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Attack on CTD center in Bannu Cantonment

When your premier intelligence agency is focused on political engineering and kidnapping citizens (social media ppl, journalists, politicians) Then obviously they will FAIL at their only job which they were hired for at first place.

Murad Saeed and many other people from KPK were saying that since july/august this year there's influx of TTP inside KP & tribal area. Nobody paid attention.
And that cantt is inside a lar-yo-heaven right now....

Well yah. Same as chardha lehnda shit.... If security agencies are facing security risk in bannu then they should pack and go.

But they are not complaining, you are. First about CTD KPK, then Bannu, then whole KP by saying lar o bar while no one in Pakistan use this . Only those in Afghanistan use this sentence. not like our friends from furtile five river lands who still think kis penchod ne lakheer kench Dali.
Their Islamic narrative must also be dismantled, they have no claim to being truer Muslims. These are people who culturally engage in homosexuality and pedophilia (bacha baazi), animal sexual abuse (goat fucking), and oppress their minorities to no extent, such as the Tajiks and Hazaras.

Truer Muslim? They are not even a normal Muslim

They are khwarij who have been called hounds of hell in dozens of ahadeeth

But our state is busy pleasing a bhagora in London so they don't have time to counter TTP khwarij and their claims of being truer Muslims
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Truer Muslim? They are not even a normal Muslim

They are khwarij who have been called hounds of hell dozens of ahadeeth

But our clown state is busy pleasing a bhagora in London so they don't have time to counter TTP khwarij and their claims of being truer Muslims
These ŕetards have absolutely cucked this country into thinking Afghanistan is a friend, they are so mentally cucked that many of them cannot even accept that Afghanistan is the root cause of 90% of terrorism in Pakistan.

Many even openly support the Taliban over Pakistan itself. They are quite literally mental slaves.

The only people to blame is the national media and security "experts" for not clearly stating our relations truthfully.

Afghanistan has explicitly postured itself as an enemy since 1947, continuously destabilised us since then with terrorism, and caused the most bloodshed after India. They are tribal genocidal maniacs, literal cavemen.

Having the support of the public is very important, but these idiots literally took it away themselves by praising those maniacs next door to no end while they were literally our enemy.
There was an attack on a police station on the outskirts of Lakki Marwat yesterday as well.

But I guess we should continue arresting people for dissent on twitter, and leaking audio and video files of politicians, tat's better.
When I as a tax paying law abiding citizen of Pakistan have to enter some cantonment then I would be checked at least half a dozen times on various check posts

But these gandus from Waziristan not only entered cantonment easily but also freed their prisoners and took hostage of the officers and personnel

Nice. Mashallah :tup:
I understand the strict checks for entering a cantonment but these guys entered by force. So, criticism of the lax defense maybe more on point.

CTD kpk police is under patronage of his holy all knowing hansomeness for 10 plus years now
Let me guess, you also expect Imran Khan to man the bannu cantonment checkpost that the Ts overran, don't you, being the dumb fck that you are?
Who cares? as long as Bajwa's and PDM's corruption is safe.
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4 cops martyred, as many injured in midnight siege of police station in KP’s Lakki Marwat

Sirajuddin | APP
December 18, 2022

<p>Funeral of the four martyred policemen was held at Lakki police line on Sunday morning. — Photo by author</p>

Funeral of the four martyred policemen was held at Lakki police line on Sunday morning.
Militants attacked the Burgi police station in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Lakki Marwat early Sunday morning, leaving four policemen dead and injuring as many, according to a police official.
“At midnight, militants attacked the police station and tried to enter the building,” Lakki Police spokesperson Shahid Hameed told Dawn.com, adding that more than 60 policemen were on duty at that time.

He said that the policemen engaged the militants for almost 45 minutes after which the attackers escaped, taking advantage of the darkness.

Hameed pointed out that the police station is situated in a far-flung area and takes almost one-and-a-half hours to reach from Lakki city.

While no group has taken responsibility for the attack, the police suspect the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) as the group is known to operate in the area.

Funerals for the slain policemen were held at the Lakki police line on Sunday morning, which were attended by Regional Police Officer Bannu Syed Ashfaq Anwar, District Police Officer Ziauddin and senior military and civil officials.


President Dr Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif strongly condemned the terrorist attack.
The president expressed the resolve of continuing efforts to completely eliminate the remnants of terrorism, according to a press release from the President’s Secretariat Press Wing.
I understand the strict checks for entering a cantonment but these guys entered by force. So, criticism of the lax defense maybe more on point.

Obviously they entered by force

What else were they expecting? Shouldn't they be prepared for that?

What else did they expect from terrorists? That they would first send application signed by a local counselor to enter cantonment?

My point still stands. While you keep checking random civilians on various checkpoints, what is your plan to counter terrorists who are going to enter by force?

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