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Attack on CTD center in Bannu Cantonment

you missed out cursing the taliban loving PTI that has been in power for 2 consecutive terms.
the condemnable role of Gen Bajwa is agreed unanimously to be main cause for TTP resurgence but KPK has been under PTI and it has never ever bothered addressing it other than ranting.
Bhai.. PTI did what it is still doing. Political negotiations. Did PTI do shelling on protestors of PPP or NS or JUI? on the 25th of may, it did happen. Or did forced entry?
Did IK ever urge for an armed rebellion?

IK always look for Political dialogue. Be it were Indians after 14th Feb or with TTP. Sure, political negotiations gave some breathing space to TTP. Nonetheless, we must be thankful that IK is holding back all the grudges and anger of KPK people. Else, they all will join TTP who are angry enough. PTI KPK chapters politicians are humiliated by Islo police, Swati was arrested, and Murad is threatened. What do you want? More TTP recruitment?

Brother, nobody is anti-army. My wife and her family are in the army. Though you cannot imagine the detest I have for Bajwa.
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Stop giving excuses man

No excuses

Look back at my posts, post afghan republic collapse

I have been clear, that our planners are expecting at least 5 years of clean up operations

Their initial ploy has been to try and negotiate with the TTP, the problem is afghans afghan afghan pashto pashto pashto,. These ttp scum are no different to any other pashtun nationalist and have family and tribal connections

Pakistans initial ploy was negotiations, they bought a limited amount of respite

Now we have conflict (ALWAYS EXPECTED) afghans did not change because the Afghan Republic fell apart

So now we can EXPECT a strong start by TTP because they have members and we will have to kill them off.
EXPECT a tough 6 months

But we can inflict more pain and damage then our enemies

This current situation is because of local CTD failure and stupidity and I would want the 35 TTP all to be killed
@Irfan Baloch
Sir.. public perceives what it sees. Any head was rolled over this? If more good came out of it, then I am happy he got 'escaped'. You may put the blame on PTI, but will the public buy that?
People will blame the army that for heroism or relevance, these things are 'allowed' to happen. I just feel sad that even if it is a TTP's fluke, nobody is going to believe that. @Windjammer
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Bhai.. PTI did what it is still doing. Political negotiations. Did PTI do shelling on protestors of PPP or NS or JUI? on the 25th of may, it did happen. Or did forced entry?
Did IK ever urge for an armed rebellion?

IK always look for Political dialogue. Be it were Indians after 14th Feb or with TTP. Sure, political negotiations gave some breathing space to TTP.
PTI is Taliban apologist. I still remember its rallies starting from lal Majid in early 2000s. that negotiation and political dialogue always ends with beheading of people and suicide blasts.
PTI has had 2 consecutive governments. its job is to use the forces and intelligence under its command to protect the unfortunate population that voted this party into power.

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. Harami salla agar yeh apna kaam ker raha hota to yeh din na dekhna parta but inha to bus political engineering kerni ha, apni haram ki kamai chupani ha, mulk jai bhar main.
there is unanimous agreement that ISI and GHQ didn't do anything to stem the resurgence of TTP.
I just need to know what KPK Governments have done so far? why should people vote for them again if they are going to be slaughtered anyway?
@Irfan Baloch
Sir.. public perceives what it sees. Any head was rolled over this? If more good came out of it, then I am happy he got 'escaped'. You may put the blame on PTI, but will the public buy that?
People will blame the army that for heroism or relevance these things are 'allowed' to happen. I just feel sad that even it is a TTP's fluke, no body is believing that. @Windjammer
dont play emotional shit with me.
this whataboutism is the reason I despise the PTI fanboys now.

that bastard was let go by the approval of Gen Bajwa. there are no more views about that, it was a crime for which Imran should've brought people to task or resigned immediately.


PTI kept its mouth shut because Gen Bajwa didn't bite the arse of Imran at that time and Imran continued his government.
now suddenly PTI remembers this scumbag and the rates of electricity, gas and food prices .
PTI is Taliban apologist. I still remember its rallies starting from lal Majid in early 2000s. that negotiation and political dialogue always ends with beheading of people and suicide blasts.
PTI has had 2 consecutive governments. its job is to use the forces and intelligence under its command to protect the unfortunate population that voted this party into power.

Terrosism started in 2007 under Musharaf, PTI came into power in 2013. What has the Army done
against the TTP for the past 15 years? They have all the wepons that the KPK police don't have.

They have the best Guns, Tanks plus backing of the Air force. The real problem is the Generals
are not interested in finishing of TTP like the Turks smashed the PKK.
Terrosism started in 2007 under Musharaf, PTI came into power in 2013. What has the Army done
against the TTP for the past 15 years?
whataboutism will get you to gutter talk.
no where else.
why? I ask, then PTI wants power if there will be another excuse that army didnt do anything?
Well yah. Same as chardha lehnda shit.... If security agencies are facing security risk in bannu then they should pack and go.

But they are not complaining, you are. First about CTD KPK, then Bannu, then whole KP by saying lar o bar while no one in Pakistan use this . Only those in Afghanistan use this sentence. not like our friends from furtile five river lands who still think kis penchod ne lakheer kench Dali.

Lar O Bar is dead for like 10 years in Pashtunkhwa politics

People who use it as an excuse for delaying ops or anything are just using it for copium.
Sir, again, i am not blaming one person or an institution here, maybe my message implied (im not sure how) that i am blaming one side only which isn't the case.
Sir you wrote a very sensible post but at the start of it, you quoted that idiot who was implying that by saying that you agree with him, which is what surprised me. Sorry if I came off as too agressive, So, let's compromise and not derail this thread. :-)

Also i find it hard to believe that Talibs were under investigation by CTD, this wasn't the protocol last i heard. Any Terrorist which has linkage outside this country is handed over to ISI.
The interrogation story is hearsay at this point. Maybe they weren't hardcore type but they got the jump of CTD personnel and are now looking to escape captivity the one place they know, they won't be caught.

PTi is not in power, go and smash TTP.
Nope. He's waiting for Imran khan to go to the border and lead a heavy cavalry charge as it seems that's his job.

As if company bahadur ever needed permission before.
If they wanted to do something about it, they would have done something when dozens of FC jawans were getting martyred every month a couple years back.
Bhai.. PTI did what it is still doing. Political negotiations. Did PTI do shelling on protestors of PPP or NS or JUI? on the 25th of may, it did happen. Or did forced entry?
Did IK ever urge for an armed rebellion?

IK always look for Political dialogue. Be it were Indians after 14th Feb or with TTP. Sure, political negotiations gave some breathing space to TTP. Nonetheless, we must be thankful that IK is holding back all the grudges and anger of KPK people. Else, they all will join TTP who are angry enough. PTI KPK chapters politicians are humiliated by Islo police, Swati was arrested, and Murad is threatened. What do you want? More TTP recruitment?

Brother, nobody is anti-army. My wife and his family are in the army. Though you cannot imagine the detest I have for Bajwa.
No point in debating. It's maddening. One by one, these people are losing their minds in Imran khan's hatred. I used to respect a lot of the pro army people here despite not liking bajwa but in their frustration, they all resort to the same stupid stuff that you would expect to hear out of indians or patwaris.

Imran khan is no angel and there's always genuine criticism to be had.
But, he's supposed to train CTD now?

They used the same argument about Buzdar. Do they do blind when looking at sindh and it's very capable PhD holding CM? This is a red herring and it's disappointing to hear people you respect use it.

Lar O Bar is dead for like 10 years in Pashtunkhwa politics

People who use it as an excuse for delaying ops or anything are just using it for copium.
PTM was a thing just a couple years ago?
Terrosism started in 2007 under Musharaf, PTI came into power in 2013. What has the Army done
against the TTP for the past 15 years? They have all the wepons that the KPK police don't have.

They have the best Guns, Tanks plus backing of the Air force. The real problem is the Generals
are not interested in finishing of TTP like the Turks smashed the PKK.
What had the security forces done?, ah so you see they through their kin their face in politics asked the terrorist to just not target the land of five rivers, the actual Pakistan as they consider it.

Rest is fair game, rest doesn’t matter, it’s just collateral damage.

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