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Atheism: Next threat to humanity

No atheist in a foxhole.

Cheers, Doc
Maybe on the street serving you tea at a dhabba its not like they have horns on their head

Obession with religion is a mental disorder. Its called obesssive compulsive disorder. Only a fool would dedicate their entire life on one thing. Its all about balance and moderation in everything.

I distance myself from people who only talk about religion, I can tell they are mentally unwell.

I am not saying don't practice your faith but do it in moderation and pursue other interests. You notice poor 3rd countries are full of religious people, I call that untreated mental disorder on a national scale.
Is baat par to pappi banti hy par phir koyi ham jins parast keh kar sangsar na kardey :-//
Maybe on the street serving you tea at a dhabba its not like they have horns on their head

Is baat par to pappi banti hy par phir koyi ham jins parast keh kar sangsar na kardey :-//

It's an expression. And very true.

Perfectly encapsulates the hypocrisy inherent to atheism.

Cheers, Doc
First of all thanks for mentioning in this topic. Now coming to the subject. Atheist are not a threat but they are people who believe in logic and it is your duty to bring them to reality. Explaining them is much easier and they believe in logical answer, just give them that.
They are people like you and me with varying political ideologies
I dont get the obsession of convertimg them though
I mean they dont believe in god to begin with

Which wars were they ?
Wars over atheism :D Ok this is funny
In an unequal, chaotic world religion is a necessity.

But u have to respect atheists, they accept life on face value and take all the inherent gloominess head on. On the other hand, most religious people are constantly trying to hide from reality - sacrificing animals and paying holy men to sort out their problems.

Ladies and gentleman on this thread, I was an ignorant like majority of this world. I used to call names to other religions, I used to think that they all will go to hell and only muslims are on right path. Then, I noticed that people of religion(any religion) are more humble and abide rules that kept humans as superior to other creature on planet earth. Then I saw people, who although labeled them selves with some religion, but never respected any rule setup by those religions. But worst kind of humans were the one who openly say, that they are atheist.
For example, those Jews who said that they are atheist, created worst kind of corporate, banking system and above all, Zionism. Similarly, their supporters are those who say that there is no God.
But Humans always needed God, and after that white wash by Atheism, Satan will appear as God. Thus the rise of Satanists and satanist Church.
Please keep in mind that, according to Islamic scriptures, Satan was kicked out from paradise just because he denied a kowtowing to first human, just because of his superiority complex. And, I think, he thinks that we owe him that kowtow.

Do you feel that important?

Your position is undermined by the fact the middle east is in constant war because of religion. And your focus on Jews - a people of religion like you - just underlines that.

Atheism is the next logical progression of human society, where human action will be dictated by the logic and laws written to suit the present generation, rather than by dictated by 1000 year old archaic books.

Sorry but religion is going nowhere, even in the most advanced societies human beings look for reassurance and meaning. There is no science that can make life predictable or keep away tragedy, which are the bedrock of religion.
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There is only one true threat to humanity in my opinion, and that is the radicalization of US politics to the point where lunatics like Donald Trump have access to one of the largest nuclear arsenals on the planet. People who would be happy to start a nuclear war as long as they and their families are safely tucked away in nuclear bunkers.
And he is doing all that to please his religious voters who just want the rapture to happen in their lifetime
Based on the OP's view, peoples from the countries which have least morals are as below

The 20 least religious countries
  1. China - 7% feel religious
  2. Japan - 13%
  3. Estonia - 16%
  4. Sweden - 19%
  5. Norway - 21%
  6. Czech Republic - 23%
  7. Hong Kong - 26%
  8. Netherlands - 26%
  9. Israel - 30%
  10. United Kingdom - 30%
  11. New Zealand - 33%
  12. Australia - 34%
  13. Azerbaijan - 34%
  14. Belarus - 34%
  15. Cuba - 34%
  16. Germany - 34%
  17. Vietnam - 34%
  18. Spain - 37%
  19. Switzerland - 38%
  20. Albania - 39% (three other countries - Austria, Hungary and Luxembourg - also returned a result of 39%)

Thank God, the majority of Chinese are atheists!
If living clones can be made of creatures,its already a step in that direction.Next is ectogenesis which is already here - birth outside body.Gene editing has begun.Artificial intelligence is almost here.In our lifetimes we will see sex with robots and other weird things.You can close your eyes if you want,but given a couple of centuries its inevitable man will conquer his body and death.And then...
Whats her name Harmony? Yeah once AI becomes self aware and is able to learn and aadapt you will see a gigantic rise in people choosing that over real wymen :D
Thank God, the majority of Chinese are atheists!

A tragedy.

One of the oldest civilizations self inflicting radical excision of its civilizational soul.

Nothing more cringey than seeing Chinese couples getting married in Tuxedos and white gowns with lacy veils.

Cheers, Doc
A tragedy.

One of the oldest civilizations self inflicting radical excision of its civilizational soul.

Nothing more cringey than seeing Chinese couples getting married in Tuxedos and white gowns with lacy veils.

Cheers, Doc
Castes are a better tradtion? Cultures and religions evolve with time, stagnation means falling behind, India was not a Hindu nation and Pakistan not Muslim in the first place, so all things develop and change with time.
A tragedy.

One of the oldest civilizations self inflicting radical excision of its civilizational soul.

Nothing more cringey than seeing Chinese couples getting married in Tuxedos and white gowns with lacy veils.

Cheers, Doc

Nice Try. Nothing more sadden than seeing a piece juicy steak out of your reach because of your funny "religion".

It's an expression. And very true.

Perfectly encapsulates the hypocrisy inherent to atheism.

Cheers, Doc
They are annoying when they rub their beliefs (lack of) in your face and repeat their story again and again but thats pretty much it once you get pass that phase they can be really good friends
Its not like that with uber religious friends its like you are walking on egg shells everytime a controversial topic is discussed
Castes are a better tradtion? Cultures and religions evolve with time, stagnation means falling behind, India was not a Hindu nation and Pakistan not Muslim in the first place, so all things develop and change with time.

I'm not a Hindu but a Zoroastrian. And I believe very strongly in the concept of bloodlines. Which is also the plinth of the caste system. I do not condone exploitation.

I admire a lot about you guys to be honest. But do you believe your achievements as a nation have any link to your shedding your civilizational spirituality?

I want a serious Chinese perspective. I'm not a China basher.


Cheers, Doc

They are annoying when they rub their beliefs (lack of) in your face and repeat their story again and again but thats pretty much it once you get pass that phase they can be really good friends
Its not like that with uber religious friends its like you are walking on egg shells everytime a controversial topic is discussed

Personally I never walk on eggshells.

One of the small advantages of being a Parsi in Hindu India.

It's still one of the biggest hearted nations on earth where other ideas and noisy debate are concerned.

Cheers, Doc
I'm not a Hindu but a Zoroastrian. And I believe very strongly in the concept of bloodlines. Which is also the plinth of the caste system. I do not condone exploitation.

I admire a lot about you guys to be honest. But do you believe your achievements as a nation have any link to your shedding your civilizational spirituality?

I want a serious Chinese perspective. I'm not a China basher.


Cheers, Doc

You might think you have a spiritual "civilization" (or rather a tradition you think your countrymen should follow while you are living in Paris being a Hindu), but don't try to belittle Chinese achievements because they ware white lace gowns on their weddings.
I'm not a Hindu but a Zoroastrian. And I believe very strongly in the concept of bloodlines. Which is also the plinth of the caste system. I do not condone exploitation.

I admire a lot about you guys to be honest. But do you believe your achievements as a nation have any link to your shedding your civilizational spirituality?

I want a serious Chinese perspective. I'm not a China basher.


Cheers, Doc

Personally I never walk on eggshells.

One of the small advantages of being a Parsi in Hindu India.

It's still one of the biggest hearted nations on earth where other ideas and noisy debate are concerned.

Cheers, Doc
Not all have that luxury darlin being rude exactly aint a desirable trait in certain circumstances
Not all have that luxury darlin being rude exactly aint a desirable trait in certain circumstances

Which is why I said Parsi.

We are known to be "different" and honest and fair.

We rarely get beaten up. Sometimes we get into fights because of our irreverential Hindi ....

Cheers, Doc

You might think you have a spiritual "civilization" (or rather a tradition you think your countrymen should follow while you are living in Paris being a Hindu), but don't try to belittle Chinese achievements because they ware white lace gowns on their weddings.

I'm not living in Paris.

I'm not a Hindu.

Cheers, Doc
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