the one initiating the hostility first with these economic sanctions. I suppose the Australian media constantly talking extremely negative about China, the government following US orders not to do business with Huawei, joining the silly FONOP with the Americans are friendly actions directing at China. That is a funny definition of making friends. An idiot probably does not understand the meaning of action and reaction.
I care not how rich the Aussies are, i know the Norwegians and South Koreans are also rich and these countries did everything they could to get back the Chinese market even if it meant they had to humiliate themselves with a begging bowl at our doorstep.
So many companies are moving out of china in favor of developing nations so wait for few years to see results of your aggression.
Where did you get the information that many companies are moving out of China? Where did you get this knowledge? Which companies and what type of companies are leaving or have left already? Few years to see the result that China is no longer the world factory? How about 2023 or 2025? If China remains the world factory what are you going to do? Openly admit how stupid you are?
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The truth often isn't nice. Look for friends wherever you might find them and best of luck to you - but I regret to inform you that you'll be just as useless to them.
The idiot thinks when the Chinese market is suddenly closed to the Vietnamese, Vietnam can pinpoint a new country a new friend on the map that can replace the 1.4 billion market. He should tell us who this new friend of Vietnam is. Maybe it is an imaginative friend he dreamed about last night. You either already have trade with the rest of the world you or don't, what on Earth is he talking about looking for a new friend? Is there another country on this planet equivalent to China's market size that Vietnam has not made friends with yet? So which countries aren't Vietnam's friends yet?
Where did you get the information that many companies are moving out of China? Where did you get this knowledge? Which companies and what type of companies are leaving or have left already? Few years to see the result that China is no longer the world factory? How about 2023 or 2025? If China remains the world factory what are you going to do? Openly admit how stupid you are?

Samsung, Hasbro, Apple, Nintendo and GoPro are some of the companies moving their facilities out of china. Their move has nothing to do with International politics but a mere realization that labor cost has increased several fold in past decade. China is no longer a developing country so it is loosing its charm point which is cheap labor. Couple that with fact that Chinese govt is subsidizing its companies to run others out of business forcing companies to move to better venues so they can compete. Even many Chinese companies are moving out of china to stay in business which is fact not some rumor. With hostile environment for Chinese business in west after China tried to lord over them despite being a mere exporter. Obama started this environment which peaked with Donald trump and will reach new heights in Biden's tenure. There is a reason china preferred trump in power. There is just a simple rule of doing business which is that you cant bite the hand that feeds you.
Aussies are getting jittery specially after Trump losing election.

This is your lack of knowledge speaking here and your personal bias. China has been angry at many countries but at the end of the day china couldn't do $hit. For all the bolster and talk of power you people cant cross a line bcz your economy stands on export. So many companies are moving out of china in favor of developing nations so wait for few years to see results of your aggression.

Chinese economy is going from strength to strength. In 5 years time, China will be significantly more powerful than today. Foolish for Australia to antagonise China and lose out on Chinese market and Chinese investment.
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