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Atheism: Next threat to humanity


May 27, 2015
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I visited many parts of this world. One thing I always noticed that religious people, from all the religions are less poisonous. They have values, and fear of God, in one or the other form.
Humans fought two big wars, under the banner of atheism. As religion departs, humans become animals. Son tries to marry mother, and father marries daughter. Humans are killed like cats and dogs, and no body gives a damn.
Now, as the world is running towards atheism, the humanity is running faster towards its end, and humans, with no morals are equipped with enough lethal weapons to wipe out each other.

Atheism is bigger threat than any other religion today, as atheist are a threat from within. They may be your brothers, sisters, or friends. And this disease is spreading, as in this era of machine, humans don't need God, anymore.

I think, missionaries from all religions should be united against this threat. Denial of God should be handled on priority basis.

I have one question here: What may be the most convincing argument for the existence of God? Like how to convince an atheist that there exists a God, as they just deny it, as they can't see it.
@Mentee @BHarwana @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Zarvan
That's true for the most part. Religion acts as an anesthesia to sedate the beast hidden inside every human being - - - - - -. It doesn't let one's conscience die no matter how much week and fragile it has become over the years.
An odd question treat people like well people
I feel it's the other way around ,it's the religion which say he is the only God and trying to impose the thought on others is a threat to humanity.on the other hand atheists just want to be left alone and live their life.

The threat to humanity comes not from an ideology or thought but from basic human nature. The ideologies just provide cover for our desires and baser instincts.

You will find people and societies that followed all major religons as well as atheism that were terribly unjust.

The urge to dominate exists in all of us, believer of religions or believer in disbelief.

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We are so much dependent on each other on every level that the above mentioned statement
seems to be thought from a fool's paradise.
The point is to not forcing your value on others in most cases. Although a line has to be drawn somewhere. Society has the right to force the value that you should not kill someone. But in most cases it should let people mind their own business. Whom to you pray or whether you pray at all, is not something someone else should be concerned about. Concepts of right or wrong can be taught without religion.
I feel it's the other way around ,it's the religion which say he is the only God and trying to impose the thought on others is a threat to humanity.on the other hand atheists just want to be left alone and live their life.
Any and every ideology (set of ideas thoughts or beliefs) believed in with conviction and fervour is essentially a religion e.g communism atheism pantheism etc in many cases thesis and antithesis are opposite but equal in many ways
I visited many parts of this world. One thing I always noticed that religious people, from all the religions are less poisonous. They have values, and fear of God, in one or the other form.
Humans fought two big wars, under the banner of atheism. As religion departs, humans become animals. Son tries to marry mother, and father marries daughter. Humans are killed like cats and dogs, and no body gives a damn.
Now, as the world is running towards atheism, the humanity is running faster towards its end, and humans, with no morals are equipped with enough lethal weapons to wipe out each other.

Atheism is bigger threat than any other religion today, as atheist are a threat from within. They may be your brothers, sisters, or friends. And this disease is spreading, as in this era of machine, humans don't need God, anymore.

I think, missionaries from all religions should be united against this threat. Denial of God should be handled on priority basis.

I have one question here: What may be the most convincing argument for the existence of God? Like how to convince an atheist that there exists a God, as they just deny it, as they can't see it.
@Mentee @BHarwana @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Zarvan

Khadim hussain rizvi
The point is to not forcing your value on others in most cases. Although a line has to be drawn somewhere. Society has the right to force the value that you should not kill someone. But in most cases it should let people mind their own business. Whom to you pray or whether you pray at all, is not something someone else should be concerned about. Concepts of right or wrong can be taught without religion.
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