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Aurat March 2020 — Women's March 2020 | Pakistan | Translated

First of all you are in my ignore list, but let me try reason with you :)
1) the highlighted Part, A women ... Question remains , if they have demand ask the govt why put inflammatory posters against man ? if a man gets hit or spit by a women you see him going after all the women ?

2) Highly Subjective, Yes Quran Talk about that you can strike your women but after a whole process of other ways to bring her on Rah-e-Rast , now you ask who is Man to determine what is Rahe Rast right ? Allah predetermined it for us, Muhammad Pbuh confirmed it , he has 11 wives in total from all ages , he spend his time with a women who was 23 years older than him , and spend a part of his life with a women who was much much younger than him, his life is example , follow it and you or any man wont fall . As for wife beating , every case is different , I heard from my American wife that not a single women in her family is that didn't get beaten by his husband or BF . Man who beats women without reason or those who are Shakky mard , they are wrong and every educated man is against them, but when these women put up their posters they are not creating a distinction between good or bad, they are attacking men .

Not a single action was done, not a single poster was for Govt, not a single women from March ever step foot in Pakistan's rural areas, all they are doing is posting vulgar posters and trying to look for a fight so they create controversy . Pakistan has a unique culture and society , we have no reason to follow America or West in that matter , every society has its ways , norms , morals and ethics . Americans wont follow yours, so keep your ways and be proud of them . Or else You must have heard that Saying , " Dhobi ka kutta , na ghar ka na ghaat ka " .

Oh yes they are, Poor women hardly wear the clothes or talk like these women, poor women are to busy in taking care of their homes , kids and future .. they rarely had time to come out and go into these marches .

1. The organization has repeatedly stated it is against the system.

2. Controversial, yes but I don't think it is something to be proud of that >40% of your own women believe that it is justifiable for men to hit women.

3. How do you know they have never steep foot in the rural areas? Many posters were for Government. The whole reason for the march is to call for action.

4. How sad that the under privileged who can't speak for themselves have a voice among the privileged, how sad indeed.
No matter how successful they declare their march was... prostitution, same sex marriages, abortion, live in relationships, and allowing bikini dresses at public beaches will never be legalized in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
No matter how successful they declare their march was... prostitution, same sex marriages, abortion, live in relationships, and allowing bikini dresses at public beaches will never be legalized in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Thanks for hijacking and spamming my thread with your own assertions which were NEVER part of my thread or part of their demands. Mods will soon enough swoop in and close the thread on this pretext.

Congratulations, sane readers and outsiders will now at least have a true image of reality though.
Wahan ke log in time samajh jatay hain, most of these staunch feminists don’t remain such by their later fifties when they eventually get into their senses....

Nope bro, White women is stubborn and its hard to make her understand something ... yes but when she does understands it , she wont backed up .. that is one good quality I admire in them :)
Despite my wife being a huge hardcore feminist and LGBTQ supporter , she still believe that modern day feminism is nothing but BS, and they just use their bodies and insulting arguments to get Social media attention, things like Free the nipple and topless protests , I mean we can take them seriously if they protest with full clothes hahah second LGBTQ community becomes bully and blackmailers , how ? So they come to you and say Accept us in Society we are humans too, Religious people say we accept you ( Person ) but not the act ( Homosexuality ) cause of our religion, and there they loose shit, they don't follow my Quran or Islam , does that makes them Islamophobe ? no .. so why not agreeing to Homosexuality makes me a Homophobic ?

now in Pakistan, bhai Women from Middle , Lower/higher middle class and high class they are free as it can get , they go to universities , parties , shopping , picnics , dates , they have arranges marriages and love marriages , they wear jeans , shirts , t-shirts , they are doctors , professors , Military , police , sports , banks , govt , media , journalism , judges , lawyers .. yeah there is no Lady imam or Prophet, for that they have to die and complain to Allah SWT .
or someone may feel the shame if not from their hearts at least they should know it's wrong.
Unka jism unki marzi.. jis ne banaya uss ki koi marzi nahi (nauzubillah).
1. The organization has repeatedly stated it is against the system.

2. Controversial, yes but I don't think it is something to be proud of that >40% of your own women believe that it is justifiable for men to hit women.

3. How do you know they have never steep foot in the rural areas? Many posters were for Government. The whole reason for the march is to call for action.

4. How sad that the under privileged who can't speak for themselves have a voice among the privileged, how sad indeed.

read my posts and properly refute them or put counter arguments, don't beat around the bush ..Trust me you will embarrass yourself even more .
Thanks for hijacking and spamming my thread with your own assertions which were NEVER part of my thread or part of their demands. Mods will soon enough swoop in and close the thread on this pretext.

Congratulations, sane readers and outsiders will now at least have a true image of reality though.
Yes, sane readers have seen both sides of this march.. thanks to the posters @Syed Hammad Ahmed @Path-Finder @Windjammer and others for showing another reality!
It's a media compilation, statistics, and an inference-based thread with English translation where needed for international readers and also Pakistani members who can't read Urdu. My purpose for this is to make people more aware, clear doubts, help understand, and also deliver a message.

Aurat March 2020 in Islamabad Attacked by Bearded Men

Firstly. Before I begin anything. I want to share a video in which bearded men attacked the Aurat (Women's) March 2020 in the heart of Pakistan's capital and disrupted peace.
This march was organized with the permission of the federal government, its right was confirmed in the Supreme Court of the country, it was given specific pathway guidelines which would not disrupt traffic and day-to-day business of people, was conducted on Sunday to make sure no businesses are effected. It was a completely peaceful march.

In this video posted by Samaa English, a news channel in Pakistan, you can see bearded people attacking the peaceful march. If you wish to see the worst, open the video and see that majority of the viewers are happy with this, and feel free to read the comments, of which a majority, are calling this a good act, saying that women wanted equality so this is what they get. Most are in Urdu, but I believe Facebook gives the translation option.

Here's one example:
"Sawal.. Ye achanak pathar kahan sy arhy hyn
Jawab. zayda achy musalmanon ki trf sy.."

"Question: Where are all of these stones and rocks, all of a sudden, coming from?
Answer: They are coming from the direction of very good Muslims."

No, this comment was not satire. Like I said, open the video and translate the comments. They have the same tone, most. None of these are satire, the only ones satire are the ones saying that they wanted equal rights, so they will get it, meaning deal with it.

Imagine, if these people are throwing rocks at WOMEN of Pakistan in permission-granted, peaceful march in the open, in front of the media and the entire world, then what do these people do at homes, in their neighborhoods, at their workplaces, once in marriages, and so on... and to top that off, all the people promoting this in the comments, which is a majority, then imagine what is happening at the larger scale in Pakistan... does this leave any doubts in the minds of those among us who are privileged?

Demands of Aurat March 2020

1. End Sexual Harassment and Violence

View attachment 611994

2. Just, non discriminatory economic system
View attachment 611995

3. Reproductive Rights

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4. Environmental Justice

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5. Urban AccessView attachment 611998

6. Minority Rights

View attachment 611999

7. Political Representation

View attachment 612000

8. Ethical Representation in Media

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9. Disability Rights

View attachment 612002

Some Statistics

1. Domestic Violence and Marital Rape

In Pakistan, 20% — 30% women face some form of domestic violence during their lifetime.
Sourced from this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2791762/. Marital Rape is not a criminal offense in Pakistan.

61% of the cases and 43% of the controls were ever abused by spouse and the frequency of marital rape was 33% in cases and 13% in controls. After adjusting for the effects of other variables in the model, less than 18 years of age at marriage (OR 2.00; 95% CI = 1.07, 3.7), decision for marriage by parents (OR 3.51; 95% CI = 1.67, 7.37), abuse by in laws (OR 4.91; 95% CI = 2.66, 9.06), ≤ 3 hours per day spent with husband (OR 2.33; 95% CI = 1.34, 4.08), frequency of intercourse ≤ 2 times per week (OR 1.85; 95% CI = 1.06, 3.22) and marital rape (OR 3.03; 95% CI = 1.50, 6.11) were associated with depression among women."

2. Sexual Harassment
87% Pakistani university female students are reported to have been harassed cafeterias and classrooms.
Sourced from Ali, F. and Kramar, R. (2014) An Exploratory Study of Sexual Harassment in Pakistani Organizations. Asia Pacific
Journal of Management, 229-249.
Also from Kashif, N.U., Ali, A. and Kelly, T.B. (2013) Perceptions and Practices of Social Behaviors among University Students in Pakistan. Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, 10, 35-45.

3. Underage Marriage
Percentage of women aged 20 to 24 years who were first married or in union before age 18 is 21%.
Sourced from UNICEF SDG Target 5.3.1 global database 2018, based on Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) and other nationally representative surveys.

4. Honor Killings
Every year, >400 cases of honor killing are reported in Pakistan.
Sourced from https://www.amnestyusa.org/shocking-surge-of-honor-killings-in-pakistan/.

5. Maternity Mortality
According to World Health Organization, 830 women day every day due to pregnancy and childbirth complications.
Sourced from https://www.samaa.tv/living/health/2019/04/why-mothers-are-dying-during-childbirth-in-pakistan/.

Pakistan as of right now ranks 130 in the Gender Inequality Index, and 143 in Global Gender Gap Index.

The Gender Inequality Index is a composite measure reflecting inequality between women and men in three different dimensions: reproductive health (maternal mortality ratio and adolescent birth rate), empowerment (share of parliamentary seats held by women and share of population with at least some secondary education), and labour market participation (labour force participation rate).
Sourced from United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2016.

The Global Gender Gap Index benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, political, education and health criteria.
Sourced from World Economic Forum, the Global Gender Gap Report 2016.

These are a very few statistics I have cited. Just typing Pakistan and some key terms gives you a never ending list of daily media reports, accounts, documentaries, and eye witness articles. There are many, many, many specific incidents, specially of child abuse since the start of this dreaded year.

Placards of Today
Now coming to what is most important to many Pakistani people apparently. What is written on those placards, because real issues are less significant than wordings on these placards. I have translated the Urdu placards.

View attachment 612041

2. Islam already has given women their rights, but when will Muslims give women their rights? (More Statistics in Pakistan referenced in English as border of placard).
View attachment 612032

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4. I am your wife, not your punching bag.
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9. Attaining education is obligatory on every man and woman (an Islamic quotation).
View attachment 612039

10. The March is not against men, but against the system.
View attachment 612040

Ran out of media space here, more ahead.

My Comments
To hold something like this, you don't need any Jewish billionaire's funding, all you need is the will, confidence, faith, and unity. All you need to do is step out and march for a day.

This march is against all kinds of discrimination against women and men, and demands equality. Be it elite women who beat their maids or underpay them; be it those pedophiles among relatives who think they can get away abusing minors; be it those rapists in society who try to blackmail women; be it those families which hit and abuse their daughters in the name of honor. It is against it all.
I am happy that despite all the threats, and attempts, Pakistani people who are in the right, are very determined and willed, to never give up their rights. This is perhaps why I hope for a better future, we're a people who have strong will. For those disagree with it, it is still their right to carry out this march under Pakistan's Democratic Law, and to accept debate and such organized, peaceful gatherings, are a part of any civilized society.

@Xeson @That Guy @PakistaniJunior @Vortex @kaevmaan @Taimur Khurram @Zane_K @jamahir @MastanKhan @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE






I found out @Alternatiiv
Is a Marvi Sarmad's account at PDF....
No doubt there is some sinister planning and agenda behind all this nonsense.....and it didn't take long for these human rights champions to show their real colors.
I seldom get involved in these arguments but enough is enough.....this is what one of these oppressed aurat did on the streets of Islamabad today.

Is she is Marvi Sarmad or AKA @Alternatiiv
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