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At least 27 killed as Iraqi forces raid Sunni protest camp

Because hypocricy is high in these people, he wants us to turn a blind eye to the help of GCC in Iraq’s invasion 2 times and blame it all on Iran cause they benefited in the proces.

so you could go freely with what you did to Kuwait. :girl_wacko: Hypocrisy
so you could go freely with what you did to Kuwait. :girl_wacko: Hypocrisy

No, that is why I do not defend what the GCC & USA did in 1991, your invitation to them I don’t counter it now.

However, 2003 ?
2003 was a revenge of Kuwaitis because they are filled with hate, even today they are still filled with hate against us and they do not regret it ( majority of the population ).
Yet we should turn a blind eye to Kuwait and blame it on Iran.. -> Hypocricy
Why did the Iraqi army release all the protestors if they were all so-called "terrorists"? They indirectly admitted their mistake of killing innocents. Not the first time.

What has an Iraqi Sunni Arab living in Ramadi or Mosul to do with an Shia living in Basra 1000 km away. Nothing. Or Kurds for that matter. They don't even speak the same dialect, share the same sect etc. Don't get me fairytales of something that happened 5000 years ago with another people completely.

Why is it that all the leading Sunni politicians are arrested/blamed for being terrorists one by one? Amazing coincidence.

Just admit that your failed government is talking direct orders from Tehran. You even allowed Iranian weapon shipments to take place over the territory of Iraq.

Are you proud of taking orders from the country who killed 1.5 million Iraqis? Are you not an Arab nationalist? You want to be an Persian subject like before in your history?

How can you as a Sunni support the killing of 36 innocent protestors?

Show me similar action of the Saudi government in the Eastern Province where Shias have been protesting for 2 years with the backing of the Mullahs.

Is that the democracy you brag about?

Are you happy being ruled by Shia Islamists?
Why did the Iraqi army release all the protestors if they were all so-called "terrorists"? They indirectly admitted their mistake of killing innocents. Not the first time.

What has an Iraqi Sunni Arab living in Ramadi or Mosul to do with an Shia living in Basra 1000 km away. Nothing. Or Kurds for that matter. They don't even speak the same dialect, share the same sect etc. Don't get me fairytales of something that happened 5000 years ago with another people completely.

Why is it that all the leading Sunni politicians are arrested/blamed for being terrorists one by one? Amazing coincidence.

Just admit that your failed government is talking direct orders from Tehran. You even allowed Iranian weapon shipments to take place over the territory of Iraq.

Are you proud of taking orders from the country who killed 1.5 million Iraqis? Are you not an Arab nationalist? You want to be an Persian subject like before in your history?

How can you as a Sunni support the killing of 36 innocent protestors?

Show me similar action of the Saudi government in the Eastern Province where Shias have been protesting for 2 years with the backing of the Mullahs.

Is that the democracy you brag about?

Are you happy being ruled by Shia Islamists?

You change your mind quickly, a while ago all Arabs were the same, Arab borders are bullshit, you insulted Britain for making borders between Arabs.
There is no difference between a Moroccan Arab and a Iraqi Arab or a Saudi Arab, We are all Arabs ??

Besides where did I state to support killing ?
It just happens that I am on a forum arguing with Far right extremist secterian Arabs.
Why did the Iraqi army release all the protestors if they were all so-called "terrorists"? They indirectly admitted their mistake of killing innocents. Not the first time.

What has an Iraqi Sunni Arab living in Ramadi or Mosul to do with an Shia living in Basra 1000 km away. Nothing. Or Kurds for that matter. They don't even speak the same dialect, share the same sect etc. Don't get me fairytales of something that happened 5000 years ago with another people completely.

Why is it that all the leading Sunni politicians are arrested/blamed for being terrorists one by one? Amazing coincidence.

Just admit that your failed government is talking direct orders from Tehran. You even allowed Iranian weapon shipments to take place over the territory of Iraq.

Are you proud of taking orders from the country who killed 1.5 million Iraqis? Are you not an Arab nationalist? You want to be an Persian subject like before in your history?

How can you as a Sunni support the killing of 36 innocent protestors?

Show me similar action of the Saudi government in the Eastern Province where Shias have been protesting for 2 years with the backing of the Mullahs.

Is that the democracy you brag about?

Are you happy being ruled by Shia Islamists?

This is true. I don't hate Shia Muslims, we have many here in our community and we get along. But the government in Iraq is giving too much privileges to Shia and no Sunni. It's clear they have an agenda and they are targeting Sunni Iraqi's. The officials of course and those high in military. The normal average Iraqi whether Shia or Sunni realizes where this government is heading. And they've seen billboards of Khomeni in Iraq and went crazy over it. It don't want Iraq to turn that way but Iran is building it up as an ally after Syria. I honestly think the American Administration knows this too. But it will only increase their weapons sales. I hope the Iraqi people realize this. It's not a democracy. We all know that. It's an installed government.
Yes, that is all correct. But I am writing this to show you that there are differences. Just like there are differences between Hejazi and Najdis and others. Already stated this many times. All are Arabs. Did I call the Shia Arabs in Iraq non-Arabs? Basra is obviously an Arab city and all inhabitants are from Arab tribes.

In Basra the vast majority of the population are ethnic Arabs of the Adnanite or the Qahtanite tribes. The main tribes located in Basra are Al-Emarah, Bani Tamim, Bani Assad, Bani Ka'ab, Bani Malik, Shammar, Bani Khalid, Bani Sa'ad, Al-shwelat `Anizzah, Suwa'id, Al-bo Mohammed, Al-Jboor, Duwasir, Dhufair, Shreefat, Al-Badr[disambiguation needed], Al-Ubadi, Ruba'ah Sayyid tribes (descendants of the Islamic prophet Muhammed) and hundreds of other Arab tribes.

I am arguing what you and many other Iraqis claim. Namely that Iraqis are such a peaceful bunch that never had any conflicts between each other. Be it sectarian or political. Or ethnic. In fact you are world champions in this discipline but you are always blaming the neighbors. Today it is mostly Sunni Arabs and GCC in particular because the Shias are the most numerous and now control the country.

The 4 month long protests and Shia-Sunni conflict in Iraq is 1400 years old.

All I see you doing here is talking about everything else than the death of 36 innocent Iraqi Sunni Arabs. Last time I checked them nobody killed them other than the Iraqi government.

The retaliation was done by Iraqis as well. Who can blame them?

Iranians, Shia Arabs meddle in GCC and Sunni Arab matters and talk about Bahrain and Eastern Province all the time - including your fellow 3 Iraqis on this forum (all Shias), so we have the right to talk about Iraq as they are an Arab country and when fellow Arab Sunnis are targeted.

Not to say neighbor. Many Iraqi Sunni Arab politicans also call for our support and assistance. Just like Iranians are eager to help the Shia Arabs.

Go to every Sunni Arab area in Iraq and ask what is more popular. The Sunni Arab world or Iran.

I think you know the answer. Same the other way around (Iran being popular in Shia areas and Sunni Arab countries being unpopular).
News from al 5anzeera
Anti-government clashes continue across Iraq - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Fresh violence in Iraq has killed at least 15 people, including 12 security force personnel and gunmen who died in attacks apparently launched in revenge for deadly clashes at a protest, officials have said.

Fighting between security forces and protesters near the northern town of Hawija left 27 people dead on Tuesday, and sparked a wave of revenge attacks in which a further 27 people were killed that day.

The revenge attacks continued on Wednesday, leaving nine security forces members and three gunmen dead.

In the deadliest fighting, gunmen killed five soldiers and wounded five more in the Suleiman Bek, area north of Baghdad, a high-ranking army officer and an administrative official said.

Gunmen also attacked a Sahwa militia checkpoint in Khales, northeast of Baghdad, killing four of the militiamen and wounding a fifth, a police lieutenant colonel and a doctor said.

Al Jazeera correspondent Jane Arraf, reporting near the disputed city of Kirkuk, said the Iraqi government said earlier on Wednesday that it is setting up a commission to investigate the string of attacks that erupted the day before.

Soldiers released

Also on Wednesday, a-government protesters released two Iraqi soldiers they had seized near Ramadi, west of Baghdad, a protest organiser said.

Abdulrazzaq al-Shammari, one of the organisers of the protests near Ramadi, said on Wednesday the two soldiers were turned over to a hospital in the city on Tuesday.

The soldiers were taken after deadly clashes between security forces and demonstrators in north Iraq left dozens dead and sparked a wave of revenge attacks.

He also said the demonstrators were demanding that Iraqi soldiers withdraw from all cities in Anbar province, where Ramadi is located, and remain in their main bases.

Dr Ahmed al-Ani, the director of the emergency department at the Ramadi hospital, said the facility had received two soldiers. One was wounded and still in hospital, while the second was released.

Police first lieutenant Ibrahim Faraj said on Tuesday that armed protesters killed six Iraqi soldiers near Ramadi and burned two armoured personnel carriers, but put the number of kidnapped soldiers at one instead of two.

Protesters have taken to the streets in Sunni-majority areas of Iraq for more than four months, calling for the resignation of Maliki and decrying the alleged targeting of their minority community by the Shiite-led authorities.

Clashes and attacks involving security forces, protesters and their supporters left 54 people dead across the country in the worst day of violence since the demonstrations began.

They use violence, violence will be used back, nothing sunni-shia about this, if 20 animals run at you with swords and other deadly weapons then your not going to shoot ?

Besides Hasani, they attacked your dear brothers SAHWA, explain this.
Since its from Qatar propaganda agency none of this is Press TV safawi news

They are a bunch of people looking for violence, nothing to do with sunni-shia for these matters

The larger protests probably do, but there are always some idiots that think violence is going to work
Why are you talking about other protests? Those that killed 36 innocent protestors took place near Kirkuk. What you are talking about are protests in Ramadi 400-500 km away.

Hundred of thousands Sunni Arab have protested. Are all now terrorists or what according to you?

What about the Iraqi army who killed 36 peaceful unarmed civilians? What would you call them?

Why is Al-Maliki behaving as a dictator if there is democracy in Iraq?

Why is he allowing Iraqi Hezbollah and Shia terrorists to roam around freely while he only cries about Sunnis or foreign interference? This Iraqi government support the Bahrain opposition, Iranian Mullah regime and the Houthis in Yemen. So they are not innocent.

Everybody meddles all over the Middle East, including Iraq, which is the reality of the Middle East.

If the Iranian backed Maliki regime can kill 36 innocent Sunni protestors and nothing is wrong then they should not interfere in Bahrain, Yemen or the Eastern Province in KSA and made comments there.

Or Syria.

Every blind duck can see what is happening in the Middle East. Anyway I have said what I wanted. If the Iraqi government and Iraqi Shias support Bahrain, Houthis and the protestors in the Eastern Province we will support the Iraqi Sunni Arabs and their demands. Works both ways.

I as a Sunni Arab will always support Sunnis and Arabs against the enemies of both in the region. And the enemies are all clear and visible for all. I don't need to fight. I will just use my freedom of speech instead.
Thank you for the video, they don't believe me when I tell them they are just a dagger in our side. They don't believe me when I tell them their enmity to Israel and USA is nothing but a sham of their real enmity to Arabs and Muslims. Despicable tactics..

They have always been that way or why do you think Salah AD-din crushed the Fatimid dynasty before liberating Al-Aqasa.
They have always been that way or why do you think Salah AD-din crushed the Fatimid dynasty before liberating Al-Aqasa.

What do you expect from people who take their direct orders from clerics in Qom or Iranian clerics imported to Arab lands? We need some videos of our brother Juba to have a quick laugh regarding some of their rituals and statements.

Since 1979 we have been at conflict and this will remain until their Mullahs either get removed or realize their suicide mission. They and their servants will not succeed.

Before 1979 I never heard about any religious sectarian conflicts on the Arabian Peninsula or Arab world. Wonder why....

"The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakr and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."

(Ayatullah Khomeini of Iran, while addressing a message for a youth rally).
There is no proof that they were unarmed or innocent.

They have been killing public security, so any other government in the world would react the same.
Look @ boston, that was just 1 attack now call the US police secterian.

Can you still not realize that you bring nothing good in Iraq except secterianism ? this is the only thing we get from you guys.
None of you opened your mouth when Saddam slaughtered innocent people, but now you complain about the army defending itself.

Wait, we should follow human rights and not hurt anyone right, this is Iraq not Denmark.
Try attacking police in Saudi arabia with deadly attempts and see what they will do, but Iraqi police should do nothing..

There is no proof that they were unarmed or innocent.

They have been killing public security, so any other government in the world would react the same.
Look @ boston, that was just 1 attack now call the US police secterian.

Can you still not realize that you bring nothing good in Iraq except secterianism ? this is the only thing we get from you guys.
None of you opened your mouth when Saddam slaughtered innocent people, but now you complain about the army defending itself.

Wait, we should follow human rights and not hurt anyone right, this is Iraq not Denmark.
Try attacking police in Saudi arabia with deadly attempts and see what they will do, but Iraqi police should do nothing..

Nobody here supported attacks on the Iraqi police as long as there was no reason for it. If 36 unarmed protestors have been killed and who lived in Arab lands where tribalism is still prevalent and sense of "community unity" then what would you expect them to do? Would you look silently back? Just look at the tribal sheikhs comments and people. Not something I invented.

Shia protestors in the Eastern Province (they have protested for 2 straight years) have killed civilians and police but nobody is carpet bombing their villages, cities or killing 40 protestors at once. I only think that 30-40 protestors have been killed. In 2 years of protests.

Also how do you know that those police attacks in Ramadi were not retaliation? It seems really strange that they would attack the police for nothing.

And even if a few individuals did that then how does that change the fact that hundred of thousands Iraqi Sunni Arabs have demonstrated across all of the Sunni areas for 4 straight months?

There must be a reason for their protests now and not 3 years ago. Maliki has nearly ruled for 10 years.

Ok, I thought that there was democracy in Iraq and that all of us Arabs should look at Iraq to see a democratic Arab country in full flow and take Iraq as a inspiration.

I just don't understand how you as a Sunni cannot smell the coffee. Ever wondered why the vast majority of all Sunnis are against Maliki rules and his Shia Islamist parties and foreign policy and close ties to Iran?

You want a prospering Iraq? Then don't elect a sectarian bigot but a strong Arab nationalist who can unite the people regardless of sect, get rid of the Kurds and start to work with your Arab neighbors which are 4 of your 6 neighbors. The remaining two Turkey and Iran. If the Kurds get independence then you will probably only border Kurds and Iranians. Everyone else fellow Arabs.

As much as your current Iranian backed government suck up to Iran then the Persians will always look at you as Arabs. Don't make me quote some Iranian members here last time they discussed about Arabs, including Iraqi prisoners learning to eat with fork. Or Lebanese.

Iran is playing with Iraq to their advantage and for their imperialistic policy. That's always been the Persian nature. They still see themselves as an empire ruling others. Just look at Iran. Made up by many different sects and non-Persian areas.

The Arabs never had any interest in ruling Iraq. Show me one example. Show me areas that Arabs rule that are non-Arab areas? Only Kurdish areas.

The Arab world has overall great relations with Yemen despite Yemen being 66 Sunni and 33 Shia Zaydi.

Shias are not the problem. 3 million Shias live in KSA and nobody is carpet bombing them. You know very well what the problem is.

All the problems date back to 1979. It has only made the Middle East more radical. Before nobody even thought about Sunni or Shia in the Arab world.

"The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakr and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."

(Ayatullah Khomeini of Iran, while addressing a message for a youth rally).

Great neighbor to have for the Arab world. Let us all get conquered by superior Persians so they can rule over us and learn us how to eat with fork. Same nonsense the Zionists spread, even on this forum. The majority are all like them.

Will end the debate for now, have to study.
We are Achaemenids not Safavids, Safavid was too small we Persians need to conquer the whole world !

Easy champ !! We were not around then :azn:

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