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Featured Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power

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And you are somebody? It is you the dimwit who said you are a China supporter. Well i have never seen anyone who claims to be one would describe China's BRI project as aggressive policy. Before calling someone a no body first look at the mirror, are you somebody then? You are as insignificant as i am , the difference is Chinese IQ way higher than yours.

I said i support Chinese policy of non interference so it is you who is a dolt with comprehension issues. Looking at the way of your debating your is somewhere around below zero. I will always appreciate positive role of china and will call out its negative role as well so keep burning dolt. I am no ones blind follower.
I said i support Chinese policy of non interference so it is you who is a dolt with comprehension issues. Looking at the way of your debating your is somewhere around below zero. I will always appreciate positive role of china and will call out its negative role as well so keep burning dolt. I am no ones blind follower.
There is nothing wrong with how i debate, i called you out and you kept on avoiding like a dimwit. All you had to do is to admit when i called you out the first time. But no you had to come up with all kinds of excuses. Why? It only tells more about your character, the type of person you are. If you dare make a claim then you must have the courage to admit, why waste our time? Grow mature you dimwit, even kids are more straightforward than you.
There is nothing wrong with how i debate, i called you out and you kept on avoiding like a dimwit. All you had to do is to admit when i called you out the first time. But no you had to come up with all kinds of excuses. Why? It only tells more about your character, the type of person you are. If you dare make a claim then you must have the courage to admit, why waste our time? Grow mature you dimwit, even kids are more straightforward than you.
**** off dolt.
Australia be working against Chinese interests and are now surprised that China will no longer bankroll them? Seriously what is wrong with them.
These IQ worshippers are racist scum honestly. China owes success to communism/socialism which is complete opposite of IQ worship. If chinese believe their greatness is due to biological programming like animals then what is their to appreciate? how are they different from nazis and brahmins who make similiar claims.
These IQ worshippers are racist scum honestly. China owes success to communism/socialism which is complete opposite of IQ worship. If chinese believe their greatness is due to biological programming like animals then what is their to appreciate? how are they different from nazis and brahmins who make similiar claims.
Because we do have higher IQ than you. It's a scientific fact.

No I don't believe we're biologically superior. I do however, believe we have the better learning culture.
As Henry Kissinger once said, being America's enemy is dangerous but being America's friend can be deadly. Australia is finding out to it's cost. I can see a time in the future when China will only pay for Australian goods in Yuan, so forcing Australia to circulate the Yuan internationally.
Because we do have higher IQ than you. It's a scientific fact.

No I don't believe we're biologically superior. I do however, believe we have the better learning culture.
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IQ is biological btw. Where was the IQ when small forces of brits with indian soldiers humiliated you with opium dens and stuff. Did that IQ just kick in after communism ?
Yes, Qing dynasty was rotten from the inside out. Approximately 98% of the population was illiterate at the time and the entire society was agrarian based.

Once we had a competent government that could run the country properly, we quickly became the world's largest industrial power within 4 decades. Don't be mad that you have inferior IQ. I forgive you for being a dumbass.

So only after observing western communism it occurred to Chinese to educate themselves and get their shit together. Any reported you for personal insults - there is long way off before you start strutting around your racial superiority if at all it were to ever happen. Right now you are a developing country who still cant get taiwan.
So only after observing western communism it occurred to Chinese to educate themselves and get their shit together. Any reported you for personal insults - there is long way off before you start strutting around your racial superiority if at all it were to ever happen. Right now you are a developing country who still cant get taiwan.
We always had a good learning culture. China was one of the most advanced civilization on earth until the 16th century. The difference was that China never entered the Industrial Revolution, which allowed Europe to leapfrog ahead. The political system of the Qing dynasty did not support scientific and societal advancement. We are a developing country, but we're also smarter than you. It's a statistically proven fact.


Ah yes run to the mods. That's what retarded kids usually do. It won't make you any smarter. I forgive your stupidity once more. You will find that I am a very generous person.
We always had a good learning culture. China was one of the most advanced civilization on earth until the 16th century. The difference was that China never entered the Industrial Revolution, which allowed Europe to leapfrog ahead. The political system of the Qing dynasty did not support scientific and societal advancement. We are a developing country, but we're also smarter than you. It's a statistically proven fact.

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Ah yes run to the mods. That's what retarded kids usually do. It won't make you any smarter. I forgive your stupidity once more. You will find that I am a very generous person.

Yea right 16th century. Busy worshipping indian buddha then i believe. You are talking as if it is a chinese carefully considered decision not to industrialize and "let" europe leapfrog. Your culture simply couldnt produce the scientific temper that europeans could.
IQ is biological btw. Where was the IQ when small forces of brits with indian soldiers humiliated you with opium dens and stuff. Did that IQ just kick in after communism ?
Traitors, selfishness, and strenght of internal unity also play a big part.
IQ is not everything, but will greatly help in learning where it went wrong and coming up with remedies.
That is why the Chinese keep coming back up with the longest continuous living history.
Cannot say the same for the Romans, Egyptians, and the Babylonians.

YES, the British only needed a VERY SMALL FORCE OF 3000 SOLDIERS to take all of modern India.
For comparison, a million soldiers from industrially advanced Japan couldn't take China down in 8 years.
Combined forces of the 8 formost Industrially Advanced Nations couldn't colonize China.
Hahaha, LOL.
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