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Australia lawyer 'smokes' Koran, Bible pages

Why would you post an old picture? Just to inflame people here? Or is it just you being you? History, my friend does not start where you want it. Countless examples can be given for members of your religion desecrating something or the other belonging to religions not their own. Just depends how far back in history I want to go.

Since the Australians seem to be getting a lot of flack, will just post a link of an earlier incident where the desecration was slightly different.

Muslim boys urinated on Bible | The Australian

Muslim boys urinated on Bible | The Australian

TWO Muslim students have been expelled from an Islamic school in Melbourne for urinating and spitting on a Bible and setting it on fire.
The explosive incident has forced the East Preston Islamic College to call in a senior imam to tell its 650 Muslim students that the Bible and Christianity must be respected.

Anxious teachers at the school have also petitioned principal Shaheem Doutie, expressing "grave concern" about an "inculcation of hatred and radical attitudes towards non-Muslims" at the school, including towards non-Muslim teachers.

The Bible desecration took place last week at a school camp held near Bacchus Marsh, about 50km west of Melbourne, attended by 33 teenage Muslim boys ranging in age from Year7 to Year 10.

A school report of the incident, obtained by The Australian, says it happened late at night and involved three students and another two watching.

"The main perpetrator (a Year 7 student) urinated on the Holy Bible, tore some pages from the Holy Book and burnt them then finally spat on the Holy Book," the report says.

The second boy, from Year 9, "tore pages from the Holy Book and burnt them", while a third student, from Year 7, "tore pages from the Holy Bible and then he rolled it up like a cigarette and pretended to smoke it".

The boys come from a variety of ethnic Muslim backgrounds -- one is believed to be an Albanian/Malaysian, another Lebanese and another Indonesian.

Mr Doutie, whose school receives about $3.9 million in state and federal government funding each year, told The Australian yesterday that both he and the school community were appalled by the Bible desecration and that he had expelled the first two boys and suspended the third.
In a letter to all staff on Monday, Mr Doutie wrote: "The school unconditionally apologises for this horrible act as conducted by some illiterate and ignorant students while under the care of EPIC teachers.

"We regard the desecration of the Bible in a very serious light and therefore we have taken serious action against the offenders.

"The Bible is an important book both for non-Muslims and Muslims and should be treated as a holy book by all religions."

Mr Doutie said he did not believe that the boys realised the significance of their act.

But to ensure it did not happen again he had called in the assistant imam of the Newport Mosque, Oman Haouli, to tell the students that the Bible was a sacred book. "My lesson to them was to respect their neighbours and respect all religions," Mr Haouli said yesterday.

But the desecration incident has shaken the nerves of the school's teachers, about half of whom are non-Muslim.

A petition signed by 22 teachers expressed "anguish and dismay at the grave incident of the desecration of the Holy Bible".

"This whole incident implies a deep hatred inculcated in the students towards the Christians/non-Muslim teachers," it says.

The petition said there had been "previous incidents of students misbehaving towards non-Muslim teachers".

It called on the school to "take steps to rectify this explosive situation" to ensure the safety of teachers.

Mr Doutie said the school had tried to contact the parents of the expelled boys to find out why they had desecrated the Bible. But he said the school had not received a response.

EPIC is an eight-year-old primary and secondary school in Melbourne's north that caters mostly to the children of working-class immigrant Somali and Lebanese families.

The Bible desecration comes at a time of heightened tension among Australia's 300,000-member Islamic community, many of whom believe their religion is being unfairly discriminated against because of terrorism fears.

Many Muslims remain angry about the public humiliation suffered by their spiritual leader, the mufti Taj Din al-Hilali, after the Sheik likened female **** victims to pieces of meat who brought the attacks on themselves.
Why would you post an old picture? Just to inflame people here? Or is it just you being you? History, my friend does not start where you want it. Countless examples can be given for members of your religion desecrating something or the other belonging to religions not their own. Just depends how far back in history I want to go.

Since the Australians seem to be getting a lot of flack, will just post a link of an earlier incident where the desecration was slightly different.

Muslim boys urinated on Bible | The Australian

There will always be some nutters, some media hungry scumbags everywhere. Generalisation on that score would be very unfair.

buddy this is the main issue... hurting any people by attacking his religion is not a so called freedom of speech... don't forget the destruction of Mosque and Cruches few years back in india... which shows very close smilarity between india and Aus. Muslims could also attack other's religion places... but true Muslim can never as it is forbidden in Islam.. rather Islam teaches the protection of other's religious places... thats why you can see little or no such activity in any Muslim country, A True Muslim Country.
I don't understand why religion should get a pass when everything else is fair game. Are religious sensitivities more valid than other considerations?
There are three ways that any religion will 'get a pass' from criticisms:

1- Intimidation. By silencing the critics, usually by threats of violence, open or veiled.

2- Appeal to compassion. By implying that criticisms are hurtful the victim play upon the emotional generosities of others to have them silence themselves.

3- Refusal to engage. By simply refusing to engage in any meaningful theological discussion, the religion is effectively closed to discussion by virtue that a discussion is a two-way street.
hmm...Freedom to intentionally hurt religious sentiments should be taken away from freedom of expression,while maintaining the freedom to criticize any religion.

thats a dangerous path to go down to.
who will draw that line where freedom of expression ends and sentiment are hurt beyond that????
I don't understand why religion should get a pass when everything else is fair game. Are religious sensitivities more valid than other considerations?

Yes, I have seen some members here throwing expletives to Darwin just because theory of evolution doesn't align with their respective faith. While they have every right to do so, why, Insulting Darwin should be considered fairer than insulting Ram, Muhammad or Jesus?
Not the same thing at all, DOn't compare God with the US. Completly stupid childish rant of tit for tat attitude
Beside you don't mess words that come from the creator.
What is US against ALlah(swt) ? seriously your nukes gonna destroy ALlah ?
The very land you're on was created by Allah(swt) and very much so can take it away with an earthquake.
I'M NOT SAYING OUT OF SPITE OR ANYTHING BUT TELLING THE TRUTH ! and what I typed the last time wasn't anything to insulted you.

what about people like me who don't think there is any thing called god???
and refuse to accept god just because it's written in some book...:blink::blink:
man i iam itching to go far
but i realise i will probably brak few rules so sayo nara as of now
buddy this is the main issue... hurting any people by attacking his religion is not a so called freedom of speech... don't forget the destruction of Mosque and Cruches few years back in india... which shows very close smilarity between india and Aus. Muslims could also attack other's religion places... but true Muslim can never as it is forbidden in Islam.. rather Islam teaches the protection of other's religious places... thats why you can see little or no such activity in any Muslim country, A True Muslim Country.

seriously bro do you really believe this..? the history of the entire subcontinent is filled with such bloody examples.....what about Mahmud of Ghazni , Mohd Ghori , Ferozeshah Tugluk , Babur , Aurangzeb , Nadir shah, Khilji......I could go on and on with the list.....
Do you not consider them true muslims...?

even in current times we get to hear about Saudi Authorities preventing the existence of Hindu temples.....

Religious police destroy temple - Washington Times

dont drag India into the discussion unnecessarily....as far as tolerance of religion and culture is concerned we rank simply too high.......:cheers:
buddy this is the main issue... hurting any people by attacking his religion is not a so called freedom of speech... don't forget the destruction of Mosque and Cruches few years back in india... which shows very close smilarity between india and Aus. Muslims could also attack other's religion places... but true Muslim can never as it is forbidden in Islam.. rather Islam teaches the protection of other's religious places... thats why you can see little or no such activity in any Muslim country, A True Muslim Country.

You are a liar and a hypocrite. If I start posting articles on attacks on other faiths by Muslims worldwide and in Pakistan, it will occupy me for days.

Do you want me to start such a thread?
Free speech.

Do people honestly want governments to limit free speech even more?

The point the guy was making by burning the koran and the bible is that they are just two books and people can do whatever they like, it's free speech.

You have lunatics in this thread saying "OMG HE HATES ISLAM OMG" missing the point he was trying to make. Did you not see him burning the bible too?

They are just two books, nothing more.
You are a liar and a hypocrite. If I start posting articles on attacks on other faiths by Muslims worldwide and in Pakistan, it will occupy me for days.

Do you want me to start such a thread?

hey don't get personal ok...this is not bharat raksha or what ever.... go and see your history too... aur han don't forget Babri Masjid and hindu extremist and Muslim roits...ok
seriously bro do you really believe this..? the history of the entire subcontinent is filled with such bloody examples.....what about Mahmud of Ghazni , Mohd Ghori , Ferozeshah Tugluk , Babur , Aurangzeb , Nadir shah, Khilji......I could go on and on with the list.....
Do you not consider them true muslims...?

even in current times we get to hear about Saudi Authorities preventing the existence of Hindu temples.....

Religious police destroy temple - Washington Times

dont drag India into the discussion unnecessarily....as far as tolerance of religion and culture is concerned we rank simply too high.......:cheers:

if they are doing against any other religion they are going against Islamic teachings..... the problem is people consider taliban's religion Islamic but in reality Islam is totally different to that one... you need to do some study on Human Rights in Islam before saying anything against Islam.
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