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Atheism: Next threat to humanity

You disgusting filthy satan. Since reneissance no european country beside vatican is christian but atheist and secular

Secular my ***, you dirty orthodox sneaky lord of satan fxcking communist bustards!

Asking for scientific 'proof' of God umplies a misunderstanding of how science works.

The fact is that the universe exists, and regardless of how you put it, science has much to say about the happenings after the big bang but nothing before.

Science as a concept may have a vast scope however, in reality it is always limited by both technology and the scientist. There are physical limits to what may be known through the scientific method and what cannot.

If something cannot be tested it cannot be considered scientifically provable. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it simply means that it is currently beyond the reach of science.

Mathematics is sort of language of numbers, it may define something irrespective of whether it exists or not. Theoretical science. There were mathematical proofs backing the steady state theory. That didn't turn out to be true regardless of the maths behind it.


Consciousness hasn't been scientifically detected and thus proven to exist in any object manner. The scans can show electrical and chemical activity in the brain and we link it with the subjective experience of consciousness. However, science has yet to objectively detect and understand the 'experience of consciousness'.

Does that mean that it does not exist? If we have yet to find our own consciousness, that each individual experiences, how can we say that since science hasn't proven God, God must not exist?

Consciousness our personal internal awareness. Which is a result of the chemichel reactions in our brains. If you consider how we see, we don't see with our eyes. Our eyes simply receive signals(wavelengths of various light), then it gets passed to brain through optical nerve. Then brain decodes it and forms your vision. So what you see is basically what your brain is decoding decoding for you. It's same with every type of awareness. You are aware according to your brain chemistry.

Like I said before, I cannot say that God does not exist. But I find it worthless to ponder about. Because we don't know what God is and what he/she/it may want.
That's my point against OP's post, you just can't say that we atheists have less morals.

OP merely has a question about how atheists View morality in times of war and famine.

Religious People do tend to behave more forgiving.
Allah has cursed the world and those who love the world.

Quran surah

“Do not the unbelievers see, that heaven and earth were joined together and we clove them asunder!”
Obession with religion is a mental disorder. Its called obesssive compulsive disorder. Only a fool would dedicate their entire life on one thing. Its all about balance and moderation in everything.

I distance myself from people who only talk about religion, I can tell they are mentally unwell.

I am not saying don't practice your faith but do it in moderation and pursue other interests. You notice poor 3rd countries are full of religious people, I call that untreated mental disorder on a national scale.
Too much Obession with anything is unhealthy.
You dont make any sense satan. I will live eternally while you will die eternally in an extreme painfull and pitiful condition.

Allah is my savior
There is no point in living eternally. After a decent life it's best to die once and for all.
Does atheism has such a construct of morality?

Atheism is not an organised ideology, rather a lack thereof.

Morality comes from philosophical reasoning, the cornerstone being the Golden Rule (treat others as you would like yourself to be treated). You also have Utilitarianism, the Harm principle, etc.
Based on the OP's view, peoples from the countries which have least morals are as below

The 20 least religious countries
  1. China - 7% feel religious
  2. Japan - 13%
  3. Estonia - 16%
  4. Sweden - 19%
  5. Norway - 21%
  6. Czech Republic - 23%
  7. Hong Kong - 26%
  8. Netherlands - 26%
  9. Israel - 30%
  10. United Kingdom - 30%
  11. New Zealand - 33%
  12. Australia - 34%
  13. Azerbaijan - 34%
  14. Belarus - 34%
  15. Cuba - 34%
  16. Germany - 34%
  17. Vietnam - 34%
  18. Spain - 37%
  19. Switzerland - 38%
  20. Albania - 39% (three other countries - Austria, Hungary and Luxembourg - also returned a result of 39%)
The thing I hate most is that some religious people always try to convert others. The mentality of a good infidel is a dead infidel is a really sick mentality.

I feel the same way about fat free yoghurt.

Why must i try? Why the constant peer pressure to mimmick others.

Its just mob mentality of humans.

No i will Not buy those nike Shoes or that particular mobile phone or eat one Kind of food.

I believe they follow nike Religion and Samsung Religion
You dont make any sense satan. I will live eternally while you will die eternally in an extreme painfull and pitiful condition.

Allah is my savior
Lol. That's your story. I don't buy it. Human beings are creatures. Just like other creatures, they die and disappear. You will disappear someday. Just like a dead worm. No soul, no after life. Nothing left.
I visited many parts of this world. One thing I always noticed that religious people, from all the religions are less poisonous. They have values, and fear of God, in one or the other form.
Humans fought two big wars, under the banner of atheism. As religion departs, humans become animals. Son tries to marry mother, and father marries daughter. Humans are killed like cats and dogs, and no body gives a damn.
Now, as the world is running towards atheism, the humanity is running faster towards its end, and humans, with no morals are equipped with enough lethal weapons to wipe out each other.

Atheism is bigger threat than any other religion today, as atheist are a threat from within. They may be your brothers, sisters, or friends. And this disease is spreading, as in this era of machine, humans don't need God, anymore.

I think, missionaries from all religions should be united against this threat. Denial of God should be handled on priority basis.

I have one question here: What may be the most convincing argument for the existence of God? Like how to convince an atheist that there exists a God, as they just deny it, as they can't see it.
@Mentee @BHarwana @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Zarvan

First of all thanks for mentioning in this topic. Now coming to the subject. Atheist are not a threat but they are people who believe in logic and it is your duty to bring them to reality. Explaining them is much easier and they believe in logical answer, just give them that.
Countries have the highest morals

The 20 most religious countries
  1. Ethiopia - 99% feel religious
  2. Malawi - 99%
  3. Niger - 99%
  4. Sri Lanka - 99%
  5. Yemen - 99%
  6. Burundi - 98%
  7. Djibouti - 98%
  8. Mauritania - 98%
  9. Somalia - 98%
  10. Afghanistan - 97%
  11. Comoros - 97%
  12. Egypt - 97%
  13. Guinea - 97%
  14. Laos - 97%
  15. Myanmar - 97%
  16. Cambodia - 96%
  17. Cameroon - 96%
  18. Jordan - 96%
  19. Senegal - 96%
  20. Chad - 95% (six other countries - Ghana, Mali, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Zambia - also returned a result of 95%)
How. have we measured or detected any thing. What scientific proof are you talking about do you know what is science. Can you differentiate between empirical proof and theoretical speculation.
Scientifically it is proven that some sort of energy is making the universe grow. Otherwise gravition force would've made back to the point of big bang. That energy is called dark energy. Like I said we don't yet know what it is. But we do know there is something. Also I think supernovas also indicate the existance of dark energy someway.
Atheism is not an organised ideology, rather a lack thereof.

Morality comes from philosophical reasoning, the cornerstone being the Golden Rule (treat others as you would like yourself to be treated). You also have Utilitarianism, the Harm principle, etc.

Modern atheism is properly organized my Friend.

So morality is a philosophical construct. That philosophy became a religious thought and once practiced in numbers. An organized Religion.
Consciousness our personal internal awareness. Which is a result of the chemichel reactions in our brains. If you consider how we see, we don't see with our eyes. Our eyes simply receive signals(wavelengths of various light), then it gets passed to brain through optical nerve. Then brain decodes it and forms your vision. So what you see is basically what your brain is decoding decoding for you. It's same with every type of awareness. You are aware according to your brain chemistry.

Like I said before, I cannot say that God does not exist. But I find it worthless to ponder about. Because we don't know what God is and what he/she/it may want.
What. inception/reception of Consciousness is an unanswered question you should apply for a Nobel prize because you must have some empirical proof. and there is a sea of difference between the processing of sensations, perception and
inception/reception of Consciousness. Please don't confuse the two.
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