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Atheism: Next threat to humanity

Some certain religions like Hinduism, Budhhism & Jainism allow to be atheist.

Atheism isn't a religion but a state where you have either never been affected by or got yourself free later from beliefs persisting in society.
We all are born atheists but our parents and society brainwash us.

There have actually been lot atheistic communities in Indo Pacific & East Asia, much distinct from Abrahamic definition of religion.
Among Hindus (actually a very broad term for Indic communities), they have Sanatan, Sankayans & Charvaks etc. communities for brief and Sanatans only have so far been orthodox completely.


Rest of beliefs only try to define life without taking need of an creator into account based on common principles. Even many of Indian freedom fighters from both right & left wing we're atheists.

In some, they don't believe in God but superstitions, in some they believe in God but free from superstitions, while some are completely orthodox & heterodox which are completely philic or phobic to these set of beliefs.
Similarly, in China they don't believe in God but believe in lucky chams and dragon tales.
Lately, atheism has again been becoming more acceptable in India after independence.
Although, BJP will keep getting votes because the card of nationalism is stronger than religion.

Irreligion in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although, the actual number should be much higher than that 0.24% or 3% or 13% from surveys.
The topic is absurd! It shows what a religious fanatic can be! As an atheist, I personally studied the histories and literatures of three major religions, Buddism, Islam and Christian. I did not find any mind blowing truth or affection. As a Chinese atheist, we are humble to the unknowns, respectful to the believers. That is why all religions that can live together in China.

I think a religion that wants to do things to change the non believers would be devil or a cult! You need to know what crimes committed in the name of your religion first before you talk about others!
Well said mate..the biggest threat to humanity are those religions which say our path is the only path to god and whoever doesnt follow our path will go to hell...stupid intimidations and threatz of hell...i would rather go to hell than following a psychopath who calls himself god but throws me into hell for not worshipping him

The world is an illusion of time. You live only some 60-70 years to be tested by your Creator.

Nuclear weapons and genocide are atheist crimes.
Why should creator test me?who the hell asked tht fellow to create me in the first place?and what sadistic pleasure he gets by torturing me in hell?What kind of moron and sadist createz a thing and burns it in hellfire?

So we have no morals... actually a lot of crimes and atrocities were done under the name of religions, more people died from religious conflicts than those from most other reasons in the human history.
Yes..and people fighting within religions too..just open the youtube and see how muslims are fighting among themselvew..ahle hadees ,tableeghi,sunni,barelvi,salafi,naqshbandi the list goes on
thing is when you talk about religion,you either obey it or leave it aside.there are people who say they are muslims but don't follow the teachings.they lie on your face,they show jealousy for others.there is no concept of mercy.neighbors can go to hell hahaha views like that.but if you look at those people carefully, you can find out that they offer prayers 5 times a day.they are just fantastic but not human beings hahaha.religion is something that brings fear in your heart.if you read astronomy and cosmology extensively, you can become atheist.it's common in europe.you can find people who believe in no religion.i don't know what i believe but i respect religion.i keep religion and science apart.our religion didn't force anyone to obey islam.you can find muslims who can force you.there are lots of problems but religion is a sensitive topic and religion should be respected.when you go into outer space,you can see the beautiful view of earth and the vast darkness of universe and there you ask yourself if this is real.atheism starts at this point.i believe you can keep religion and science apart.
Atheism will never be a threat to religious people. Atheists have no reason to procreate mindlessly like religious people do so our numbers will always be lower than yours. Also atheism comes from education and greater control over your life. The majority of the world's people are too poor and uneducated so they will continue to believe in imaginary friends in the sky. So don't worry. The future is bright for religious people.

Oh and 50% of Pakistanis are apparently the product of close family unions so LOL at the talk of incest among atheists. It is the religious that are fond of incestuous relationships!
Humans are mutated bizarre creatures. Humans have to make, to learn, to explore all the time or else they go crazy. Humans are not like other creatures. Other creatures can live generation after generation without ever creating anything. There will always be people who do not believe in gods. But what's wrong with that? The world needs diversity.
I visited many parts of this world. One thing I always noticed that religious people, from all the religions are less poisonous. They have values, and fear of God, in one or the other form.
Humans fought two big wars, under the banner of atheism. As religion departs, humans become animals. Son tries to marry mother, and father marries daughter. Humans are killed like cats and dogs, and no body gives a damn.
Now, as the world is running towards atheism, the humanity is running faster towards its end, and humans, with no morals are equipped with enough lethal weapons to wipe out each other.

Atheism is bigger threat than any other religion today, as atheist are a threat from within. They may be your brothers, sisters, or friends. And this disease is spreading, as in this era of machine, humans don't need God, anymore.

I think, missionaries from all religions should be united against this threat. Denial of God should be handled on priority basis.

I have one question here: What may be the most convincing argument for the existence of God? Like how to convince an atheist that there exists a God, as they just deny it, as they can't see it.
@Mentee @BHarwana @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Zarvan
Atheism is spread ing because religious leaders.in general have let down their followers every now and then some new scandal comes up involving some holy man
Nowadays alot of atheists are scum.

Their entire existence revolves around pestering non atheists like nagging k9's about their beliefs and trying to hurt their sentiments because they know they hold them dear.

Having said that...I went to Uni and made friends with Chinese foreign students. They were atheists but never did they force their belief on me and me on them. We used to have such discussions in very civilised and respectful manor. The live and let live types.
religion is something that brings fear in your heart.

Accountability to Almighty brings fear to those who are unjust and corrupt.

if you read astronomy and cosmology extensively, you can become atheist.it's common in europe.

On the contrary if you study it logically it's bound to bring you closer to Almighty, it happened to me.

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