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Featured Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power

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Why is it considered ‘racist’ when you talk about the average IQ based on race. People call East Asians short in height and overall less physically built as compared to Africans. This is a fact. But when you say East Asians have a higher IQ than others, it’s called ‘racist’. East Asians are far smarter than Africans. East Asian ethnicities do well in every country they live.
For comparison, a million soldiers from industrially advanced Japan couldn't take China down in 8 years.
Combined forces of the 8 formost Industrially Advanced Nations couldn't colonize China.
Hahaha, LOL.
IQ is biological btw. Where was the IQ when small forces of brits with indian soldiers humiliated you with opium dens and stuff. Did that IQ just kick in after communism ?


America forgot about WW2 where China with barely any arms from USA and with single shot bolt rifles and swords and bare hands fought and killed 3,000,000 Japanese invaders?

And USA needed no less than aircraft carriers and battleships and planes and artilleries and automatic rifles to kill 300,000 Japs in the Pacific?

And remember that China in WW2 with single shot bolt rifles and 5 bullets to a rifle were the best armed half of the force. And with swords and bare bodies with explosive strapped to them took on and killed 3,000,000 japanese soldiers.

And USA needed no less than aircraft carriers and battleships and planes and artilleries and automatic rifles to kill 300,000 Japs in the Pacific?




"dare to die corps" http://forlornhopesui.blogspot.com/2015/08/dare-to-die-corps.html


Chinese suicide bomber putting on an explosive vest made out of Model 24 hand grenades to use in an attack on Japanese tanks.

The battle involved a Japanese plan to conquer Xuzhou, a major city in the East. However, the Japanese failed to consider the plans of generals Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi, who planned to encircle the Japanese in the town of Tai'erzhuang. The Japanese operation started on 24 March. Overconfidence led the Japanese commanders to overlook the thousands of inconspicuous "farmers" in the area, who were affiliated with Li Zongren and cut communication lines and supplies, diverted streams, and ruined rail lines. By late March, supplies and fuels were being dropped from airplanes to Japanese troops, but the quantities were insufficient.
On 29 March 1938, a small band of Japanese soldiers tunneled under Tai'erzhuang's walls in an attempt to take the city from within. They were caught by the Nationalist defenders and killed. Over the next week, both sides claimed to hold parts of the city and surrounding area, and many were killed in small arms battles.
Finally, the Japanese attacked frontally, failing to consider the greater Chinese numbers. A major encirclement on 6 April, with Chinese reinforcements, preceded a major Japanese defeat and retreat, which the Chinese failed to capitalize upon fully through pursuit due to a lack of mobility.
The Chinese captured 719 Japanese soldiers and large quantities of military supplies, including 31 pieces of artillery, 11 armored cars, 8 armored fighting vehicles, 1,000 machine guns and 10,000 rifles.
A "dare to die corps" was effectively used against Japanese units.
Chinese suicide bomber putting on an explosive vest made out of Model 24 hand grenades to use in an attack on Japanese tanks
Due to lack of anti-armor weaponry, Suicide bombing was also used against the Japanese. Chinese troops strapped explosives like grenade packs or dynamite to their bodies and threw themselves under Japanese tanks to blow them up. Dynamite and grenades were strapped on by Chinese troops who rushed at Japanese tanks and blew themselves up. During one incident at Taierzhuang, Chinese suicide bombers obliterated four Japanese tanks with grenade bundles.
Amid the celebrations of the victory in Hankow and other Chinese cities, Japan tried to deny and ridiculed the reports of the battle for days. It was reported in the world's newspapers, however, and by mid-April had provoked a Cabinet crisis in Tokyo.
The Chinese scored a major victory, the first of the Nationalist alliance in the war. The battle broke the myth of Japanese military invincibility and resulted in an incalculable benefit to Chinese morale.

Japanese learned kamikaze attacks from what the Chinese did to them in China.

And now China weapons are more powerful and reach further and more accurate than that of USA AND ALL HER ALLIES RUNNING DOGS.

And China got much more of those weapons than USA hope to have

Or Korean War where China with single shot bolt action rifles drove USA and all her allies when USA firepower 100 times greater than China and fighting with automatic weapons and artillery and battleships with 16 inch guns .

The military might and strength of USA with heavy artillery and planes and tanks and battleships with 16 inch guns cannot be resisted by China with economy slightly out of stone age and with single shot bolt action rifles. Bolt operated rifles were just one stage above using muzzle loading muskets and black powder.

That Chinese be slaughtered and turned into red pulp should they dare to fight good old Dugout in Korea.

Chinese whacked USA and the UN combined that they had to flee south of the Parallel as demanded by China.Chinese fought with bolt operated rifles against Ma Dueces , automatic weapons and artillery and tanks and planes and chopters and battleships with 16″ guns.

Go read the book by David Halberstam

The Coldest Winter


Look on the front line at 24 Nov 1950 and the front line of 16 Dec 1950.


It took China only twenty days and less to do that push down to 38 parallel fighting USA and the UN combined who had 100 times and more of the firepower of China.

And what about Vietnam?
USA firepower at least 100 times that of Vietnam and China combined?



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Australian Import Bans Show the Sharp Edge of China’s Economic Power
The unilateral restrictions are intended to demonstrate to other nations the costs of challenging China’s interests.

By Sebastian Strangio
November 05, 2020

In the same week that China’s President Xi Jinping pledged to promote “an open world economy” in a speech at an international trade expo, his government declared a raft of punitive restrictions on imports from Australia.

As my colleagues at The Diplomat have noted, China this week ordered traders to stop purchasing at least seven categories of Australian commodities: coal, barley, copper ore and concentrate, sugar, timber, wine and lobster. The government has ordered the halt to begin on November 6, with the South China Morning Post reporting that a ban on Australian wheat is likely to follow.

The reports confirmed fears that emerged last weekend, when tons of live lobsters from Australia were unexpectedly stranded at Chinese airports while waiting to be inspected by customs officials. This came shortly after Beijing imposed tariffs on Australian barley imports, and said it would block imports of timber from the state of Queensland due to pests.

The restrictions are set to deal a multibillion dollar blow to an economy that is already grappling with COVID-19-induced economic recession, its first in three decades. Iron ore, Australia’s biggest export to China, has reportedly been excluded from the import freeze.

While it is unclear if anything specific prompted the move by the Chinese government, the order is consistent with the recent deterioration in relations between Beijing and Canberra, which have roughly paralleled the souring relations between China and the United States. Chinese leaders were angered in 2018, when Australia barred the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei from involvement in its national 5G network over national security concerns, shortly after passing an anti-foreign interference law geared mostly at fears of Chinese finagling in Australian politics.

That was the dire state of ties in April, when Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s government publicly called for an independent probe into the origins of the coronavirus, sending relations into free-fall.

Since then, according to Bloomberg, China has barred meat imports from four Australian slaughterhouses and has initiated an anti-dumping investigation into Australian wine. Cotton purchases have also been suspended, while Chinese power stations and steel mills have been told to stop using Australian coal.

When asked about the import blocks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin hinted at the political motive that clearly lies behind them. Speaking at a news briefing in Beijing on November 3, Wang said that the measures had been taken in accordance with China’s “laws and regulations,” and expressed hope that Australia would “do more to enhance mutual trust and bilateral cooperation … and bring the bilateral relations back to the right track as early as possible.”

This oblique message was later clarified by the Global Times, the Chinese Communist Party’s hawkish media mouthpiece, which published a quasi-analysis of the import ban on November 4, under the headline, “Australia nervous at losing Chinese market.” The article opined: “Chinese consumers’ confidence in Australian products would significantly drop if Australia continues to sabotage bilateral relations, which would cost Australia its best and biggest market, jobs and an opportunity to quickly recover from the pandemic.” It quoted a China-based analyst as saying that “being a mouthpiece for U.S. aggression against China will cost Australian jobs.”

The unilateral move, imposed in violation of World Trade Organization rules as well as the free trade agreement that was signed between China and Australia in 2015, is set to buffet an economy that has been pushed into recession by the coronavirus pandemic. China is Australia’s most important trading partner, and its exports to the country totaled A$169 billion (US $121.7 billion) in 2019. In particular, the sanctions on Australian lobster exports could pose a “dire threat” to the industry, which typically exports more than 90 percent of its catch to China. China is also the number one export market for Australian wine, an export worth around A$1.2 billion (US $864.9 million) per year.

In a statement on November 4, Trade Minister Simon Birmingham called on the Chinese government to play by the rules. “China has consistently denied any targeting of Australia and spoken about its commitment to trade rules,” the statement said. “In the spirit of their statements, we urge relevant Chinese authorities to address concerns of sectors like the seafood trade to ensure their goods can enter the Chinese market free of disruptions.”

Beijing’s move is clearly intended to make an example of Australia, a close American ally, in a way that is not possible with the U.S. itself, and to demonstrate the material costs of challenging Chinese interests.

In this sense, it strikes a discordant note with the keynote address that Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered at the third annual China International Import Expo in Shanghai on November 4. As my colleague Shannon Tiezzi noted of the speech, Xi aimed to reassure foreign firms that Beijing’s new focus on self-reliance and domestic consumption would not work to their disadvantage. On the contrary, Xi said, “Our aim is to turn the China market into a market for the world, a market shared by all, and a market accessible to all.”

After these actions against Australia, few can now doubt that this market access comes with firm political conditions attached.

Aussis had it comng for a long time!!!!!!
Why is it considered ‘racist’ when you talk about the average IQ based on race. People call East Asians short in height and overall less physically built as compared to Africans. This is a fact. But when you say East Asians have a higher IQ than others, it’s called ‘racist’. East Asians are far smarter than Africans. East Asian ethnicities do well in every country they live.

humans are more or less endowed with similar faculties. The slightly bigger built of africans meant jack$Hit in their development or ability to build things. In fact they are - along with indians - one of the poorest in the world. Indians do have great history esp the south indians who spread to malaysia, indonesia and established kingdoms. They also gave you a buddha.

If you are doing well thats good you are fortunate and you have an obligation to help others.
Like i said something growing out of maggots arse has more IQ than you.
humans are more or less endowed with similar faculties. The slightly bigger built of africans meant jack$Hit in their development or ability to build things. In fact they are - along with indians - one of the poorest in the world. Indians do have great history esp the south indians who spread to malaysia, indonesia and established kingdoms. They also gave you a buddha.

If you are doing well thats good you are fortunate and you have an obligation to help others.
Like my fellow Chinese here they too agree with me, that goes the same for all the 1.4 billion Chinese in China. Your race produce low IQ so that is why you feel insulted and needed to use foul language to argue. You are not that different to the Indians here, i almost forgot you guys are probably almost identical.

Arguing and insulting each other make no sense. Actually I am not very interested in this topic. Let me comb this in short, Supplier make Customer feel uncomfortable, customer want to find other suppliers. Look, this is what happened in the first place. Maybe this gives China a chance to make a balance, he can't rely on Australia resources too much; on the other hand, Australia make political tricks during business, he want to promote local made in Australia. My plain views.
Arguing and insulting each other make no sense. Actually I am not very interested in this topic. Let me comb this in short, Supplier make Customer feel uncomfortable, customer want to find other suppliers. Look, this is what happened in the first place. Maybe this gives China a chance to make a balance, he can't rely on Australia resources too much; on the other hand, Australia make political tricks during business, he want to promote local made in Australia. My plain views.

Tell that to your "superior" gene engineered high IQ chinese wonder @S10 whose IQ did not inform him that people wont like it if you call them dumbass or low IQ. He is the one for the mess here.
You cannot stop idiots with low IQ doing the insulting with reasoning. Just move on

Calling random people you met on internet as low IQ, dumbass is "reasoning" ? With dolts like you - your Xi Jinping will need to pour another $100 billion in BRI to get the same good will.
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With dolts like you - your Xi Jinping will need to pour another $100 billion in BRI to get the same good will.
I thought you said China should be helping other countries now that China is rich. That is exactly what we are doing with the BRI what are you complaining about? I know Americans are of diverse ethnicity due to immigration, since you are feeling being stepped on your toes you happen to be of low IQ race? Must be otherwise you would not bother to react. Asian Americans with high IQ would not be upset.
I thought you said China should be helping other countries now that China is rich. That is exactly what we are doing with the BRI what are you complaining about? I know Americans are of diverse ethnicity due to immigration, since you are feeling being stepped on your toes you happen to be of low IQ race? Must be otherwise you would not bother to react. Asian Americans with high IQ would not be upset.

BRI is a business deal for china - a sort of win - win. But if you insult the very people whose partnership you seek then the premium goes up a bit. You can shout yourself as high IQ in a corner with other chinese - no one will care. But dont go around calling people as "dumbass" "low iq" based on perceived ethnicity on internet. You dont come across as very smart when you do that. Which is very ironic considering what you boast.
BRI is a business deal for china - a sort of win - win. But if you insult the very people whose partnership you seek then the premium goes up a bit. You can shout yourself as high IQ in a corner with other chinese - no one will care. But dont go around calling people as "dumbass" "low iq" based on perceived ethnicity on internet. You dont come across as very smart when you do that. Which is very ironic considering what you boast.
no one will care? obviously you do because you keep on talking about it and you certainly feel insulted by it. Calling someone of low IQ is not equivalent to being a dumbass. Do you consider yourself dumbass? yes/no? If you think you are not then good for you. Move on, we do not care about your feelings. It is a simple fact that generally speaking certain ethnic groups have higher IQ compared to others.

And the premium will not go up, BRI deals have been signed and China will put on paper what amount of money to invest. Participant countries cannot demand China to pay more just because some Asians saying Asians having higher IQ. That is ridiculous, only an idiot like you would think like that
no one will care? obviously you do because you keep on talking about it and you certainly feel insulted by it. Calling someone of low IQ is not equivalent to being a dumbass. Do you consider yourself dumbass? yes/no? If you think you are not then good for you. Move on, we do not care about your feelings. It is a simple fact that generally speaking certain ethnic groups have higher IQ compared to others.

Yes the "science" around low IQ is suspect and especially the racial science based on it is considered junk science by most people. So frequent allusions to it followed by silly claims by you and other allegedly high iq genetic wonders is irritating and offensive.

I am not insulted by it - why would i ? you obviously have no idea of what my iq is - i am just irritated by your (actual) dumbass assumptions and your dumbass gloating based on it. You are actually doing your country based on solidarilty of workers around the world a great disservice by acting like a nazi clone.
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Yes the "science" around low IQ is suspect and especially the racial science based on it is considered junk science by most people. So frequent allusions to it followed by silly preening by you and other allegedly high iq genetic wonders is irritating and offensive.

I am not insulted by it - why would i ? you obviously have no idea of what my iq is - i am just irritated by your (actual) dumbass assumptions and your dumbass gloating based on it. You are actually doing your country based on solidarilty of workers around the world a great disservice by acting like a nazi clone.

You are not insulted? then what is your problem? I think you have low IQ too though i do not consider a dumbass, that is a whole different meaning. When i go to the local supermarket i say i have higher IQ than the store owner, so does that store owner going to charge me more? You see how stupid that sounds? China ain't going to pay more for the BRI participants you idiot, deals are made on paper. Grow up boy.
You are not insulted? then what is your problem? I think you have low IQ too though i do not consider a dumbass, that is a whole different meaning. When i go to the local supermarket i say i have higher IQ than the store owner, so does that store owner going to charge me more? You see how stupid that sounds? China ain't going to pay more for the BRI participants you idiot, deals are made on paper. Grow up boy.

hahaha - do you really go to a store owner and say you have higher IQ to the owner - you are weird in the scenarios you imagine. I dont know if there is a manners IQ in china in which case you will be the dumbest brick around. Well ask your Xi jinping to say africans are low IQ and then sign them on BRI.

Well either you or that s10 called me dumbass straight away in the very first or so response. And i have also explained in last post why i write against it - it is racist junk science. But you are obviously slow in grasping.
Actually they are bred from criminals.
hahaha - do you really go to a store owner and say you have higher IQ to the owner - you are weird in the scenarios you imagine. I dont know if there is a manners IQ in china in which case you will be the dumbest brick around. Well ask your Xi jinping to say africans are low IQ and then sign them on BRI.

Well either you or that s10 called me dumbass straight away in the very first or so response. And i have also explained in last post why i write against it - it is racist junk science. But you are obviously slow in grasping.

I guess using an example is too difficult for a low IQ person to grasp.

By the way it was you who first referred the Chinese as scum as i went through the pages, then you were laughing the Chinese for being invaded and laughing how the British had turned our people into drug addicts. You can be proud of yourself for seeing the Chinese people suffer it says alot about how your parents raised their little boy. If you wish you can also laugh how it had to take 8 countries combined to attack a weak China so they could rob us like thieves. @S10 correctly called you a dumbass in response to that. He did not hide any fact that during the Qing Dynasty the majority of the people were illiterate because of the Manchu rulers. A dynasty of 268 years which is nothing compared to a history of over 5000 years of civilization with plenty of inventions. You do not know any Chinese history so he had to teach a dumbass why Chinese population was illiterate during that period. This is the reason why foreign powers could have easily invaded China. Today everybody in China enjoy education and we are back to the days of having high IQ population.
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