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Attack on CTD center in Bannu Cantonment

there is unanimous agreement that ISI and GHQ didn't do anything to stem the resurgence of TTP.

Also, you in the very next sentence.
I just need to know what KPK Governments have done so far? why should people vote for them again if they are going to be slaughtered anyway?

And you are accusing @Goenitz of whataboutery.

Kinda neat, no?
What had balochistan govt done? Why singling out PTI?
Lar O Bar is dead for like 10 years in Pashtunkhwa politics

People who use it as an excuse for delaying ops or anything are just using it for copium.

No no no no no

It's the center of PTM, ANP, NDM and constantly utilized to oppose everything from border management to important checkpoints to development

Earlier this year PAF hit a TTP target in Afghanistan within hours Dawar, Pashteen and Khattak were on their white horse claiming Pakistan hit a innocent village

Only when the locals have taken a true beating from terrorism and call for actions themselves can this problem be resolved
dont play emotional shit with me.
this whataboutism is the reason I despise the PTI fanboys now.

that bastard was let go by the approval of Gen Bajwa. there are no more views about that, it was a crime for which Imran should've brought people to task or resigned immediately.


PTI kept its mouth shut because Gen Bajwa didn't bite the arse of Imran at that time and Imran continued his government.
now suddenly PTI remembers this scumbag and the rates of electricity, gas and food prices .
apparently, Imran khan is gandhi now.
Your own jahilat has slaughtered your own people and made their lives hell, don't blame anyone else
We’re dollars for drones our jahilat, was tacit agreements blood for money our jahilat?.

Look closer to home, you will see many terrorist and traitors from your own.
No no no no no

It's the center of PTM, ANP, NDM and constantly utilized to oppose everything from border management to important checkpoints to development

Earlier this year PAF hit a TTP target in Afghanistan within hours Dawar, Pashteen and Khattak were on their white horse claiming Pakistan hit a innocent village

Only when the locals have taken a true beating from terrorism and call for actions themselves can this problem be resolved

How is PTI majority in KPK then?
Arrogance have no cure. Not even PTM sed the slogan of lar o bar. Those who think par o bar is a thing lives in fools paradise. And is a fool.
I don't follow racists so I may not necessarily know which racist scum said what and when. I might read about it in the news from time to time.

What does it matter? India has never explicitly said they wish harm to Pakistan. All they say is we want peace etc etc.

The pertinent question is, are the people who have more affinity towards afghans then the rest of this country? That's the people I am referring to. Not necessarily someone who has lar-ao-bar tattooed on their forehead.
Imagine how demotivated the average soldier is, and how motivated the average TTP terrorist is.

The narrative that was being propogated by this country's "security experts" literally cucked everyone.

You have an explicit enemy sitting next door (Afghanistan) but people are hellbent on calling them brothers, while they want to absolutely annihilate you.

It must be made clear to the nation that Afghanistan is no friend, ever since 1947 they explicitly took a stance of being our enemy and have been sponsoring terrorist proxies ever since then. The harsh fact is that 90% of terrorism in Pakistan is due to Afghanistan.

Their Islamic narrative must also be dismantled, they have no claim to being truer Muslims. These are people who culturally engage in homosexuality and pedophilia (bacha baazi), animal sexual abuse (goat fucking), and oppress their minorities to no extent, such as the Tajiks and Hazaras.

Stop mentally cucking the population, it will only hurt Pakistan in the end.
We shouldn’t deal with Afghanistan like a nation anymore, but a bunch of tribal confederations, loosely tied together in geographical clusters underneath a semi-regulated militia.

We should be mapping the “human landscape” of each of the tribes and sub-tribes, locating key middle and upper ranking members and dealing with them the way the police in the west deal with the mafia.

Financial means and travel restrictions on these key figures have to be used to make them realize the costs of their actions.

This has to be dealt with as a generational struggle, so fortifying the border and allowing passage through regulated points, till it just becomes a fact of life for all people has to be done and maintained regardless of the pressure they put on the Pakistani government.

We need to shape Afghanistan otherwise someone else will and it may not favor Pakistani interests.

Just look at what this militia has to deal with today. Based on how they deal with the Salang tunnel situation developing we will know how capable their are to maintain command and control between the two regions on either side without this link. They can’t be counted on to keep the tribes or militant groups in line on their side of the border. They don’t have the financial means to offer alternative livelihoods and many of these militant groups, I suspect, are probably just covers for smuggling networks.
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We’re dollars for drones our jahilat, was tacit agreements blood for money our jahilat?.

Look closer to home, you will see many terrorist and traitors from your own.

Afghan women curse the fact that they are born in your community.
Your own children are bought up backwards and ignorant.

No treaty is left unbroken by you

You are an untrustworthy kaum who create nothing but chaos and misery for the world, but especially your own people

When you stop murdering and blowing up people, when you accept and respect boundaries and borders everyone's lives will improve

At the moment nothing can save you
How is PTI majority in KPK then?
what is that argument? when did he say, the racists are a majority in KPK. If he said, I would disagree with him.
The racists are just in a number and position (such as the NA foreign affairs committee chair) that's not insignificant and a problem.
Afghan women curse the fact that they are born in your community.
Your own children are bought up backwards and ignorant.

No treaty is left unbroken by you

You are an untrustworthy kaum who create nothing but chaos and misery for the world, but especially your own people

When you stop murdering and blowing up people, when you accept and respect boundaries and borders everyone's lives will improve

At the moment nothing can save you
Their are problems in all cultures. Not good to paint everyone with one stroke.
what is that argument? when did he say, the racists are a majority in KPK. If he said, I would disagree with him.
The racists are just in a number and position (such as the NA foreign affairs committee chair) that's not insignificant and a problem.

PTM isn’t even a party

NDM and ANP have combined 2/3 seats.

Who put Mohsin Dawsr in that position anyway? Not us 😂😂

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