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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

Nike and Adidas are so stupid to sell products made by slave labour ? Some batsard has written this article to malign the name of China

latest Nike tech pack and tech fleece are made in Pakistan or Bangladesh but they do cost $400 for a sweat suit /$100 a T-shirt Nike supreme jacket is made in Pakistan but costs $800.

No idea on cheap 2015 old stock Nike as it’s 2020 now and garms have to be fresh .
latest Nike tech pack and tech fleece are made in Pakistan or Bangladesh but they do cost $400 for a sweat suit /$100 a T-shirt Nike supreme jacket is made in Pakistan but costs $800.

No idea on cheap 2015 old stock Nike as it’s 2020 now and garms have to be fresh .
At least Adidas apologized and stopped buying yarn from the Xinjiang area.
Hope they can move production of all Adidas and Nike products from China to Pakistan.
I remember the best official Nike footballs were always made in Pakistan while the cheap replicas were made in China
@WebMaster @waz @PakSword @BHarwana
Dear Brothers the thread is full of insults and flamebaiting. Because of two kids or young people that couldnt Stop their pee, a whole nation is under attack. Please have a look into this racism-hit thread. Shame

How can this guy insult people in this forum, tag mods and get away with the insults at the same time?
Be watching now. This thread has everyone insulting everyone. Well not anymore.
And here is your final answer , your supreme leader doesn't seem to give a sh*t about your beloved Uyghurs, you know why? Because Iran is being starved to death by America, the US is already trying to eliminate Khamenei , if he makes an enemy out of China (even if just with words) then on one he hand Iran would be sanctioned from the west while losing all economic relations with China.

It's easy for a spoiled brat to be asking for his starving nation to act tough while he is living in Norway.
China & Russia are the only countries that can stand up to America, you know the same America which killed you know who early 2020 (hint the guy in your profile picture).

And LMAO speaking of profile pictures you know the guy in your profile picture slaughtered quite alot of members of the Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria hahaha.
So you turn a blind eye to it because its US thats pointing the finger at them? Nice logic, but remember today its them tomorrow maybe you...
U.N. says it has credible reports that China holds million Uighurs in secret camps

Stephanie Nebehay

(This version of Aug. 10 story corrects name of expert in paragraph 12, fixes typographical error in paragraph 3)

A police patrol walk in front of the Id Kah Mosque in the old city of Kashgar, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, China, March 22, 2017. REUTERS/Thomas Peter
By Stephanie Nebehay

GENEVA (Reuters) - A United Nations human rights panel said on Friday that it had received many credible reports that 1 million ethnic Uighurs in China are held in what resembles a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy.”

Gay McDougall, a member of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, cited estimates that 2 million Uighurs and Muslim minorities were forced into “political camps for indoctrination” in the western Xinjiang autonomous region.

“We are deeply concerned at the many numerous and credible reports that we have received that in the name of combating religious extremism and maintaining social stability (China) has changed the Uighur autonomous region into something that resembles a massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy, a sort of ‘no rights zone’,” she told the start of a two-day regular review of China’s record, including Hong Kong and Macao.

China has said that Xinjiang faces a serious threat from Islamist militants and separatists who plot attacks and stir up tensions between the mostly Muslim Uighur minority who call the region home and the ethnic Han Chinese majority.

A Chinese delegation of some 50 officials made no comment on her remarks at the Geneva session that is scheduled to continue on Monday.

The U.S. mission to the United Nations said on Twitter that it was “deeply troubled by reports of an ongoing crackdown on Uighurs and other Muslims in China.”

“We call on China to end their counterproductive policies and free all of those who have been arbitrarily detained,” the U.S. mission said.

The allegations came from multiple sources, including activist group Chinese Human Rights Defenders, which said in a report last month that 21 percent of all arrests recorded in China in 2017 were in Xinjiang.

Earlier, Yu Jianhua, China’s ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, said it was working toward equality and solidarity among all ethnic groups.

But McDougall said that members of the Uighur community and other Muslims were being treated as “enemies of the state” solely on the basis of their ethno-religious identity.

More than 100 Uighur students who returned to China from countries including Egypt and Turkey had been detained, with some dying in custody, she said.

Yemhelhe Mint Mohamed, a panel member, referred to “arbitrary and mass detention of almost 1 million Uighurs” and asked the Chinese delegation, “What is the level of religious freedom available now to Uighurs in China, what legal protection exists for them to practice their religion?”

Panelists also raised reports of mistreatment of Tibetans in the autonomous region, including inadequate use of the Tibetan language in the classroom and at court proceedings.

“The U.N. body maintained its integrity, the government got a very clear message,” Golok Jigme, a Tibetan monk and former prisoner living in exile, told Reuters at the meeting.
Last time, "I spit on your race" he wrote to me. They only deleted his awful post. @waz I am not sure if any other action has been taken.

I didn't deal with that report brother. But I'll ensure no insults happen on this thread now. I can't go through the thread now, and having looked back loads of folks were insulting each other.
The U.S. mission to the United Nations said on Twitter that it was “deeply troubled by reports of an ongoing crackdown on Uighurs and other Muslims in China.”
Holy moly, what do you expect when the so called UN representative is an American?

Americans reported that SAA the Syrian national Army was poisoning people with chemicals weapons, they Based their reports on AlQaeda claims.

The allegations came from multiple sources, including activist group Chinese Human Rights Defenders
We have plenty of these so called human Rights activists that were actually working for CIA And mossad. For example Nazanin Zaghari who appeared to be an Spy. In disguise of a reporter and an activist.

But McDougall said that members of the Uighur community and other Muslims were being treated as “enemies of the state” solely on the basis of their ethno-religious identity.
This report is quoting an American. How credible it could be.
More than 100 Uighur students who returned to China from countries including Egypt and Turkey had been detained, with some dying in custody, she said.
Yeah well, China is not Syria to become free for all. Their government recognized rogue Elements brainwashed by mentioned ones.
Panelists also raised reports of mistreatment of Tibetans in the autonomous region, including inadequate use of the Tibetan language in the classroom and at court proceedings.
Tibet, not again.
I didn't deal with that report brother. But I'll ensure no insults happen on this thread now. I can't go through the thread now, and having looked back loads of folks were insulting each other.
He often tags @BHarwana , I don't know if he sees @BHarwana as his personal mod or something lol
Holy moly, what do you expect when the so called UN representative is an American?

Americans reported that SAA the Syrian national Army was poisoning people with chemicals weapons, they Based their reports on AlQaeda claims.

We have plenty of these so called human Rights activists that were actually working for CIA And mossad. For example Nazanin Zaghari who appeared to be an Spy. In disguise of a reporter and an activist.

This report is quoting an American. How credible it could be.

Yeah well, China is not Syria to become free for all. Their government recognized rogue Elements brainwashed by mentioned ones.

Tibet, not again.
Brother. Lets forget about these reports. I asked the other Iranian member, he refused to answer. I will ask you the same.

Forget about the source ok?

The source is not important because this is a tour arranged by the Chinese government. This is what the Chinese government wants you to see, ok? It is not a hidden video, it is not speculation, it is a strict guided tour.

Based on what you see, and I am asking only of what you see, not anything else mentioned, not all those other videos, not the reports of ethnic cleansing, children being taken away, women being raped etc. I am asking, only based on what you see in the video.

A simple yes or no question brother.

Do you want us to build these camps all over Iran, and send Iranian Kurds, Azeris, Assyrians, Armenians, Lors, Gilaks, Turkmens etc into these camps for "re education", where they must live for years?

Yes, or no?
He often tags @BHarwana , I don't know if he sees @BHarwana as his personal mod or something lol

What does that mean? Members mostly tag a mod they often either interact with or a mod they think would handle the report immediately. No mod is a “personal mod” here.

Ps: please report a post instead of tagging a mod. Regards.
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