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Featured Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power

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lmao this is funny.

When the same logic is applied to the US: "US can easily find alternative suppliers to Chinese manufactured imports containing significant embedded Chinese IP, infrastructure and logistics."

But for Australia: "China cannot find other countries to dig rocks out of the ground."

Did I say China can't ..you think Iron ore from Brazil will cost the same as Iron ore from Australia? Do you know anything about Australian Iron ore? Do you know who produces the highest-grade hematite?
Do you expect Brazil or Canadian ore will be cheaper - have you seen a world map recently?
Apparently nothing :lol:
Australian economy grew in September and October the reserve bank is about to declare an end to recession.

How is China's slave doing?

The day america's economy collapses, you can kiss your tiny australian ego good bye. Till then, keep chirping like a little chipmunk!
Did I say China can't ..you think Iron ore from Brazil will cost the same as Iron ore from Australia? Do you know anything about Australian Iron ore? Do you know who produces the highest-grade hematite?
Do you expect Brazil or Canadian ore will be cheaper - have you seen a world map recently?

You named it right there: Canada and Brazil also can dig rocks out of the ground, it's just a matter of more or less money for a commodity product that is already in stock and ready to ship.

Australia has no alternatives to Chinese electronics and industrial products. Even Ericsson 5G contains Chinese parts and IP. They can't escape Chinese manufacturing nor can they set up their own alternative. Australia has no semiconductor fabs, software companies or heavy industry.
You named it right there: Canada and Brazil also can dig rocks out of the ground, it's just a matter of more or less money for a commodity product that is already in stock and ready to ship.

Australia has no alternatives to Chinese electronics and industrial products. Even Ericsson 5G contains Chinese parts and IP. They can't escape Chinese manufacturing nor can they set up their own alternative. Australia has no semiconductor fabs, software companies or heavy industry.

Yes of course you pay more, especially when you chose to ignore the largest supplier in the market.
Did Australia sanction China? No, its the other way around China banned Aussie imports selectively ,
Australia isn't looking for alternatives to Chinese imports.
Australia in the past year:
  • Banned Huawei
  • Sent ships to SCS to refute China's maritime claims
  • Formed QUAD with US, India and Japan to set up containment against China
  • Openly talked about confronting China and CCP in particular
  • Accuse China of running spy and political influence campaign in Australia
  • Called for investigation into China hinting malicious COVID-19 origins
  • Criticize China's Hong Kong policy and suspends cooperation with extradition

Australia Now: China doesn't want to buy our stuff?! Why is China so mean?

I swear some countries and their leaders have zero sense of self-awareness. If you keep antagonizing your biggest customer, chances are he'll take his business elsewhere. Since Australia hates us so much, we'll grant them their wish and leave them alone. You can't keep your hands in our wallet while spitting in our faces.
The day america's economy collapses, you can kiss your tiny australian ego good bye. Till then, keep chirping like a little chipmunk!

Ah! insults ...how boring :lol:
I like chinese humor. You should go to circus.

You the resident clown for life in some circus with access to keyboard? :rofl: :rofl::rofl::pleasantry::pleasantry::pleasantry:
Did I say China can't ..you think Iron ore from Brazil will cost the same as Iron ore from Australia? Do you know anything about Australian Iron ore? Do you know who produces the highest-grade hematite?
Do you expect Brazil or Canadian ore will be cheaper - have you seen a world map recently?

Who cares! :pleasantry: :pleasantry: :pleasantry:

Now you trot off to tell down under not to worry at all.
That your wisdom will compel China to buy buy buy Aussie stuff and lobsters and wine and iron ore.

China produces way more steel than it needs to. The steel industry is basically a state-run employment program with tremendous environmental costs. It must be scaled down. A good place to start is to ban Australian iron ores and stop producing low standard steel for export. Reduces China's dependency on an adversary and cleans up the environment.
Yes of course you pay more, especially when you chose to ignore the largest supplier in the market.
Did Australia sanction China? No, its the other way around China banned Aussie imports selectively ,
Australia isn't looking for alternatives to Chinese imports.

Only if Australia reduce the price of iron ore...
Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power
The unilateral restrictions are intended to demonstrate to other nations the costs of challenging China’s interests.

By Sebastian Strangio
November 05, 2020

In the same week that China’s President Xi Jinping pledged to promote “an open world economy” in a speech at an international trade expo, his government declared a raft of punitive restrictions on imports from Australia.

As my colleagues at The Diplomat have noted, China this week ordered traders to stop purchasing at least seven categories of Australian commodities: coal, barley, copper ore and concentrate, sugar, timber, wine and lobster. The government has ordered the halt to begin on November 6, with the South China Morning Post reporting that a ban on Australian wheat is likely to follow.

The reports confirmed fears that emerged last weekend, when tons of live lobsters from Australia were unexpectedly stranded at Chinese airports while waiting to be inspected by customs officials. This came shortly after Beijing imposed tariffs on Australian barley imports, and said it would block imports of timber from the state of Queensland due to pests.

The restrictions are set to deal a multibillion dollar blow to an economy that is already grappling with COVID-19-induced economic recession, its first in three decades. Iron ore, Australia’s biggest export to China, has reportedly been excluded from the import freeze.

While it is unclear if anything specific prompted the move by the Chinese government, the order is consistent with the recent deterioration in relations between Beijing and Canberra, which have roughly paralleled the souring relations between China and the United States. Chinese leaders were angered in 2018, when Australia barred the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei from involvement in its national 5G network over national security concerns, shortly after passing an anti-foreign interference law geared mostly at fears of Chinese finagling in Australian politics.

That was the dire state of ties in April, when Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s government publicly called for an independent probe into the origins of the coronavirus, sending relations into free-fall.

Since then, according to Bloomberg, China has barred meat imports from four Australian slaughterhouses and has initiated an anti-dumping investigation into Australian wine. Cotton purchases have also been suspended, while Chinese power stations and steel mills have been told to stop using Australian coal.

When asked about the import blocks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin hinted at the political motive that clearly lies behind them. Speaking at a news briefing in Beijing on November 3, Wang said that the measures had been taken in accordance with China’s “laws and regulations,” and expressed hope that Australia would “do more to enhance mutual trust and bilateral cooperation … and bring the bilateral relations back to the right track as early as possible.”

This oblique message was later clarified by the Global Times, the Chinese Communist Party’s hawkish media mouthpiece, which published a quasi-analysis of the import ban on November 4, under the headline, “Australia nervous at losing Chinese market.” The article opined: “Chinese consumers’ confidence in Australian products would significantly drop if Australia continues to sabotage bilateral relations, which would cost Australia its best and biggest market, jobs and an opportunity to quickly recover from the pandemic.” It quoted a China-based analyst as saying that “being a mouthpiece for U.S. aggression against China will cost Australian jobs.”

The unilateral move, imposed in violation of World Trade Organization rules as well as the free trade agreement that was signed between China and Australia in 2015, is set to buffet an economy that has been pushed into recession by the coronavirus pandemic. China is Australia’s most important trading partner, and its exports to the country totaled A$169 billion (US $121.7 billion) in 2019. In particular, the sanctions on Australian lobster exports could pose a “dire threat” to the industry, which typically exports more than 90 percent of its catch to China. China is also the number one export market for Australian wine, an export worth around A$1.2 billion (US $864.9 million) per year.

In a statement on November 4, Trade Minister Simon Birmingham called on the Chinese government to play by the rules. “China has consistently denied any targeting of Australia and spoken about its commitment to trade rules,” the statement said. “In the spirit of their statements, we urge relevant Chinese authorities to address concerns of sectors like the seafood trade to ensure their goods can enter the Chinese market free of disruptions.”

Beijing’s move is clearly intended to make an example of Australia, a close American ally, in a way that is not possible with the U.S. itself, and to demonstrate the material costs of challenging Chinese interests.

In this sense, it strikes a discordant note with the keynote address that Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered at the third annual China International Import Expo in Shanghai on November 4. As my colleague Shannon Tiezzi noted of the speech, Xi aimed to reassure foreign firms that Beijing’s new focus on self-reliance and domestic consumption would not work to their disadvantage. On the contrary, Xi said, “Our aim is to turn the China market into a market for the world, a market shared by all, and a market accessible to all.”

After these actions against Australia, few can now doubt that this market access comes with firm political conditions attached.

That is not true.

China is doing none of that. She is exercising her right as a consumer. Australia is an arrogant seller.

China like any nations reserve the right to purchase who she wishes or chooses to buy from. The customer is always right.

Will anybody patronize a retail outlet whose assistants are rude and Hostile?

The Western News Media can distort or interprete it anyway they like but the truth is Australia attitude that sucks.

Don't blame the customer China who happened to be your most important client.

Since Australia don't value the business, China has the right to take it elsewhere.
It is just normal, fair and square.

Australia should direct its complaint to the Complaint Bureau in USA. They will compensate her for all the lost orders.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Australia is in trouble. China provides the largest market for Australian raw materials. No other country can replace Chinese raw materials consumption. Chinese tourists are the biggest source of tourism revenue to Australia. Chinese students are another significant source of revenue to Australia. All of these revenue sources will be lost to Australia. What’s even worse is China’s consumer market is growing even bigger and Australian companies will be shut out of the Chinese market in the years ahead.
Australia is in trouble. China provides the largest market for Australian raw materials. No other country can replace Chinese raw materials consumption. Chinese tourists are the biggest source of tourism revenue to Australia. Chinese students are another significant source of revenue to Australia. All of these revenue sources will be lost to Australia. What’s even worse is China’s consumer market is growing even bigger and Australian companies will be shut out of the Chinese market in the years ahead.

The cost of playing games and being Murica lap dog and barking and yapping at command of Pompeo.
:yay: :yay::yay:

Especially when Murica going broke and unable to feed herself not to talk about feeding her yapping doggie from down under. But Aussie will not starve as they now got lots of lobsters and barley and beef to eat and eat and eat.
:rofl: :rofl::rofl:
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Australia is going to learn the hard way that western hegemony has ended.

Anglo-saxon countries still have this racist, entitled attitude to none-white/western countries.

What on earth was australia thinking picking a fight with their biggest trading partner on behalf of trump.... ? they would get the 'western anglo pass" and it would be a 1 way fight like western imperialists are used to?

China needs to make an example out of australia. then the next time the US government wants to take chinese hostages like meng wanzou, its puppets will be less reluctant to blindly to their masters bidding.

It's because most of the Australian ruling class is already bought up by the MIC's money (mostly the US weapons manufacturers), incl. the current prime minister.

When the Australia's economy is in tatters, may be the people of Australia will finally wake up to see the true colors of their highly corrupted ruling class who had sold out their life interest to those defense contractors!



By Pan DeMonium

According to their website, "the ASPI (Australian Strategic Policy Institute) is an independent, non-partisan think tank that produces expert and timely advice for Australia’s strategic and defence leaders. ASPI generates new ideas for government, allowing them to make better-informed decisions for Australia’s future. ASPI is one of the most authoritative and widely quoted contributors to public discussion of strategic policy issues in Australia and a recognised and authoritative Australian voice in international discussion of strategic issues, especially in the Asia-Pacific."

Though it may well be non-partisan, it's certainly aligned with the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. As they clearly state on their website,
most of ASPI funding comes from DEFENCE CONTRACTORS including Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, Thales and Raytheon and is also sponsored by NATO, the US State Department and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and includes the Embassy of Japan. As the ASPI dictates government policy, one doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to see who's really behind Scott Morrison providing BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in funding to upgrade Australia's military OVER THE NEXT TEN YEARS.

The institute has come under much criticism and is infamous for churning out anti-China propaganda in Australia. In fact, most of the Anti-China rhetoric in the Australian media originates from the ASPI and is aligned with the current anti-China rhetoric originating in the US. For example, China recently hit back at “pure disinformation and slander” by the ASPI after it claimed to have identified 380 “suspected detention facilities” in Xinjiang based on “satellite images and construction tender documents.” The allegations have been uncritically repeated by numerous Western media outlets, but Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that what the Australian think tank describes as camps shown in the images include an electronics manufacturing park and a residential complex. “We hope that all sectors can distinguish truth from falsehood and resist such absurd assertions concocted by anti-China institutions,” Mr Wang said.

Former NSW premier Bob Carr has accused the ASPI of pumping out a “one-sided, pro-American view of the world”. Veteran foreign editor Tony Walker has slammed its "dystopian worldview" which "leaves little room for viewing China as a potential partner". "It lacks integrity and brings shame to Australia," says retired former DFAT chief and ex-Qantas CEO John Menadue. “I see it as very much the architect of the China threat theory in Australia”, adds ex-ambassador to China turned Beijing-based business consultant Geoff Raby. In the Australian Senate, Labor's Kim Carr criticised it heavily, thundering about "hawks intent on fighting a new cold war" while an article on the Australian IT and telecommunications news website iTWire said "
ASPI runs a hawkish line on China in a bid to hype up the fear index and make it possible for its donors to sell more weapons to countries in the Asia-Pacific region."

ASPI Executive Director, Peter Jennings.jpg

ASPI Executive Director, Peter Jennings

ASPI executive director PETER JENNINGS is a frequent contributor to Australian media, producing articles like "A new cold war will force changes in Australian behaviour," "Party's over for the bullies of Beijing," and "China will be surprised how long it took us to act on foreign investment laws," all of which visibly embody a Cold War mentality.

The China-Australia relationship is at a historic low. Consequently, China has been applying economic sanctions against Australia. The economic embargo is the result of Australia’s series of provocations against China, which Beijing is certain were undertaken by the ASPI at the behest of the US. ASPI's insistence on Australia being a US proxy in it's war on China can only be detrimental to Australia's economic well being.

More recently, the
ASPI has become a mouthpiece for the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM by parroting the GREAT RESET narrative and releasing publications directing Australia's future perfectly aligned with the WEF agenda. Admittedly at this stage I have found no direct link with ASPI and the WEF but it's certainly there, even if only through the MIC and all the main players being connected in one way or another. The GREAT RESET is a dystopian plan for a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and the FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. The WEF officially announced the GREAT RESET the day after the World Health Organisation declared Covid-19 a PANDEMIC, some would say purely coincidental of cause.

ASPI was first established in 2001 under Prime Minister John Howard. ASPI's inaugural director was Hugh White, who served as director from 2001 to 2004. White was succeeded by Major General (retired) Peter Abigail in 2005, and from 2012 Peter Jennings.


IN THE LAST FEW DECADES members of various GLOBALIST FOUNDATIONS and THINK-TANKS have INFILTRATED nearly every aspect of Western governments and empowered themselves by SIMPLY WRITING THEIR CRIMINALITY INTO LAW. In this way, their intentions become justified by virtue of legal recognition. The law becomes nothing but the government's will and is always at the expense of human rights and the liberty of the people. The USE OF THE LAW AS A TOOL is tyranny and is the first tactic used by every totalitarian throughout history.

For decades experts have been warning the public of the coming global economy and ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT yet to this day it's still called a CONSPIRACY THEORY. Fabian Socialist HG Wells spelt it out in his non-fiction treatise titled THE NEW WORLD ORDER and don't forget George HW Bush's famous speech;

"A world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order."

MAKE NO MISTAKE, there is currently a very open and publicly identifiable agenda to establish a heavily centralised and militarised police state in every country they are able. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a CONSPIRACY FACT. These ultra-wealthy power brokers have announced their intention to RESHAPE THE EXISTING SOCIAL ORDER THROUGH THE CREATION OF CRISIS AND DISASTER and the current Covid-19 pandemic fits this plan perfectly. They call it the
GREAT RESET. Their intention is TO ERODE NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY in preparation for their FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION but before sovereignty can be eliminated on a national level they need to undermine sovereignty on an individual level. BY ENGINEERING PUBLIC DESPERATION, they are luring us into accepting restrictions on our freedoms that we would never have considered otherwise.

CURRENT ACTIONS WITHIN WESTERN NATIONS show an accelerated attack on personal liberties is at hand and the present situation in Australia is exceedingly grim. Citizens are being forced to endure the most draconian lockdown measures anywhere in the Western world and it just keeps getting worse. Australians are no longer governed by Western democratic principles and as Australia has no bill of rights, the government can legally do just about anything it pleases, especially in the name of public safety. The WEF are USING AUSTRALIANS [about 25.5 million population, equals to 0.33 percent of the total world population] AS GUINEA PIGS by enforcing their technocratic policies or at least, TEST-RUNNING THEIR STRATEGIES and Australians have absolutely no means to compel or influence their government in any way.

When the federal government declared Covid-19 a national disaster it allowed the overriding of the constitution. It crossed the Federal-State Divide by forming a National Cabinet and created a National COVID Commission. Both the National Cabinet and the COVID Commission are focused on managing Covid-19 and the economic crisis the government created and the ASPI is dictating the future direction of the nation.

The official launch of the Great Reset will be held at the WEF annual meeting in DAVOS in JANUARY, 2021.

The ASPI Blueprint For Australia's Future

After Covid-19 Volume 1 - Australia and the world rebuild
Free downloadable
PDF file, Edited by John Coyne and Peter Jennings, May 2020, 3.26 MB

After Covid-19 Volume 2 - Australia, the region and multilateralism
Free downloadable
PDF file, Edited by Michael Shoebridge and Lisa Sharland, September 2020, 4.27 MB


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