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Attack on CTD center in Bannu Cantonment

They had the hostages at gun point, how did we separate hostages from takers?? Would be interesting to know but real applied tactics may not be discussed so....
I think its time for Pakistan to openly give base to Americans, Let the Americans kill these SOB's and spare no supporters even if they are pashtoon or tribals, its been long enough these Tribal Animals has kept the country hostage.

Yes, like they killed and defeated them and left a fully functioning Afghanistan behind...?

Airbases don't break the back of movements like these.

Operation has ended. All militants ELIMINATED. Rest in pieces.... Keep burning with gunpowder.

Bloody fantastic job. How many did we lose total (not just in the raid)?
You may hate me for saying this but under such circumstances, PAF or PA should have leveled those buildings thus killing all the scumbags and teaching others not to be so incompetent when dealing with the scum.

I do think that everytime the Taliban - IEA forces bomb Pakistan near the border checkpoints - we should send in the Airforce in and LGB the f----rs into hell. I truly don't understand why those events transcend to trying to trade blows as equals.

I suspect it is because the upper echons of the PA view them as "their men" and "useful" to "repress the people of pakistan" as a distraction for their corruption and assisination attempts on IK and the PTI in general.
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They had the hostages at gun point, how did we separate hostages from takers?? Would be interesting to know but real applied tactics may not be discussed so....

These scums have been dispatched to the first entry point of hell. Direct flight, no passports required. Well done PA (Zaraar team especially), and other law enforcement who created barricade and provided cover throughout the operation.

I do think that everytime the Taliban - IEA forces bomb Pakistan near the border checkpoints - we should send in the Airforce in and LGB the f----rs into hell. I truly don't understand why those events transcend to trying to trade blows as equals.

I suspect it is because the upper echons of the PA view them as "their men" and "useful" to "repress the people of pakistan" as a distraction for their corruption and assisination attempts on IK and the PTI in general.

It would be nice for Pakistan if you can leave your political commentary out of national security related news and where our country's in danger or our people were losing lives. There is a time and place for the political barking. These threads with sensitive details don't require it.
For f***'s sake. They have killed and apprehended hundreds, if not thousands, of TTP scum and have paid dearly. The number of sacrifices and their continued bravery is astonishing. If their leadership/government hasn't funded enough capacity building, that's a big issue. And we all know how all provincial police forces have suffered under political interference.

Secondly, the terrorism issue CANNOT be dealt with by the police. It is a cross-border issue with foreign / hostile agency support and sanctuary by the Afghan Taliban. The KP Police has no way to raise the cost for these two groups --- only the State, through its Armed Forces, does.

Sar, crushing dissent first priority sar....

The IEA can crush the TTP (as they did the IMU) within a month. These groups only survive if they have safe haven, typically cross-border (like the TTP has in Afghanistan).

The real problem is that they deep down see the Pak Army (and state) as liberal, satanic, and an extension of US interests. They also don't believe in the international border ("Durand Line" nonsense). As such, they have a VERY close ethnic and ideological affinity with the TTP.

Maybe problem lies in corrupt pro TTP PTI govt in KP. Instead of wasting money on fake trees that are never planted or free helicopter rides. They can spend money to upgrade police/CTD and train them better to take on terrorists. That way army isn't needed every time there is some hostage situation.

And better yet, clean up madrassas from where they produce these jihadis. This attack was not possible without inside handler.
33 Ts killed , 15 SSG injured including a Officer all Stable with minor injuries. 2 Hostage martyred rest rescued.

All terrorists killed, 2 SSG commandos martyred as operation at Bannu CTD centre concludes: Khawaja Asif

Ali Akbar | Sirajuddin
December 20, 2022

<p>This image shows smoke rising in the distance after security forces launched an operation on the a CTD centre in Bannu. — DawnNewsTV</p>

This image shows smoke rising in the distance after security forces launched an operation on the a CTD centre in Bannu. — DawnNewsTV
Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on Tuesday confirmed that “all the terrorists” of the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) who had taken hostages at a Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) centre in Bannu were killed in an operation conducted by the Pakistan Army.

Speaking on the floor of the National Assembly, Asif said that 33 terrorists were under arrest at the CTD compound and one of them had managed to snatch a gun from an employee after hitting him in the head with a brick.

The defence minister said that a unit of the army’s Special Service Group (SSG) carried out the operation, in which 10-15 of its commandos were injured while two were martyred.

“This operation was initiated on December 20 at 12:30pm by the Special Service Group and all terrorists were killed,” Asif said, adding that the entire CTD compound was cleared by 2:30pm.

“The unfortunate aspect of this is that terrorism is again making strides in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan,” he said. [Terrorism] incidents have taken places in other provinces as well but there is clear evidence that terrorists from across the border or locally are rising again [in KP and Balochistan].

“These 33 were under arrest regarding this situation and they had a link with multiple groups. The provincial government completely failed in its responsibility regarding the CTD [compound takeover.”

Prior to Asif’s confirmation, a senior police officer had confirmed to Dawn.com on the condition of anonymity that the operation had concluded.

Late Sunday, the militants held in the CTD centre took control of the building and took a number of law enforcers hostage. They had demanded safe passage to Afghanistan.

Earlier today, footage aired on TV showed plumes of smoke rising in the air from the CTD compound as the operation was under way. Reuters reported locals as saying they heard explosions coming from the vicinity of the centre.
I opened a thread long ago saying that Saudi coalition forces should have used the influenza virus in Yemen to defeat Houthis. The same could be used in other theatre when a large portion of TTP was living in FATA.
Anyway, COVID proved its effectiveness.
Russian actually overdosed in that event. Total miscalculation. I guess they use imperial units while the instructions were in SI :P

I heard Indians used some chemical weapons in Kargil? anybody can confirm?
Anyway, this was the thread.
the operation has concluded according to Khawaja Asif

Operation has started....
operation has ended with 2 SSG personnel killed and about a dozen injured.
Khawaja Asif in his statement in the assembly claims that all the terrorists are killed as well.

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