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Australia not to supply uranium to India

watching these videos i think mr hamid and mr bharat verma are the role models of all the trollers over hear!!!!:mps::mps::smitten::victory:
Maw maw maw
coping others sentences

gob gob gob
i love ZH and my obsession knows no bounds

you continue to show disdain for my valid points because i have kicked you where it hurts the most, OMG don't be such an indignant slob, again coping my sentences with different words this time, then i guess it's to much to ask of you :rofl:
Did the mental hospital test too many drugs on you today? you developed this ever lasting constipation because i said this
"Indians whine on streets of other countries about Pakistan, for a small procurement of any military technology"
LOL i cant even say you are beginning to lose it as you never even had any brains, so much for being a eunuch you are not even good at it, i guess snapping at others was your charm and you have failed your Guru Bal thackery terribly
You will put others in their place ? LOL yes may be true by copying their sentences you will learn how to kick a Pre historic yahoo like yourself
LOL about ZH i think you are very disappointed these days that he is has gone off the grid, well don't be that sad he will be back soon to entertain your sick fetishes :bunny:
This is the your last reply lol, didn't i hear this loser's song before, but doesn't this befit perfectly on you " cowards die many times before their death". so i have a feeling you will be back if not with this wretched facade then with a new vile disguise to pacify the fire i set in your black hole which is known as heart in you case may be the other is even darker :rofl:
Furthermore you started with you **** personal attacks - Whimper Whimper
OMG! kissing my behind lol, btw how did you know my behind went on a vacation and i needed a substitute do u think you used enough fair & lovely on your face to match the colour scheme for my butt, the hole will be bigger but i guess it will do fine since it will be temporary and then ur face will will be returned :rofl: i know you wanted my to reciprocate the same response as yours as it would give you satisfaction but i hate to break it to you that i don't like hairy ugly behinds :oops:
and one last thing I don't consider you a vulture. I consider you something a vulture would eat.
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"Indians whine on streets of other countries about Pakistan, for a small procurement of any military technology"

U r saying Indians whine wen pakistan makes a purchase..

Heyyy wat do u expect us to do..? pay for ur defence purchase..??

"A victory is most sweet wen is achieved without firing a bullet"

Wen we try to block ur purchase its not whining...its a part of war....DIPLOMACY....

Of course u ll say its whinig as ur INCAPABLE or do not have the necessary clout to do that "WHINING"

nd BTW...i heard some one whining wen the nuclear deal was signed and the Arihant was launced.
but that will be of low quality...

can you please tell me which degree in nuclear science and reactors and energy you have in order to say the the uranium is pure or impure or is the quality good or not good???;) i would reaaly like to know... please specify??;) or is it another base for a piss compitition to start??the amount of uramium supplied by the othere countries is more than enough for indias requirment:azn:
U r saying Indians whine wen pakistan makes a purchase..

Heyyy wat do u expect us to do..? pay for ur defence purchase..??

"A victory is most sweet wen is achieved without firing a bullet"

Wen we try to block ur purchase its not whining...its a part of war....DIPLOMACY....

Of course u ll say its whinig as ur INCAPABLE or do not have the necessary clout to do that "WHINING"

nd BTW...i heard some one whining wen the nuclear deal was signed and the Arihant was launced.
Not that i want to start all over again with another of you holding monkey vengeance schemes, but i guess i am enjoying the taste of knocking you out of your deluded heads one by one, you might want to read the reason why i brought that up first........ Okay so war & diplomacy you call it? LOL i guess Americans & Israeli's should learn from the great Indians the art of diplomacy by protesting on streets of China & Russia to stop them from selling weapons to their adversaries. Pakistans like to play fair so Pakistan asked for similar deal, however the people of Pakistan still didn't resort to this so called diplomacy( whining ), so save the small talk, the act of trying to harm the enemy prior to the conflict only shows fear of defeat not a sound strategy
Not that i want to start all over again with another of you holding monkey vengeance schemes, but i guess i am enjoying the taste of knocking you out of your deluded heads one by one, you might want to read the reason why i brought that up first........ Okay so war & diplomacy you call it? LOL i guess Americans & Israeli's should learn from the great Indians the art of diplomacy by protesting on streets of China & Russia to stop them from selling weapons to their adversaries. Pakistans like to play fair so Pakistan asked for similar deal, however the people of Pakistan still didn't resort to this so called diplomacy( whining ), so save the small talk, the act of trying to harm the enemy prior to the conflict only shows fear of defeat not a sound strategy

loool...Pakistan likes to play it fair.....?? thats because u dont have the capability to play it unfair.

remember..."All is fair in love and war"

We will do or atleast try to do watever we can to stop ur purchases and u dont have any authority to question it.
India whining on russia s street is a bilateral affair b/n India and Russia.

im asking again:who was whining wen Arihant was launched..?
this will start a arms race,dangerous for south asia..blah blah blah...
We r no saints but ur not one either..remember that and dont act asif ur a smartie with an IQ north of 150,..
loool...Pakistan likes to play it fair.....?? thats because u dont have the capability to play it unfair.

remember..."All is fair in love and war"

We will do or atleast try to do watever we can to stop ur purchases and u dont have any authority to question it.
India whining on russia s street is a bilateral affair b/n India and Russia.

im asking again:who was whining wen Arihant was launched..?
this will start a arms race,dangerous for south asia..blah blah blah...
We r no saints but ur not one either..remember that and dont act asif ur a smartie with an IQ north of 150,..
All is fair in love & war?????? so you are at war with Pakistan :cheesy: or is it love :bunny:
i didn't even talk about indians in Russia, i guess it runs in the entire population to twist & manipulate, and i would have shown some enthusiasm if you had been able to reply me effectively, you failed to answer if the other countries adopt the same propaganda techniques rather the natives of that particular country hit the streets to do so-called diplomacy, who was whining where Arihant was launched provide proof, like i did! and i will tell you who actually whines about harmless UAV's. I am not acting, that's how you perceived me so Thanks:chilli: the point of concern here is the frustration of the bewildered civilians not dipolamats
Time to sell uranium to India


The Gillard government should proceed for the sake of economics, climate change and international fairness.

THIS week's visit by India's External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna is rekindling a difficult debate in Australia's relations with the rising giant of south Asia.

In this newspaper yesterday, Krishna cautiously revived Delhi's call for Canberra to lift its weary ban on uranium exports, pointing out that nuclear energy could be a climate-friendly way of helping to meet the massive electricity needs of a nation seeking to lift hundreds of millions to a decent quality of life.

His comments confirm that the Labor policy forbidding uranium sales to India is a thorn in what will be one of Australia's crucial 21st century bilateral relationships.

Diplomacy, strategy, economics, climate change and notions of international fairness - all these imperatives support a rethink. It is time the Gillard government mustered the political courage to agree to sell uranium to India for civilian use. Any exports would be subject to the same protocols and safeguards we apply to others such as China and Russia. If India then did not accept reasonable conditions, the deal would be off and it would no longer be Australia's problem.

But Canberra's refusal even to negotiate defies the fact that Australia and India are natural partners: multicultural democracies facing shared challenges and hopes in the Asian century. The new India's rapid economic growth and wealth of human capital complement Australia's resources and proximity. We are neighbours in the Indian Ocean. We face common security concerns, from terrorism to the potentially destabilising impact of China's rise.

To be fair, the Rudd and Gillard governments have done much to build relations, including with greater diplomatic resourcing, high-level visits, a 2009 defence declaration, security co-operation at the Commonwealth Games and preparations for a free trade pact. Canberra took reasonable steps to respond to the dreadful attacks on Indian students.

Trade has boomed. Australian coal, gold, copper, diamonds and services make India our third-largest export destination. And India is finally shedding misperceptions of an Australia tilting China's way, thanks to WikiLeaks cables on Kevin Rudd's realism about Beijing.

Privately, many well-informed Indians understand that today's Australia is precisely the opposite of the prejudiced, unsophisticated, unimportant, unreliable nation caricatured in India's media.

But, after the student crisis, championing Australia in India is hardly a popular move. It remains an open question whether Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will make a substantial visit to Australia this year - beyond attending the Commonwealth summit - unless he can announce some policy breakthrough.

The uranium issue was almost resolved four years ago, when the Howard government decided in principle to export. Now, sadly, it is the relationship's barometer of trust. The leadership in Delhi thinks Australia is withholding uranium because we distrust India. India seems unwilling to invest in a real strategic partnership until that changes.

A proper partnership would serve both nations' security interests. It could include defence exercises, exchanges of actionable intelligence, and creative co-operation involving third parties, such as working with Indonesia or the US on maritime security.

So why not sell uranium to India? Critics warn it would weaken the legal regime against the spread of nuclear weapons, the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which India has not signed. Under that pact, most nations swapped the right to build nuclear arms for international help in nuclear energy, plus promises by the nuclear-armed states to disarm, one day.

The theory is that exempting India might lead Pakistan, Israel, Iran or North Korea to conclude that one day they too can have both the bomb and respectable nuclear commerce with the world - as if they did not already have their own reasons for wanting atomic armaments.

But consider the Indian view. Indians see the NPT as nuclear apartheid: allowing nuclear arsenals to be possessed by only the five countries that managed to test the bomb before an artificial deadline in 1967: the US, Russia, Britain, France and China.

India is in a dangerous neighbourhood with disconcerting nuclear neighbours in China and Pakistan, and, unlike Australia, no ally offering a handy nuclear umbrella. For all that, India's nuclear deterrent is small. Delhi has a doctrine of no first strike, and supports the Obama administration's push for global nuclear disarmament.

In any case, Australia's fastidiousness is fast becoming academic. Since a 2007 US-India nuclear deal, which Australia voted for in international meetings, America and many other nations have begun legitimate nuclear business with India. Canada has agreed to sell uranium. Even Tokyo, long our partner in disarmament diplomacy, is looking at selling reactor components as it forges strategic links with Delhi. Australia could soon be the world's only substantial nuclear exporter standing aloof.

There are no ideal outcomes in diplomacy, only imperfect decisions. Canberra's full engagement with a rising India cannot be deferred forever.

Rory Medcalf is a program director at the Lowy Institute and senior research fellow in Indian strategic affairs at the University of NSW. He has served as an Australian diplomat in India.

that country has his own big uranium reservoirs, and don't forget WORLD's BEST QUALITY....:D:D;)

Boi o boi,when did Pakistan found it's uranium reserves?
There maybe some,but they are very very small.
You need to use the internet wisely.;)
Oz Oppn criticises govt for not selling uranium to India

Australia's Labor government was criticised by the Opposition for not selling uranium to India which the Asian country needs to generate clean energy for its growing economy.

Coalition foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop attacked the Labor's continued refusal to sell uranium to India, a policy Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd reaffirmed this week during a visit by External Affairs Minister S M Krishna.

"Labor once declared climate change to be the greatest moral, environmental and economic challenge of our age, yet it refuses to provide India with the uranium it needs to power its growing nuclear energy sector," Bishop was quoted as saying by the Australian news agency AAP.

During his meetings with the two ministers, Krishna raised the issue of India's standing request to Australia to sell uranium to it to generate clean energy.

But Australian government refused to reverse its policy as India is a non signatory of Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Oz Oppn criticises govt for not selling uranium to India
Why does cricket rivalry have to come in between politican issues?! LOOOOL Just kidding.

And to all the members who are getting pleased by Australia's desicion are sad. Because, this is not a move agianst India. Australia doesn't sell uranium to any country that hasn't signed Nuclear NPT or isn't a member of their allies group [Nato]. So, NO hard feeling. :)
No big deal - Get the yellow cakes from Mongolia,Canada, Kazakhstan,Namibia and Malawi who are waiting with their doors open.

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