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Australia not to supply uranium to India

About 60 percent of the world's production of uranium from mines is from Canada, Australia and Kazakhstan.
Canada produces the largest share of uranium from mines (20.5% of world supply from mines), followed by Kazakhstan (19.4%) and Australia (19.2%).

New Mines

Canada has two major mines likely to come into production in 2011: Cameco's Cigar Lake underground mine is being developed for 2011 start-up. It will truck ore for treatment at McClean Lake and Rabbit Lake mills, 70 km away, eventually to produce 7000 tU/yr. With this and the now-delayed Midwest mine operating, Canadian output could be substantially be concentrated at two mills: McClean Lake producing about 7600 tU and Key Lake 7000 tU per year, with about 3400 t/yr coming from Rabbit Lake. (See also Information Paper on Canada).

In Australia there are plans progressively to increase the uranium output of Olympic Dam, to about 16,000 tonnes U per year, and two smaller ISL mines are due to start production by about 2010. (See also Information Paper on Australia).

In Kazakhstan a number of ISL mines are due to start over the next few years, taking Kazakh uranium production to about 15,000 tU per year by 2010.

With the recovery of uranium prices since about 2003, there is a lot of activity in preparing to open new mines in many countries. The WNA reference scenario projects world uranium demand as about 74,000 tU in 2015, and most of this will need to come directly from mines (in 2007 36% came from secondary sources).

India has signed agreements with countries like kazakhstan,russia,canada,niger,mongolia,namibia with south africa expressing willingness to supply uranium to india.All these in total have 53% of world's uranium.its simple economics here,even USA will supply uranium to india after india signs the nuclear liability bill,so all i can see is a big loss for aussies.who cares.:usflag::usflag::rofl::rofl:
I believe I have ruffled your feathers - A bit More for you herer and to make my point and suggest some good thorough reading of whoever's writings you want. Since you quoted Sun Tzu - Here is a gist of what he thought of dealing with the enemy before going to war:

Sun Tzu advocates that the best way to achieve victory is to do so without fighting at all. He declares, To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.” [/\B] The thwarting of the enemy through the defeating of his strategy before the fighting actually begins, and separating him from his allies is the best course of action. The preferred methods for success in these matters would be the use of diplomacy, propaganda, and secret agents. By undermining the enemy’s plans and allies in this way, the need for actual battle became unnecessary for victory.

Like I said diplomacy and propaganda go hand in hand and whether you want to call it diplomacy or propaganda they work together and infact propaganda is a part of diplomacy. It is a way to DRIVE YOU POINT HOME! COMPRENDE? - I guess you don't have much brains to understand and I expect more of your rant to come through in the posts that follow through!

Ha - What was that you said - AH EMPTY VESSELS MAKE THE MOST NOISE - It seems that proverb fits perfect with your state of being and mind as of now!

As for ZH - I don't give a **** where is his or who he is - I know he talks **** like any other extremist and he has a huge fan following. Go check Youtube and you will see how many news channels invite him over.

I made my point about the people protesting on the streets. Let me reiterate my opinion - It is completely valid and I am sure it was organized by some smart Indian people.

As for your delusions on me supporting the Shiv Sena - I just think you are losing a verbal battle which is why you are resorting to personal attacks. Your arguments can best be described as very weak. Clearly it shows you have very little understanding of politics (well don't blame you ha). Go and read any of my posts in which I have supported them. I have taken a side in an argument to make my point. Anyday I will be with the Shiv Sena in an argument against ZAID HAMID. Is that also too hard for you to understand?

As for Chanakya well I would still highly recommend his teachings as a good read. But thats fine you can look up clausewitz cos his strategies are at best too brute for today's world and therefore irrelavant. In fact you should start with clausewitz and then move to heavier stuff like Sun Tzu and Chanakya. I would recommend going easy - given you would need to hone your skills and brains to fully comprehend their strategies and teachings.

Now so if I have answered your KID like questions then I would like to get back to work! Please go and read before countering someone's argument.



My feathers, LoL, but what makes sense is that my hammer has chipped a more than expected. or may be my valid argument defied your Grotesque principles.
SunTzu, it must have taken a lot of time for you to stumble upon this, here is a bitter pill for you he said a lot of things so lets not be stuck on that "There are [several] dangerous faults which may affect a general: (1) Recklessness, which leads to destruction; (2) cowardice, which leads to capture; (3) a hasty temper, which can be provoked by insults; (4) a delicacy of honor which is sensitive to shame fourth one really makes sense but not for you.
LoL, coping my statements:rofl: your are acting like a scamp who lacks the mind of his own & imitate his opponents to get back in game. Seriously Grow Up!
Oh yes You tube is very credible! most of the content over there is generated by lone computer freaks who have nothing better in their miserable lives. You can be a a hypocrite about not caring about ZH but you do, so don't fool your self :lol:, yes off course you will support Shiv Sena as your nationalistic pride is begging to get stumble by some concrete stuff :bunny:
As for reading strategists i have all the brains to absorb anything good that comes my way, i might be younger than you but the thing is i am modest enough to accept the reality without being biased and yes i am not a pseudo intellectual like you, so i suggest you read DR.Phil might help you over come your egotism.
BTW your country man was making up that nonsense about Indians not protesting on roads and since then i have gotten two of you to admit it LoL, is that what is bothering you now :rofl:, None of you could prove me wrong and what you have done is nothing except to lure this argument into a talk about your obsession with ZH a man whose words hurt you like bombs :oops: but not the irrational acts of your ShevSina, BTW it was you who brought ShevSina in discussion, Talk about having degenerate & chauvinist hero's
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My feathers, LoL, but what makes sense is that my hammer has chipped a more than expected. or may be my valid argument defied your Grotesque principles.
SunTzu, it must have taken a lot of time for you to stumble upon this, here is a bitter pill for you he said a lot of things so lets not be stuck on that "There are [several] dangerous faults which may affect a general: (1) Recklessness, which leads to destruction; (2) cowardice, which leads to capture; (3) a hasty temper, which can be provoked by insults; (4) a delicacy of honor which is sensitive to shame fourth one really makes sense but not for you.
LoL, coping my statements:rofl: your are acting like a scamp who lacks the mind of his own & imitate his opponents to get back in game. Seriously Grow Up!
Oh yes You tube is very credible! most of the content over there is generated by lone computer freaks who have nothing better in their miserable lives. You can be a a hypocrite about not caring about ZH but you do, so don't fool your self :lol:, yes off course you will support Shiv Sena as your nationalistic pride is begging to get stumble by some concrete stuff :bunny:
As for reading strategists i have all the brains to absorb anything good that comes my way, i might be younger than you but the thing is i am modest enough to accept the reality without being biased and yes i am not a pseudo intellectual like you, so i suggest you read DR.Phil might help you over come your egotism.
BTW your country man was making up that nonsense about Indians not protesting on roads and since then i have gotten two of you to admit it LoL, is that what is bothering you now :rofl:, None of you could prove me wrong and what you have done is nothing except to lure this argument into a talk about your obsession with ZH a man whose words hurt you like bombs :oops: but not the irrational acts of your ShevSina, BTW it was you who brought ShevSina in discussion, Talk about having degenerate & chauvinist hero's

Irrelavant at best and a Very WEAK argument!

Does not even cover the scope of the argument - Whatever happened to Clausewitz and Sun Tzu on DIPLOMACY?

And it did not take me anytime to get to those statements as I read it on a regular basis.

But nevermind it seems I really ruffled your feathers more and I expected this rant from you!

But anyways like I said read up MORE KID before you yap or I will pull down your panties a bit more!

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Irrelavant at best and a Very WEAK argument!

Does not even cover the scope of the argument - Whatever happened to Clausewitz and Sun Tzu on DIPLOMACY?

And it did not take me anytime to get to those statements as I read it on a regular basis.

But nevermind it seems I really ruffled your feathers more and I expected this rant from you!

But anyways like I said read up MORE KID before you yap or I will pull down your panties a bit more!

You find my talk irrelevant because it has cramped your style fair & square, What about SunTzu & Clausewitz i had mentioned them just as a part of reply depicting my personal preference over Kautitiliya, which was again an obvious proof of your desperate attempt to chicken out from real topic, You had barged into the discussion to satisfy the figment of your imagination, but to your horror due to lack of any credible knowledge you fell flat on your face, and now you are reduced to either coping my words or repeating your own, which is sort of a pity :cry: . I wanted Indians to admit the crazy stunts the pull in different countries to show their frustration and so far all of you have admitted it though with petty excuses, i guess that blew your Dhotti away :rofl: and here's a treat for you, since you asked for it.
You find my talk irrelevant because it has cramped your style fair & square, What about SunTzu & Clausewitz i had mentioned them just as a part of reply depicting my personal preference over Kautitiliya, which was again an obvious proof of your desperate attempt to chicken out from real topic, You had barged into the discussion to satisfy the figment of your imagination, but to your horror due to lack of any credible knowledge you fell flat on your face, and now you are reduced to either coping my words or repeating your own, which is sort of a pity :cry: . I wanted Indians to admit the crazy stunts the pull in different countries to show their frustration and so far all of you have admitted it though with petty excuses, i guess that blew your Dhotti away :rofl: and here's a treat for you, since you asked for it.

Ha I didn't even need to pull your panties down at all - you did it yourself buddy!

After reading this post of yours - I truly feel I am wasting my time arguing with you. but just for rebuttal sake and upholding the ethics of debate I chose to write back. I will not reply to your useless talk anymore cos quite frankly you are not worth my time and moreover I will not learn anything new from you so let it be.

As for the point on the view on Indians taking to the streets - I never changed the topic. I gave you an explanation which obviously you pea sized brain could not comprehend afterall you see it from the perspective of Clausewitz (a military general and not a hardcore philosopher or strategist like Sun Tzu or CHANAKYA (NOT KAUTILYA). As for accepting the "CRAZY STUNTS" - Did I say no to that - NO. I said its absolutely legitimate.

You mentioned Sun Tzu and I gave you his thoughts on Diplomacy and Propaganda.

You then came back talking about how it tool me so much time to find it - HAHAHHAHA I mean ***** you are so egotistical that you just cannot comprehend. Your brain is plagued by Anti India attitude. You see Indians taking to the streets as a threat to Pakistan while on the contrary we view it as UPHOLDING OUR STRATEGIC INTERESTS!

You go to any world affairs forum and ask for a rationale explanation to that view and I am sure every one will explain the same to you!

Your talk smells of a VIRGIN in world affairs - SO PLEASE AGAIN BEFORE YOU START YAPPING GO ON AND READ UP ALL THE POSTS THAT YOU AND I EXCHANGED and you will know how you deviated from the scope of the argument just cos you could not counter any of my claims only posted baseless bullshit rebuttals.

So please now if you don't mind I have better things to do like read up CHANAKYA!

Now go on lad and remember the lesson!


PS - In an argument dont stray too far away from home - you risk getting yourself into trouble given that you have very little knowledge overall.

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You then came back talking about how it tool me so much time to find it - HAHAHHAHA I mean ***** you are so egotistical that you just cannot comprehend.

You go to any world affairs forum and ask for a rationale.....

So please now if you don't mind I have better things to do like read up CHANAKYA!

Now go on lad and remember the lesson!

PS - In an argument dont stray too far away from home - you risk getting yourself into trouble given that you have very little knowledge overall.

Chunnda you are willing to weasel out! because you have got nothing solid to back up your freakishly psychotic beliefs.

You poked your nose into this argument because you had all the high hopes to deviate the topic to save your country men from making a mockery of them selves, but Irony you just demonstrated that you forgot to pay your brain bill as well :rofl:

Instead of suggesting me to go back i suggest you do so, you will come to know that you your self has accepted my point in contrast to the stupid claims by your compatriot :lol:
Its an excellent time for you to become a missing person since my logical and existent points have forced you to run out of grit.
So go and read your Chanaykya and follow the foot steps of your beloved Shave Sena, don't deprive the world of a real extremist, okay.
You mentioned Sun Tzu and I gave you his thoughts on Diplomacy and Propaganda.
No i just mentioned them as my personal preference over Kauitliya, i am not going to asking you to scroll up with open eyes as i don't want your to strain your head any further
& yes please enhance your vocabulary so that you wont have to copy my words lol, its even embarrassing for me.

You see Indians taking to the streets as a threat to Pakistan while on the contrary we view it as UPHOLDING OUR STRATEGIC INTERESTS!
So you are accepting that if Pakistan gets 18, f-16's Indians so called strategic assets will be in danger, LOL, talk about a nation dead scared of 18- fighter jets :rofl:
Take a mental note okay if u have any paper left :lol:, don't barge into the discussions that are way too simple
Believe me, I didn't want to make a monkey out of you. As i am modest enough not to take all the credit :rofl:
Chunnda you are willing to weasel out! because you have got nothing solid to back up your freakishly psychotic beliefs.

You poked your nose into this argument because you had all the high hopes to deviate the topic to save your country men from making a mockery of them selves, but Irony you just demonstrated that you forgot to pay your brain bill as well :rofl:

Instead of suggesting me to go back i suggest you do so, you will come to know that you your self has accepted my point in contrast to the stupid claims by your compatriot :lol:
Its an excellent time for you to become a missing person since my logical and existent points have forced you to run out of grit.
So go and read your Chanaykya and follow the foot steps of your beloved Shave Sena, don't deprive the world of a real extremist, okay.

No i just mentioned them as my personal preference over Kauitliya, i am not going to asking you to scroll up with open eyes as i don't want your to strain your head any further
& yes please enhance your vocabulary so that you wont have to copy my words lol, its even embarrassing for me.

So you are accepting that if Pakistan gets 18, f-16's Indians so called strategic assets will be in danger, LOL, talk about a nation dead scared of 18- fighter jets :rofl:
Take a mental note okay if u have any paper left :lol:, don't barge into the discussions that are way too simple
Believe me, I didn't want to make a monkey out of you. As i am modest enough not to take all the credit :rofl:

Chuche - again your posts show your brain has been genetically malified through years of you know what! :rofl:

Again KID your post did not piss me off but rather amused me - you just wont stop deviating from the topic. I made a point and I said it is legitimate for Indians to take to the streets - HOWEVER YOU SEE IT - Clearly your barbaric instincts took over the smartness of your brain (THAT IS IF YOU HAVE ONE) which also explains why you prefer CLAUSWITZ. See its not your fault - You know what i mean right?




CHANAKYA - Kautilya or VISHNUGUPTA were just his aliases and the name KAUTILYA was just after the name of his gotra which comes from KOTIL RISHI! SO GET THE NAME RIGHT CHUCHE!


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yap yap yap........................................................ Yap

:woot: after throwing in the towel the weasel has returned to gather some more chunks of lost pride( like there were any) :chilli:
I will not reply to your useless talk anymore cos quite frankly you are not worth my time and moreover I will not learn anything new from you so let it be.
Your are a guy or a gal who has defied his/her own words, So much for the credibility that you claim,LOL looks like i was wrong you are not only obsessed with ZH rather whole Pakistan i know the best thing you can do is imitate others as you lack creativity, i don't have to ask you if you are brain dead, because its too obvious:rofl: your excuse for defending your compatriot speaks too loudly of you getting baffled & frustrated by quality argument which has left u bewildered. However don't feel bad about this as a lot of people have no talent like you

CHANAKYA - Kautilya or VISHNUGUPTA were just his aliases and the name KAUTILYA was just after the name of his gotra which comes from KOTIL RISHI! SO GET THE NAME RIGHT CHUCHE
Let me pretend if i care............. :blink:....Hmmm. Nope i don't so keep your rotten information about a demented so called strategist to your self.

Nope my country men are wise enough and not Bigots, we got a proof here of that which is the actual reason for you to be on flames :flame:
Nobody asked the reason for desperation and frustration in indian population about Pakistan making headway, rather some of you were in denial and you have acceded to my claim, that is why you are trying to justify those sinister tactics as diplomacy :rofl:. you are not stupid you are just possessed by Kutiliya's ghost which is about to be replaced by Bal Thackrey's LOL
Keep talking someday you might say something intelligent
:woot: after throwing in the towel the weasel has returned to gather some more chunks of lost pride( like there were any) :chilli:

Your are a guy or a gal who has defied his/her own words, So much for the credibility that you claim,LOL looks like i was wrong you are not only obsessed with ZH rather whole Pakistan i know the best thing you can do is imitate others as you lack creativity, i don't have to ask you if you are brain dead, because its too obvious:rofl: your excuse for defending your compatriot speaks too loudly of you getting baffled & frustrated by quality argument which has left u bewildered. However don't feel bad about this as a lot of people have no talent like you

Again - poor chucha back to his old game - Deviate from the topic but don't accept you have been bolstered to the ground (not once but so many times) with your face down.

So keep yapping now - cos I have put you in your place way too many times and you are just hurt and reacting with Verbal Diarrhea

This is how I ripped you:

1. First you started yapping like an idiot on how propaganda and diplomacy are different and to prove your point mentioned Sun Tzu against CHANAKYA - I quoted SUN TZU and SHUT U UP?

2. Then you started talking about ZH when I made a point on him (which was my part of the argument) mostly a rebuttal to your SHIV Sena statement - Here are some videos to prove my point and disprove yours about YOU TUBE. So then again now I believe YOU WILL STFU (OH SORRY I FORGOT I WAS TALKING TO A NITWIT)

3. You started deviating from the core issue of Indians taking to the streets and despite my point still went on yapping - I PROVED AGAIN THAT IT IS LEGITIMATE BY QUOTING SUN TZU.

4. Furthermore you started with you **** personal attacks - quite clearly by now you were completely put down with your hands tied and face down and me pulling down your panties! :rofl:

5. This is my last post cos I think I am done putting you in your place - This has ensured at least 6 months of mental trauma for your likes and you will now think 10 times before taking on someone you cannot handle more so a person with a decent understanding of world affairs.

Finally Videos of you dear ZH - HAVE FUN CHUCHA! :rofl::rofl:

You can find many more!

P.S. - You are only mend to read Clauswitz don't go beyond that cos your puny little brain will not be able to handle the work of great philosophers and strategists like CHANAKYA OR SUN TZU! HA so much for pseudo intellectual!
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Because we haven't signed the NPT and the CTBT? Hmmm, can you all smell the hypocrisy?

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