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Attack on CTD center in Bannu Cantonment

Today, the situation of border security is very thin, a fence was installed on the border by investing billions of rupees, but it was torn down and people were entering, we were telling that the situation is getting worse, but it was not implemented. Now the KP government has been denied resources, not a single rupee has been given to the merged districts.

SSG to the rescue.

If it is 2 shaheed for SSG with all terrorists killed and hostages rescued, then I would say it is pretty impressive, all things considered. Of course the end goal is for no casualties on your own side, but considering the nature of the situation this is a good outcome.

But heads should definitely role in the CTD as to how a prisoner got hold of a weapon, and what SOP's were being followed for prisoner movement, interrogation, and imprisonment.

Let's hope there is a proper inquiry into this rather than the usual kaghazi karwayi.

This isn't the first time either. Prisoner breakouts have happened before, that ehsanullah Ehsan escaped army custody.

Who paid the price for these f**k ups?
wait ,
I though there were 20+ TTP terrorists
did the rest escape or are arrested?
Hope not, Afghan Taliban were trying to cut the deal for the passage of these terrorists in exchange for hostages. But, never let them go, even sadly will be collateral damage.

It’s some random propaganda video of some wild dogs walking to be slaughtered …. No proof it’s new ..
In every tweet, underneath an Indian tweet. You can t ignore the players behind them .. check the tweet pattern. No doubt these terrorists are running propaganda.
Hopefully, Elon Musk disable these accounts and punish Indian accounts that are promoting terrorism in the region.
That always happen.
A sensible country would follow with an investigation and making people accountable for this incident. Hero Bach gya villain mar gya movie khatam wala scene change Hona chaahye
check this out too!!!

Indian news agencies have been barking about a potential intervention by the US against the TTP since yesterday.

They’ve already blown the story to epic proportions. Next they’ll say that America will sail their Gerald Ford on the Durand line to stop the talibs
SSG to the rescue.

This isn't the first time either. Prisoner breakouts have happened before, that ehsanullah Ehsan escaped army custody.

Who paid the price for these f**k ups?
the sieges on prisons and army bases are childsplay for TTP due to tacit help from inside. Ehsanullah did'nt escape, he was facilitated in his departure from the country.
SSG to the rescue.

This isn't the first time either. Prisoner breakouts have happened before, that ehsanullah Ehsan escaped army custody.

Who paid the price for these f**k ups?

Same people who paid the price for the Abbottabad Raid... oh wait, nobody ever does :)
Situation remains fluid, apparently the Operation has not concluded? I am guessing it's due to the remaining holed up terrorists.
Anyways, at this point of time I'm a little skeptical of the Provincial and Federal Govt statements being given as they haven't exactly relayed the whole situation. Hopefully a detailed ISPR presser will be published soon to clear up things.
Here I am thinking this was one way for redemption for bajwa the fat cunt. He shouldve launched himself at those tangos amd blown himself up. Mightve been the act that got us folks to forgive him and leave his judgement to God.

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