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Featured Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power

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Insulted Other Member/Nationality
@dbc is an idiot that matches the same idiotic level of @Viet
Why are Australian news outlets putting headlines like China is slaughtering Australian export? Because the Australian gov has entered panic mode now that China is taking action to ban these products. Look at US farmers, many went out of business or are struggling after China stopped importing soy beans ever since Trump started the tariff war. China can easily find alternatives which is exactly what it is doing. We taught Norway the exact same hard lesson, you think China couldn't import salmon from other parts of the world? We chopped off a decent amount of South Korean economy because of the THAAD mismanagement. This had led Norway and South Korea crawling on their knees begging for forgiveness. Australia too is no exception to this rule. Didn't that Swedish guy talk about standing up to China? If Sweden is taking the same route as those countries China will beat the hell out of those vikings as well. There is no other country on Earth that can replace the 1.4 billion market not even India with the majority living in extreme poverty who simply cannot afford those expensive foreign produce. It is one of the most powerful weapon in our arsenal because being locked out of the Chinese market you are basically finished.
@dbc is an idiot that matches the same idiotic level of @Viet
Why are Australian news outlets putting headlines like China is slaughtering Australian export? Because the Australian gov has entered panic mode now that China is taking action to ban these products. Look at US farmers, many went out of business or are struggling after China stopped importing soy beans ever since Trump started the tariff war. China can easily find alternatives which is exactly what it is doing. We taught Norway the exact same hard lesson, you think China couldn't import salmon from other parts of the world? We chopped off a decent amount of South Korean economy because of the THAAD mismanagement. This had led Norway and South Korea crawling on their knees begging for forgiveness. Australia too is no exception to this rule. Didn't that Swedish guy talk about standing up to China? If Sweden is taking the same route as those countries China will beat the hell out of those vikings as well. There is no other country on Earth that can replace the 1.4 billion market not even India with the majority living in extreme poverty who simply cannot afford those expensive foreign produce. It is one of the most powerful weapon in our arsenal because being locked out of the Chinese market you are basically finished.
Pls note you make no friends by such silly actions. The Aussie are rich, they can afford earning less, they can look for customers elsewhere, Asean market is second behind China. I mean if they have a Mercedes now, then the second Mercedes can wait.
Pls note you make no friends by such silly actions. The Aussie are rich, they can afford earning less, they can look for customers elsewhere, Asean market is second behind China. I mean if they have a Mercedes now, then the second Mercedes can wait.
Bilateral trade accounts for a very small portion of the overal China's trade volume but to Australia is half of their total, I doesn't affect China much but can be a death blow to Australia.

That's why China can openly punish Australia but Australia dare not to reciprocate.
Bilateral trade accounts for a very small portion of the overal China's trade volume but to Australia is half of their total, I doesn't affect China much but can be a death blow to Australia.

That's why China can openly punish Australia but Australia dare not to reciprocate.
Money is not everything.
A friend is more worth than a made in China Huawei phone. But why I tell you that I know you don’t care.
Australia in the past year:
  • Banned Huawei
  • Sent ships to SCS to refute China's maritime claims
  • Formed QUAD with US, India and Japan to set up containment against China
  • Openly talked about confronting China and CCP in particular
  • Accuse China of running spy and political influence campaign in Australia
  • Called for investigation into China hinting malicious COVID-19 origins
  • Criticize China's Hong Kong policy and suspends cooperation with extradition

Australia Now: China doesn't want to buy our stuff?! Why is China so mean?

I swear some countries and their leaders have zero sense of self-awareness. If you keep antagonizing your biggest customer, chances are he'll take his business elsewhere. Since Australia hates us so much, we'll grant them their wish and leave them alone. You can't keep your hands in our wallet while spitting in our faces.
They are fully aware of the hypocrisy and are just dishonest, but people even who oppose them always give them credit of doubt and assume they will learn from it or will lose some reputation they never actually had in first place and thats how rogue regimes like the U.S.A. get away with daylight robbery, terrorism, piracy, warcrimes, massmurder, discrimination, imperialism and even history like genocide and slavery for a centuries like its nothing.
Pls note you make no friends by such silly actions. The Aussie are rich, they can afford earning less, they can look for customers elsewhere, Asean market is second behind China. I mean if they have a Mercedes now, then the second Mercedes can wait.
Neither your friendship nor your enmity are worth anything. To have you as a friend is no benefit, to have you as an enemy is no loss.
Economic bans are always double edged swords something which should have become obvious after Trumps attempt to impose high tariffs on Chinese goods.
Economic bans are always double edged swords something which should have become obvious after Trumps attempt to impose high tariffs on Chinese goods.

Australia is powerless against China.
Australia is powerless against China.

No one is powerless here especially Australia. It is good to be a patriot but thinking world revolves around you makes you look plain stupid. It is this attitude that got Huawei banned and no country in Europe is willing to install Chinese comm equipment. If you give respect then you will get respect otherwise good luck being an odd ball. There are always more buyers and always more sellers as well and considering Australia has support of west and US you will hardly make a dent here. Also like i said it is a two way street so if you impose restrictions on Australian products it will do the same in return. You live in a multipolar world so get used to it.
Economic bans are always double edged swords something which should have become obvious after Trumps attempt to impose high tariffs on Chinese goods.

Some goods are easier to substitute than others, and economic cost can bring geopolitical dividends. China should aim for a balance in trade with Australia. For easily substituted goods like lobsters, wine and coal, redirect imports from Australia to the U.S. or ASEAN (Indonesia exports a lot of coal). Repeat until a balance in trade is reached.

Oh, China should disaccredit undergraduate programs from Australian universities. It's a giant scam where rich people send their children to Australia for substandard education (I know since I have a degree from one of Australia's top universities) then use their connections to secure jobs. Banning Australian education would be an important step toward social justice in China.
Some goods are easier to substitute than others, and economic cost can bring geopolitical dividends. China should aim for a balance in trade with Australia. For easily substituted goods like lobsters, wine and coal, redirect imports from Australia to the U.S. or ASEAN (Indonesia exports a lot of coal). Repeat until a balance in trade is reached.

Oh, China should disaccredit undergraduate programs from Australian universities. It's a giant scam where rich people send their children to Australia for substandard education (I know since I have a degree from one of Australia's top universities) then use connections to secure them jobs. Banning Australian education would be an important step toward social justice in China.

It is a free market no one is asking you to come here.
Seriously? Have you been to any of those education expos Australian universities regularly hold in China?

They do it in India, Pakistan, middle east and almost every country with lack of educational facilities. China does the same and many Chinese universities advertise cheap education in developing countries. I don't need to tell you level of education in those universities as they don't even get recognized overseas. People mostly come to Australia for Immigration not education. Also if you pay good money in Australia then you get to study in world class unis as well so it is all about how heavy are your pockets. People who go to cheap unis come for sole purpose of getting points for immigration system.
@dbc is an idiot that matches the same idiotic level of @Viet
Why are Australian news outlets putting headlines like China is slaughtering Australian export? Because the Australian gov has entered panic mode now that China is taking action to ban these products. Look at US farmers, many went out of business or are struggling after China stopped importing soy beans ever since Trump started the tariff war. China can easily find alternatives which is exactly what it is doing. We taught Norway the exact same hard lesson, you think China couldn't import salmon from other parts of the world? We chopped off a decent amount of South Korean economy because of the THAAD mismanagement. This had led Norway and South Korea crawling on their knees begging for forgiveness. Australia too is no exception to this rule. Didn't that Swedish guy talk about standing up to China? If Sweden is taking the same route as those countries China will beat the hell out of those vikings as well. There is no other country on Earth that can replace the 1.4 billion market not even India with the majority living in extreme poverty who simply cannot afford those expensive foreign produce. It is one of the most powerful weapon in our arsenal because being locked out of the Chinese market you are basically finished.

you call me an idiot, but despite all these bans Australian GDP is growing...shouldn’t it be the opposite!
Australia was doing fine when the Chinese were dirt poor, the Australians will find other markets without China. You Chinese have such fragile egos you dream the world is crying at your feet.
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