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Atheism: Next threat to humanity

I met some athiests some are good people who are respectful the others can be assholes and arrogant.

I dont believe they are a threat even as a Muslim.

Biggest threat to humanity is up to you to decide.
Greatest threat to humanity is humanity
We have been at each others throats since cavemen days
I repeat: I'm asking for proof, not the possibility that god exists or in your case(worse)- the imperative that god HAS TO exist.

Man, I don't hate atheists. Please correct your self. Its the atheist system, that I hate.
You know, in nature, everything works on certain rules, which are either known or unknown. For example if you put seed in soil, it will grow into a plant. It can't happen that you sow a seed and after evolution it grows into a tiger. God made everything, and only humans were blessed with something that we know as human intelligence. But as we say: with great power comes great responsibility. So He gave humans certain laws, to keep humans under control. But today's atheist world want to break all those rules, all those norms that make humans as humans.
If you see the research results by scientists about the creation of universe, you will find that this universe was created with a blast, all that started at a given moment of time, and time to that moment may be calculated with approximation. Than on cellular basis, you will find that DNA chains are indeed programmed, just like any programmable device.

Don't you think that this proof is sufficient for the existence of God, when thousands of people He sent for our guidance as well. You want God to knock at your door? It's in your favor to believe, and you will loose, if you will not believe.
In the end, you will be at lost, no body else.
Don't you think that this proof is sufficient for the existence of God, when thousands of people He sent for our guidance as well. You want God to knock at your door? It's in your favor to believe, and you will loose, if you will not believe.
In the end, you will be at lost, no body else.
Sorry , I don't see any proof here?

BTW u remind me of that Turkish erratic guy, his name was Adnan something. U know, that show where they have women dancing around in their chairs n he gives that hilarious theory about fossil records n how they r proof of God's creations.

*found it, adnan oktar

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That applies to weak people everywhere. Someone could easily strip your faith with a gun. Or torture.
It has happened to a lot of people in a lot of different wars, where they gave up their gods for other gods.

An smarter atheist in a foxhole would be looking for human help.

There is no atheist in a foxhole.

Cheers, Doc
They are people like you and me with varying political ideologies
I dont get the obsession of convertimg them though
I mean they dont believe in god to begin with

Wars over atheism :D Ok this is funny

I am not in an obsession in converting them and I know they are people like you and me. I am just addressing the topic which says they are threat and I disagree to it. I was conveying that they are people of reason.
Sorry , I don't see any proof here?

BTW u remind me of that Turkish erratic guy, his name was Adnan something. U know, that show where they have women dancing around in their chairs n gives that hilarious theory about fossil records n how they r proof of God's creations.

*found it, adnan oktar

Is there an entrance fee in this valley of sacred Silicon
China is predominately Confucian, not Buddhist.

When you look at ancient world, India never nearly existed because it had no consciousness of it own existence, no recorded history. Most of pre-Islamic era India was only discovered in 20th century, like Ashoka and the 3-lion national emblem. Much of it was learned from Chinese record.

We would be bragging that China was India's academic teacher, if we are anything like dharmic Indians.

Successful is a combination of many factors; one reason for China's rise is Confucian Humility.

India existed as much as China existed.

India has recorded history and texts that go back thousands of years.

As well.as universities that were the centers of learning to the ancient world.

I'm not negating Taoism or Confucianism at all.

But Buddhism is a Dharmic faith.

And no Indians at any time in thousands of years have been Taoists or Confucian.

Cheers, Doc
U don't use science as a justification for a supernatural being? Thats blatantly admiting u don't use logic, but blind faith in your beliefs in god aka superstitionism. So I presume the Earth is flat too or- 'oval'?

Yes, and ur super textwall of longwindedness n beating around the bush are exactly what a theist typically does when confronted with the simple question 'prove god exist'.
Read this thread from beginning please.
India existed as much as China existed.

India has recorded history and texts that go back thousands of years.

As well.as universities that were the centers of learning to the ancient world.

I'm not negating Taoism or Confucianism at all.

But Buddhism is a Dharmic faith.

And no Indians at any time in thousands of years have been Taoists or Confucian.

Cheers, Doc
India was created on 15th August 1947 before that it was all part of the Raj and some independent states

I am not in an obsession in converting them and I know they are people like you and me. I am just addressing the topic which says they are threat and I disagree to it. I was conveying that they are people of reason.
I said the same thing but approaching this topic from a softer angle
Majority of atheists are closed minded bigots. But those who are not, when they read The Quran they revert to Islam.

Below is one ex-atheist and a prominent ex-Islamophobe who even produced the movie Fitna. And he is not just one. Islam is growing in Europe.

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You are saying a 1000 years religion gave civilization to the world. Are you freaking kidding me?
I guess your higher intellect couldn't make the deduction. All cradles of civilizations are on those lands which are almost unanimously Muslim. That where agriculture developed and it is there where Abrahamic faiths started. It is where first empire came and first laws was established. Today their former ideas are in their near abroad and they have moved on. Now move along...
Sorry , I don't see any proof here?

BTW u remind me of that Turkish erratic guy, his name was Adnan something. U know, that show where they have women dancing around in their chairs n gives that hilarious theory about fossil records n how they r proof of God's creations.
This is just business, nothing more. So ignore people like this. They have almost zero credibility in religious circles, every body knows what he is running.

Back to topic.

So you need observable evidence for the existence of God? And you think that somehow, till now the evidence provided by religious circles is insufficient?
Please answer.
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