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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

What does that mean? Members mostly tag a mod they often either interact with or a mod they think would handle the report immediately. No mod is a “personal mod” here.

Ps: please report a post instead of tagging a mod. Regards.
He plays his game but when cornered tags @BHarwana . Most of the time, it's him that I observed. Tagging mods is not my thing, I report most of the time. I believe you guys can equally act. You can read, no? I didn't say @BHarwana is his personal mod but @mohammad45 acts like it. He shouldn't abuse that tagging option.
Brother. Lets forget about these reports. I asked the other Iranian member, he refused to answer. I will ask you the same.

Forget about the source ok?

The source is not important because this is a tour arranged by the Chinese government. This is what the Chinese government wants you to see, ok? It is not a hidden video, it is not speculation, it is a strict guided tour.

Based on what you see, and I am asking only of what you see, not anything else mentioned, not all those other videos, not the reports of ethnic cleansing, children being taken away, women being raped etc. I am asking, only based on what you see in the video.

A simple yes or no question brother.

Do you want us to build these camps all over Iran, and send Iranian Kurds, Azeris, Assyrians, Armenians, Lors, Gilaks, Turkmens etc into these camps for "re education", where they must live for years?

Yes, or no?
Obviously No.

Meanwhile BBC is not to be trusted at all. The reporter even mentions that the people going to those camps are not only extremists but also seperatists. Im not justifying it either.

How could you be so sure about raping and taking children away?

He plays his game but when cornered tags @BHarwana . Most of the time, it's him that I observed. Tagging mods is not my thing, I report most of the time. I believe you guys can equally act. You can read, no? I didn't say @BHarwana is his personal mod but @mohammad45 acts like it. He shouldn't abuse that tagging option.
Stay happy in your World :lol:
I didn't deal with that report brother. But I'll ensure no insults happen on this thread now. I can't go through the thread now, and having looked back loads of folks were insulting each other.
He told me, that AZ should get annexed, that we have no country, no history and made fun of Turks in Persian, called me a donkey - word used by racist Persians against Turks ... Turks won't keep quiet at PDF, as long as these guys are trolling freely in here ... I blocked a lot of them already - but if you mods don't judge fair, you will see Turks leaving PDF one after another
He told me, that AZ should get annexed, that we have no country, no history and made fun of Turks in Persian, called me a donkey - word used by racist Persians against Turks ... Turks won't keep quiet at PDF, as long as these guys are trolling freely in here ... I blocked a lot of them already - but if you mods don't judge fair, you will see Turks leaving PDF one after another

We've had this before, and all people troll. We are as fair as we can be, yes things slip and get by. Look at the amount of traffic and posts on here.
It's far worse elsewhere, not that should be our benchmark.
We've had this before, and all people troll. We are as fair as we can be, yes things slip and get by. Look at the amount of traffic and posts on here.
It's far worse elsewhere, not that should be our benchmark.
Did not want to sound incomprehensible now - sorry for that ... I know how much is going on here, how much traffic you have ...

but I have to admit that this was partly really funny in this thread today ... thanks everyone for that!
Did not want to sound incomprehensible now - sorry for that ... I know how much is going on here, how much traffic you have ...

but I have to admit that this was partly really funny in this thread today ... thanks everyone for that!

Yes it's manic bro, and people just don't get it. Right now there is 27 ongoing cases on my mod screen to look through.
At least you're on a forum where we consider you ally and brothers. Yes we can't meet every request, or do the complete bidding of a group, but we try. It's always going to be tough and people will get upset now and then.
Obviously No.

Meanwhile BBC is not to be trusted at all. The reporter even mentions that the people going to those camps are not only extremists but also seperatists. Im not justifying it either.

How could you be so sure about raping and taking children away?

I agree BBC cant be always trusted. But there is a difference between creating fake baseless propaganda videos, and filming a strict guided tour. Its like you invite someone to your home, and they film it, then you say the video is fake because the source cant be trusted. What you see in the video is real, and you know its real because it is only what China allowed the reporters to film.

Uighur women have been forced to sleep with Han Chinese men, you know yourself for Muslims, this is a read line, no Muslim would go out and "shame" his sister by saying she is getting raped if it is a lie.

Why has the Muslim population in Xinjiang decreased by 84% meanwhile the Han population has more than doubled in only 3 years! Now you can say this is also fake news, but I posted a video about it, and the source was official Chinese statistics!

Does this not seem familiar to you? It's exactly what the Brits did when they for instance shipped Peninsula Arabs to Bahrain because the Bahrainis was loyal to Persia and the Brits wanted to control the ports.

There are dozens of videos brother, I have posted so many. Children are being taken away from mothers and fathers, because they want to erase Islam from childhood, pregnant women are being forced to abort their unborn.
They are being sent to these special kindergartens, that is restricted area, no one is allowed to enter there, I have posted a video of those kindergartens too.

Chinese members here even said they must go after "the root of the problem"
You moved out because of the pressure from China, that's a known fact, your history was written in China so better listen otherwise you won't have any history left.
Turkey is a natural ally of no one, not to US, not to EU, not to Russia,not to Gulf Arab nations, not to China.

No, not all Turks migrated and has nothing to do with China. GokTurks was split and then many moved to find new land and take over regions and find a new home more suitable.
He plays his game but when cornered tags @BHarwana . Most of the time, it's him that I observed. Tagging mods is not my thing, I report most of the time. I believe you guys can equally act. You can read, no? I didn't say @BHarwana is his personal mod but @mohammad45 acts like it. He shouldn't abuse that tagging option.
Hello my dear friend sorry I was busy for a while with some personal issues. I am no one's personal moderator you are correct there 100%. I was not the only one tagged but multiple other moderators were also tagged in that post I fail to understand why you have issues with me my friend. My apologies if I have in any way unknowingly said something to offend you. For me I love Turkish people very much.
you are scared sh!t out of this you know with india hostile and turkistan united against china . USA just simply can cut your trade routs thats why you are starting silk road and you are scared people with pressure their leaders to take action against china

i wish you were and get sterilized and put in one of these labor camp

you exacted something else from dog eater ?? nice culture btw lol

Yes I watched that video..the topic is getting huge amount of spread and coverage much more than before.

The thing that rankles BW and his echo chamber "team" here the most is that they spend all this time here in thread...whereas the whole landscape of narrative is in such videos way outside of here.

Have a look at comments, and number of likes and views everything gets:


Last comment is kind of thing @-SINAN- was referring to.

....almost gotta feel sorry for BW miserable punch-in punch-out predictable thread spam.... This is the best CCP got because they know nothing else. Copy and paste, no original thinking of what is the concept behind the copying and pasting.

Also my friend @-SINAN- , dont you worry, this evil will come to an end and CCP will pay for it. World is late to the picture, but its waking up now to the sheer scale of atrocities on uighurs...and inertia only builds up from here against this vile despotic regime perpetrating it.

@mangekyo I appreciate all you did here (and others joining the thread now doing their bit like @asena_great ) to keep this thread active, but remember the narrative grows and must be sustained with your time in more useful places you can find too outside of here.

After all most people here have made up their mind one way or another....the importance of focus must always be on those unaware of issue or neutral/fence-sitting...and that also have scope to join us free-thinking souls to pressure action from their govts along a sustained long term heading against this evil regime.

Wish you the best guys...may God help us all to achieve the goal.
At day they do slave labor and their products are sold to Apple, Nike, Adidas among other brands. At night they are forced to attend re education camps. They are under surveillance 24/7. They are not allowed to leave the concentration camps


Report: At least 80,000 Muslim Chinese forced to produce designer clothes
According to a new report, Chinese factories that use forced labor deliver goods to giant companies such as Nike and Adidas. Lie, China replies.

Just now

Uighurs are being massively monitored in China. They are not allowed to practice Islam and are indoctrinated in the Communist Party program in factories surrounded by barbed wire and watchtowers.

There they also produce branded clothes that are exported to the whole world. It claims a report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).

- Basically, everything sent out of China can be "infected" by forced labor, says the report's author, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, to VG.

- Slave labor
In the case of Nike, the report writes that at at least one factory, Uighur employees are refused to practice Islam, or go home on vacation.

- Nike has so many factories in the world, so it is impossible to know which garment or shoes are made of slave labor, says Xiuzhong Xu.

Nike has not responded to VG's repeated inquiries.

- An app monitors
Workers often live with a very high degree of surveillance, according to the report.

- They have an app on the phone that monitors them and they have to inform in chat groups where they are, Xiuzhong Xu says.

A Washington Post reporter who has visited a factory has shared the findings in the report. She saw a watchtower, barbed wire fences everywhere, a police station inside the factory area, and that workers could not leave the factory.

At a factory where Adidas shoes are made, workers have long days. During the day they work, and in the evenings the "retraining" continues.

To VG, Adidas says that their guidelines prohibit the use of coercion and labor from prisoners. They deny that they have used goods from Xinjiang, but after the report was published, Adidas has told its suppliers not to use yarn from this region.

- If any of our partners use forced labor, we will end our partnership, says communications consultant Stefan Pursche to VG.

Further down in the case, you can see what the Chinese authorities respond to the allegations of forced labor and forced assimilation of Uighurs.

Thoroughly documented
In November, The New York Times published more than 400 leaked documents about how the Chinese government is working to break down the Muslim minority. Among the documents is an unpublished speech by President Xi Jinping, urging officials to show "no mercy."

Several human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, have accused the Chinese authorities of keeping one million Uighurs incarcerated.

Although the report states that this applies to 80,000 Uighurs, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu says that the estimate is low. Many more Uighurs are likely to be forced to work, both inside and outside Xinjiang Province.

- Absolutely no credibility
The Chinese Embassy in Norway is responding on behalf of the Chinese authorities. They deny that Uighurs are being subjected to forced labor, and say the report is an attempt to blacken China.

According to the embassy, Chinese Uighurs have the opportunity to take paid work with all rights, on an equal footing with all other Chinese citizens.

Call it vocational training
Regarding the retraining program, the Chinese embassy says that Xinjiang has long been plagued by terrorism and extremism. They say that the "education and instruction center" is an attempt to counteract this.

The aim of the school is to provide participants with information about the constitution, criminal law, marriage law, and laws that protect minors and women.

"Attempts by external anti-China forces and extremists who want to sabotage China's development by fabricating lies and provoking inter-ethnic relations will not succeed," the embassy wrote.


https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ad-aspi/2020-06/Uyghurs for sale-05JUN20.pdf?gLsFgI8LmxiW__bfX8GZjgtHpA9dcK30=
@bsruzm my friend the info in this OP is wrong this image posted is not of a Muslim detention camp. If you actually want the actual image of Muslim detention camp I can give it you on a serious note.

Here is the actual Image & this is a 100% authentic Image of a Muslim detention camp, no person can challenge this Image of a Muslim detention camp. I have actual image of the place and coordinates as well. If you will request I can give them to you.

@bsruzm my friend the info in this OP is wrong this image posted is not of a Muslim detention camp. If you actually want the actual image of Muslim detention camp I can give it you on a serious note.

Here is the actual Image & this is a 100% authentic Image of a Muslim detention camp, no person can challenge this Image of a Muslim detention camp. I have actual image of the place and coordinates as well. If you will request I can give them to you.

View attachment 654030
It is, and its in fact the same camp the reporters filmed. Did you think there was only 1 camp? No, they are all over Xinjiang
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