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Atheism: Next threat to humanity

Allah has cursed the world and those who love the world.

Quran surah

“Do not the unbelievers see, that heaven and earth were joined together and we clove them asunder!”
China,Japan,Korea. Atheists majory countries are peaceful, rich, well orgnized, developed in science and technologies.

And Islamic countries? I don't even want to talk about them.

The world is an illusion of time. You live only some 60-70 years to be tested by your Creator.

What atheist crimes? you could make a list comparing with those of the atheists and religious!

Nuclear weapons and genocide are atheist crimes.
Religion have defined morally what is right and what is wrong since thousands of year,like one must not kill ,not steal,not lie etc. It has defined the laws and had made it clear that their are rewards in this life and the afterlife too who follow these laws, and punishment for those who don't. Without religion, people in dark and medival ages would have thought " if a honest, tax paying,hard working farmer will end up the same as a murderer, thief or a criminal, then why should I be a honest guy?". As if you say there is no good,it means there is no evil..and if there is no good and evil then there is no hell or heaven or karma who you will be facing for your sins.
Modern athiests can say you don't need religion to say what's wrong and what's right but that is because religion had defined what is right and what is wrong and it has became a default morality which even the athiests follow.
Modern humans are not like people in medical or dark ages and they will turn towards athiesm, and in the process, millions will became narcissistic and will think what is their purpose here..then will come a turning point of humanity, the next evolution of human philosophy, the next breed of humans..the humans Friedrich Nietzsche defined as ubermensch or Superman or overman.
So we have no morals... actually a lot of crimes and atrocities were done under the name of religions, more people died from religious conflicts than those from most other reasons in the human history.

Your place of dwelling will be the eternal blazing fire. Still you have time to change your ways
Check out the ongoing wars and atrocities being done around the world now, how many of them are more or less religion related?

The World is at war because not all capitalists agree on how to distribute the booty.

Religion comes way after wealth, Resource and thirst of power.

It is a good excuse to blame Religion since religious People bendover and take it.
The World is at war because not all capitalists agree on how to distribute the booty.

Religion comes way after wealth, Resource and thirst of power.

It is a good excuse to blame Religion since religious People bendover and take it.
There are many reasons for wars , atheists also wage wars, so people are people ,it doesn't matter they are religious or not, religions don't decide how a person is, so the OP says we have less morals is simply stupid.
I can't say that God does not exist. But the way I seem even if a higher power does exist, it is impossible to know what it is and what it wants. So there is no point pondering about it.
So you in fact are discarding human ideas and models of God.
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