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Australia lawyer 'smokes' Koran, Bible pages


Oct 29, 2009
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An Australian lawyer tore pages from the Koran and the Bible and smoked them on YouTube, days after a US pastor's threat to burn Islam's holy book triggered deadly protests and global condemnation. videos An Australian atheist lawyer has posted a video clip on Youtube entitled "Bible or …More Enlarge photo An Australian atheist lawyer has posted a video clip on Youtube entitled "Bible or …More Enlarge photo Florida firebrand church leader Terry Jones cancelled a Koran-burning event after strong …More In a 12-minute clip entitled "Bible or Koran -- which burns best?" Alex Stewart, who belongs to an atheist group, holds up the Christian and Muslim holy books before tearing out pages and smoking them.

At one point he lights what looks like a joint rolled from a page from the Bible, leans back after inhaling heavily and says "Holy".

The video, which has been deleted, was posted on YouTube over the weekend, coinciding with the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks and coming after American pastor Terry Jones threatened to torch 200 copies of the Koran.

Stewart's employer, the Queensland University of Technology, said the research lawyer is on leave following a meeting on Monday.

"The university is obviously extremely, extremely unhappy and disappointed that this sort of incident should occur," vice-chancellor Peter Coaldrake told reporters.

Stewart's video, in which he describes the Bible and Koran as "just books", is deeply hurtful to Muslims, said Sheik Muhammad Wahid, president of the Islamic Association of Australia.

"There is no need for this kind of thing, just to create disunity and disharmony among people living in Australia," Wahid told Australian news agency AAP.

Stewart, an assistant organiser with a group called Brisbane Atheists, refers to the proposed burnings of the Koran in the United States in his video.

Florida firebrand Jones cancelled the event -- a protest against plans to build a mosque near New York's Ground Zero site -- but the furore led to two deaths in Afghan protests and strong worldwide condemnation.

"With respect to books like the Bible and the Koran, whatever, just get over it," Stewart says in the video which has since been deleted from YouTube.

In comments to Brisbane's Courier Mail, Stewart defended his right to freedom of speech.

"The video was a joke video, of course," he told the paper, adding that he was smoking grass clippings rather than marijuana.

"People do this stuff all the time and if people get really upset about this then they're taking it far too seriously."
A few years back there was tremendous opposition to the building of a mosque in an Australian city ....I forget which.....they happened to physical destroy all construction attempts and a crowd spokesperson openly told the local media their intention was to " prevent the spread of Islam " and preserve Australian culture ....of all developed countries Australia ranks the highest on counts of lack of civility, intolerance and racial stereotyping......
hmm...Freedom to intentionally hurt religious sentiments should be taken away from freedom of expression,while maintaining the freedom to criticize any religion.
hmm...Freedom to intentionally hurt religious sentiments should be taken away from freedom of expression,while maintaining the freedom to criticize any religion.
Not possible. Criticisms, even genuinely earnest and constructive ones, ALWAYS involves hurt feelings. You cannot legislate emotions, only the physical reactions those emotions may produce. Maturity here works both ways. The mature individual, or society, would not go to such crass length as this instance. Likewise, a mature individual, or society, would not resort to violence even when presented with such crass insults instead of genuinely constructive criticisms. But in the interest of preservation of freedom of speech, the default position is that violence cannot be the appropriate response to any criticisms, from genuinely scholarly to crass insults.
This is perhaps not the first time or the country where (God forbid) Quran/Bibel were burnt by the followers of lucifer.
This heinous act originated from India and now followed in western states.


Every state has his own rules and culture, we can only condem or appreciate such affairs based on our beliefs.

More dangerous is when they infiltrate any of the religion and spread false propaganda against each other and act in disguise.
Not possible. Criticisms, even genuinely earnest and constructive ones, ALWAYS involves hurt feelings. You cannot legislate emotions, only the physical reactions those emotions may produce. Maturity here works both ways. The mature individual, or society, would not go to such crass length as this instance. Likewise, a mature individual, or society, would not resort to violence even when presented with such crass insults instead of genuinely constructive criticisms. But in the interest of preservation of freedom of speech, the default position is that violence cannot be the appropriate response to any criticisms, from genuinely scholarly to crass insults.

You see this is what i'm talking about , people like Gambit would love to play with fire by supporting such bigotry acts and violence. Its not the Muslim people they should be fearing ,its ALLAH(swt) and his creation, but how do you expalin them the existance of ALLAH and his wrath ?

Well even if you did it wouldn't matter, warn them or warn them not as this is the same to them - warn them not to spread mischeive across the land. as this is mention in the QUran in Sura Burqura and Sura Yasin
However these people attitude reminds me a story called Salehs Camel where group of people went against the prophet and killed the camel
ALlah(swt) send his curse and within 3 days and people were gone.
All I have to say is be patient and fear Allah(swt) don't stoop down to there level.
You see this is what i'm talking about , people like Gambit would love to play with fire by supporting such bigotry acts and violence. Its not the Muslim people they should be fearing ,its ALLAH(swt) and his creation, but how do you expalin them the existance of ALLAH and his wrath ?
If muslims support the burning of the American flag and those 'Death to America' rallies behind the 'Freedom of speech' shield, just be glad that those acts do not bring on the wrath of the US.
If muslims support the burning of the American flag and those 'Death to America' rallies behind the 'Freedom of speech' shield, just be glad that those acts do not bring on the wrath of the US.

Not the same thing at all, DOn't compare God with the US. Completly stupid childish rant of tit for tat attitude
Beside you don't mess words that come from the creator.
What is US against ALlah(swt) ? seriously your nukes gonna destroy ALlah ?
The very land you're on was created by Allah(swt) and very much so can take it away with an earthquake.
I'M NOT SAYING OUT OF SPITE OR ANYTHING BUT TELLING THE TRUTH ! and what I typed the last time wasn't anything to insulted you.

This is getting boring.. really annoying.. You guys are enabling people like this with your "Outrage". buy a book for few bucks and tear it or burn it and post photos online is going to piss off 1.5 billion people.. I cannot think of easiest way of getting international attention.

Unless muslims ignore such attention seekers this circus will continue, there is no one to blame but muslims themselves.

Muslims of the world, take a chill pill.
Lol he was just smokin a dooubie me and my friends one time dident have tooling papers so we rooked one of the blank papers of a bible and smoked some guuuddd stufffff :D
This is perhaps not the first time or the country where (God forbid) Quran/Bibel were burnt by the followers of lucifer.
This heinous act originated from India and now followed in western states.


Every state has his own rules and culture, we can only condem or appreciate such affairs based on our beliefs.

More dangerous is when they infiltrate any of the religion and spread false propaganda against each other and act in disguise.

Why would you post an old picture? Just to inflame people here? Or is it just you being you? History, my friend does not start where you want it. Countless examples can be given for members of your religion desecrating something or the other belonging to religions not their own. Just depends how far back in history I want to go.

Since the Australians seem to be getting a lot of flack, will just post a link of an earlier incident where the desecration was slightly different.

Muslim boys urinated on Bible | The Australian

There will always be some nutters, some media hungry scumbags everywhere. Generalisation on that score would be very unfair.
This is perhaps not the first time or the country where (God forbid) Quran/Bibel were burnt by the followers of lucifer.
This heinous act originated from India and now followed in western states.


Every state has his own rules and culture, we can only condem or appreciate such affairs based on our beliefs.

More dangerous is when they infiltrate any of the religion and spread false propaganda against each other and act in disguise.

Do you have anything else to do?? You must have some tolerance. This is the problem with people like you. If one person abuse you, than you will abuse his whole family. :tdown:
Since the Australians seem to be getting a lot of flack, will just post a link of an earlier incident where the desecration was slightly different.

Muslim boys urinated on Bible | The Australian

There will always be some nutters, some media hungry scumbags everywhere. Generalisation on that score would be very unfair.
I fully support the freedom of speech of those muslim boys desecrating the Bible that way. They took the American art piece 'Piss Christ' to a new level.
Not the same thing at all, DOn't compare God with the US. Completly stupid childish rant of tit for tat attitude Not at all, as the emotional value of the believer is much the same (if I may be so rude as to think anything approaches the emotional value Muslims hold for the Quran). It is considered an insult to many when their flags are burned and death to their country is chanted.
Beside you don't mess words that come from the creator.
What is US against ALlah(swt) ? seriously your nukes gonna destroy ALlah ?Then why can't some Muslims let Allah defend himself/itself/herself instead of taking up the mantle of holy crusader?
The very land you're on was created by Allah(swt) and very much so can take it away with an earthquake.same as above, why do some Muslims feels Allah needs help despite being all powerful?
I'M NOT SAYING OUT OF SPITE OR ANYTHING BUT TELLING THE TRUTH ! and what I typed the last time wasn't anything to insulted you.

What do your words of divine wrath, creation and fear mean to a person who does not believe Allah exists?

Now I hope you are calm enough to answer this,
Do you think what I've said is bigoted, hateful, a provacation for violence, and/or should be outlawed?

If you think it is, why?
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