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Aurat March 2020 — Women's March 2020 | Pakistan | Translated

This march had good things and bad things.
There is no way to quantify which bit had more of it.
Give credit to good ones, criticize bad ones, but surely do both!
Refrain from unrelated posts please.
I hope all rather than proving a point take them whatever that may be.
to whom these women are asking their rights from ? Men or Govt ? cause all i see inflammatory card addressing man not Govt ? if you want rights , protections and bills than address the right people in Parliament , interestingly there are women in govt and no one show up so what they are doing is obviously trying to misguide the women who want freedom of Fahashi in the name of Azaadi .

I am sorry but more than 50% of Pakistani women are conservatives and put religion before anything, so these women represents a tiny minority and they do such things just to earn their bread and butter, in the end its all about money people , no Civil work or kindness from their heart , all these women lives in lavish homes, drive expensive cars and not a single one of them dare to go into Interior Sindh and help those really oppressed women of Wadere and Jagerdaar , you know why ? because if they go there they will be greeted by Money and Sharab and richie's will ask them to look around .
I am open to hearing pro's and con's on both as my knowledge of both is nil.
Dunon ka apna maza hai, Bahria is a unique concept, something not in Pakistan until recently. DHA has a name since decades, but unfortunately crimes and burglary is common there as well. I do like DHA for it’s greenry and plantings, close proximity to see, the weather is cool at night and evening.
if DHA is bad then is Bahria good?
Even DHA is not bad..

Thing is, 100 houses in DHA or Bath Island, or Bahria will have 10 houses pro these protests.. 90 have still a lot of shame left like us..

Other areas of Karachi don't even bother..
to whom these women are asking their rights from ? Men or Govt ? cause all i see inflammatory card addressing man not Govt ? if you want rights , protections and bills than address the right people in Parliament , interestingly there are women in govt and no one show up so what they are doing is obviously trying to misguide the women who want freedom of Fahashi in the name of Azaadi .

I am sorry but more than 50% of Pakistani women are conservatives and put religion before anything, so these women represents a tiny minority and they do such things just to earn their bread and butter, in the end its all about people , no Civil work or kindness from their heart , all these women lives in lavish homes, drive expensive cars and not a single one of them dare to go into Interior Sindh and help those really oppressed women of Wadere and Jagerdaar , you know why ? because if they go there they will be greeted by Money and Sharab and richie's will ask them to look around .
Party khatam bhai. Wapas mur jaa yahin se :lol::lol:

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to whom these women are asking their rights from ? Men or Govt ? cause all i see inflammatory card addressing man not Govt ? if you want rights , protections and bills than address the right people in Parliament , interestingly there are women in govt and no one show up so what they are doing is obviously trying to misguide the women who want freedom of Fahashi in the name of Azaadi .

I am sorry but more than 50% of Pakistani women are conservatives and put religion before anything, so these women represents a tiny minority and they do such things just to earn their bread and butter, in the end its all about people , no Civil work or kindness from their heart , all these women lives in lavish homes, drive expensive cars and not a single one of them dare to go into Interior Sindh and help those really oppressed women of Wadere and Jagerdaar , you know why ? because if they go there they will be greeted by Money and Sharab and richie's will ask them to look around .

1. The system, meaning the unwritten laws that are norms and culture; if you see earlier, there was a woman addressing the Government, and a member took it as anti State agenda.

2. Yes, many women are conservatives too. According to a survey, >40% deemed it justifiable for a husband to hit his wife. Not exactly to be proud of, is it?

3. They are speaking up for them, how can they go there and take action, they're asking for action from those capable meaning the institutions.

4. No, they're not all rich. Do you have any friends who went there? I know people, both poor and rich. They all have stories to share, maybe listen a little to them. People thinking these are only elite are just trying to satisfy themselves by pushing all these women into a generalized group. Reality is that these women are from different generations, and financial backgrounds.
Party khatam bhai. Wapas mur jaa yahin se :lol::lol:

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bhai apna in pala desi aur International Feminist se par chuka hai , forget about these dumb women, my wife was a full on crazy Feminist when i start talking to her .. if I can deal with her and she understands the reality so can these women .
bhai apna in pala desi aur International Feminist se par chuka hai , forget about these dumb women, my wife was a full on crazy Feminist when i start talking to her .. if I can deal with her and she understands the reality so can these women .
Wahan ke log in time samajh jatay hain, most of these staunch feminists don’t remain such by their later fifties when they eventually get into their senses....
bhai apna in pala desi aur International Feminist se par chuka hai , forget about these dumb women, my wife was a full on crazy Feminist when i start talking to her .. if I can deal with her and she understands the reality so can these women .

Your wife listened, why don't you listen for once too?
All differences aside, I think it extremely sad that people are so intolerant of others' views, to the extent that they want them trialed.
No doubt there is some sinister planning and agenda behind all this nonsense.....and it didn't take long for these human rights champions to show their real colors.
I seldom get involved in these arguments but enough is enough.....this is what one of these oppressed aurat did on the streets of Islamabad today.

This lady needs strong Pepper Spray, because the male officers could be falsely accused of improper treatment.
Notice the difference, and the reality.

1. The system, meaning the unwritten laws that are norms and culture; if you see earlier, there was a woman addressing the Government, and a member took it as anti State agenda.

First of all you are in my ignore list, but let me try reason with you :)
1) the highlighted Part, A women ... Question remains , if they have demand ask the govt why put inflammatory posters against man ? if a man gets hit or spit by a women you see him going after all the women ?

2. Yes, many women are conservatives too. According to a survey, >40% deemed it justifiable for a husband to hit his wife. Not exactly to be proud of, is it?

2) Highly Subjective, Yes Quran Talk about that you can strike your women but after a whole process of other ways to bring her on Rah-e-Rast , now you ask who is Man to determine what is Rahe Rast right ? Allah predetermined it for us, Muhammad Pbuh confirmed it , he has 11 wives in total from all ages , he spend his time with a women who was 23 years older than him , and spend a part of his life with a women who was much much younger than him, his life is example , follow it and you or any man wont fall . As for wife beating , every case is different , I heard from my American wife that not a single women in her family is that didn't get beaten by his husband or BF . Man who beats women without reason or those who are Shakky mard , they are wrong and every educated man is against them, but when these women put up their posters they are not creating a distinction between good or bad, they are attacking men .

3. They are speaking up for them, how can they go there and take action, they're asking for action from those capable meaning the institutions.

Not a single action was done, not a single poster was for Govt, not a single women from March ever step foot in Pakistan's rural areas, all they are doing is posting vulgar posters and trying to look for a fight so they create controversy . Pakistan has a unique culture and society , we have no reason to follow America or West in that matter , every society has its ways , norms , morals and ethics . Americans wont follow yours, so keep your ways and be proud of them . Or else You must have heard that Saying , " Dhobi ka kutta , na ghar ka na ghaat ka " .

4. No, they're not all rich. Do you have any friends who went there? I know people, both poor and rich. They all have stories to share, maybe listen a little to them.

Oh yes they are, Poor women hardly wear the clothes or talk like these women, poor women are to busy in taking care of their homes , kids and future .. they rarely had time to come out and go into these marches .

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