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At least 27 killed as Iraqi forces raid Sunni protest camp

You don't have to be surprised or anything. As I stated earlier, the Israeli Government is willing to do whatever it takes to flush Iran away. At the same time, there is a political price on the Americans end. Trust me, I pray for the Palestinatins everytime the name comes into the mind. At the sametime, a surviving Palestine is more important than a dead one. If you read the whole argument that I have made you will see what it embodied. The Israleis are here now, the situation differs from the day it wasn't created. I do realize what you mean by surprise but remember prior to the creation of Israel; we have had millions of Palestinians ,and the Israeli regime is expelling many on every day basis. I don't support the Israeli Government nor do I like their action. I was talking to an ordinary Israeli citizen who was willing to talk like a decent man, some others in this forum won't like to debate in a mature way than himself.

Israeli government is not willing to do this, I don't know how you came to that conclusion. They even said they will choose preconditions that the PA must accept now before any negotiations even. They completely ruled out any concessions or pre conditions issued by the PA. They also won't accept a united government. We all know what excuses they would make if Hamas had joined a unity government. They have too many settlers in the West Bank and it is highly unlikely they would evacuate them if any. The US position was always 67 borders until Obama presented the same plans as Bush had Netanyahu and the Congress in the US completely went against a 67 border solution and said its suicide for Israel and they would not withdraw their settlers but they would also control what goes in and out of the West Bank and keep it the same as it is now. With Iran they are buying time to avoid a two state solution. They rather put the onus of the peace deal on Iran to have an excuse to avoid any further discussion until they take care of their national security issues. 10 years ago they used to say they just wanted to build a security a wall around the West Bank and today they've illegally occupied it and claim it as Judea and Samaria. It's ridiculous, Palestine will not survive as long as Arab states stand idle by and don't push a diplomatic process or discussion. The US stands against a 67 border position now. This is what they do, claim to be part of a negotiated settlements but keep pushing off the process until they claim it unacceptable. Tomorrow the PA will be negotiating for keeping their security forces in control of Palestinian held areas and later that too would be out of pre conditions and non negotiable. These people are fooling us, us Arabs could only stand to our honor and regain our dignity. As for the West they know this occupation is being carried on but because no violence is being used in this process it's become acceptable. The media has turned the Palestinian Israeli issues into a war issue. Meaning people only now think the conflict relies on who fires first and how to end these wars. No longer do people realize the behind the scenes actions taken. And so if they think Israel doesn't fire and kill that they are innocent. It's brainwashing at its best.
Regarding this news, I really don't know what to say, killing now seems common in the world. All I can really say is our Prophet warned us if this sign of the Day...kill without a reason. This world may be heading into something big and I think our generation will experience it.
What a coexistence! Those are called terrorists along with FSA while the ones in Bahrain are called free and peaceful people!!
Listen my friend, don't guide the moth to the flame, you are painting it with sectarianism which would instigate more hatred. You know that Iran is getting on it's knees and the Syrian regime will leave, yet you will be left all alone. I told you if you keep acting like this and Al-Maliki himself admitted it, Iraq would face fragmentation into three states, or sectarian war. On both scenarios you will be the biggest loser, as you would be a small country being played with by regional and global powers, such a dark future. And Syria would look like nothing of what could happen to Iraq with thousands lining up at the borders, Bashar had far stronger army and was almost destroyed, you barely had one right now. Don't instigate sectarianism and deem it as political. And remember that USA has left, it would be much worse than before for all of you.
You know sometimes I ask my self if you people ever had honor in your life and if you Muslims or not< you call my curse to the baathis secterianism! still you blind enough to see that we did every thing possible to bring them toward piece in our country so we can rebuild it and make better life for our all Iraqis! all that find no response at those traiters the remote controlled by whom?. Unfortunatly by puppets called al-saud or the big fat monkey called hamad of Qatarmy friend what the army did it should be done long time ago but our seek for piece and unity deliver a wrong message to animals have nothing to do with humanity!!!!.
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It doesn't work like this, I know that the law must be respected. However, Al-Malki has made many mistakes and violated the constitution and law. He just uses terrorism law to get rid of his rivals. It has been clear. He needs to resign for the good of the country. Otherwise you all can enjoy swimming in the pool of blood. It seems that there is no hope in Iraq.
No, he made no mistakes the only mistake he did from the Arab perspective is that he didn't help them destroy Syria by helping break a civil war>

Those coward terrorists took advantage of protesters to create a chaos that might lead to war... that's all the terrorists do ...


Reason killing happens in Iraq is because many people are armed and have assault rifles.
Not the same case in Jordan.
Riot police is pretty much useless when the other side owns AK 47s ( unfortunately ).


I support Maliki leaving, but not a reason to destroy the country and kill public security.
Besides I support seperating the military from the government by a supreme council like Egypt and Turkey to keep Iraqs government in check, the US was too stupid not to do this.
Doritos Why should Al-Maliki leaves?.
Doritos Why should Al-Maliki leaves?.

Mailiki has proved his incompetence in making the right decisions which would ease the political tension, revive the economy, and has failed in many aspects. He has created many rivals and his stay will only prolong the tension, I'm sure that not all the problems will be solved when he is replaced, but it is much better if he does, there are many more qualified persons than him. He keeps trying to fix mistakes with more mistakes. Truth is he is an idiot with no real idea about how to run the country. But the reason why most Iraqis support is because the opposition criticize him for the wrong reasons, instead of criticizing his failure to allow true progress in the politics and economy, they attack him through secterian remarks.
Keep playing your favorite songs ,it's been already a broken record. Listen, the George Gallowy-like attitude will get you nowhere with me okay? Nor the Caroline Glick's trash either, understand?

I'm sane enough to decide what is best for our fellows or not ,okay? Not your zany Mullahs,right?

Of course, the Saudis have been pissing you off since we slammed Hezbollah over the stupid,reckless stunt they did back in 06, not only the Saudis made your BFFs mad but the Jordanians. We will get the Iranians out soon ,and work together with other fellow Arab states to take care of ourselves :toast_sign:
Why don't you kiss my sweat a** instead.
Mailiki has proved his incompetence in making the right decisions which would ease the political tension, revive the economy, and has failed in many aspects. He has created many rivals and his stay will only prolong the tension, I'm sure that not all the problems will be solved when he is replaced, but it is much better if he does, there are many more qualified persons than him. He keeps trying to fix mistakes with more mistakes. Truth is he is an idiot with no real idea about how to run the country. But the reason why most Iraqis support is because the opposition criticize him for the wrong reasons, instead of criticizing his failure to allow true progress in the politics and economy, they attack him through secterian remarks.
Unfortunately, your comment is a total failure. I really don't know if you know the politics situation in the country or you depend on some media to get a conclusion? by the way I'm not even part of his party but who let the man work, to do something for the country.
You didn't rebuild it nor made it batter. Iraq became worse than ever. The US handed it over to Iran and ran away. Thousands of people imprisoned, raped, tortured and executed. The current illegitimate government is sectarian to the teeth, abusing the law and uses terrorism to crack down on sunni areas so please spare your words and shove you ''humanity'' where it fits we don't buy these slogans anymore.

While the Mujahedeen were fighting to kick the American, your beloved Al-maliki was working as a pimp giving out flowers and selling champagnes to the US troops by the blessing of Khaminei...

Watch this video and enjoy. Look what we did to the US. Al-Mailki and the mullas shall drink from the same cup!

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You didn't rebuild it nor made it batter. Iraq became worse than ever. The US handed it over to Iran and ran away. Thousands of people imprisoned, raped, tortured and executed. The current illegitimate government is sectarian to the teeth, abusing the law and uses terrorism to crack down on sunni areas so please spare your words and shove you ''humanity'' where it fits we don't buy these slogans anymore.

While the Mujahedeen were fighting to kick the American, your beloved Al-maliki was working as a pimp giving out flowers and selling champagnes to the US troops by the blessing of Khaminei...

Watch this video and enjoy. Look what we did to the US. Al-Mailki and the mullas shall drink from the same cup!

Who brought America to Iraq? GCC...
and you seem that you forgot Bahrain and East Saudi "Arabia"... the most sectarian governments are know to be the GCC..
and don't forget that GCC are allies with Americans and the west... so what the heck are you talking about?

Enough said..
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No, he made no mistakes the only mistake he did from the Arab perspective is that he didn't help them destroy Syria by helping break a civil war>

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Who brought America to Iraq? GCC...
and you seem that you forgot Bahrain and East Saudi "Arabia"... the most sectarian governments are know to be the GCC..

Enough said..

Never mind him bro. People like him will justify endless terrorism in the false pretext of combating Iranian influence. They will drown in their Sectarian hatred and ignorance.
Truth of the matter is, it is the Iraqis that will decide who they want representing the country. If Maliki is not wanted in Iraq, he will not be elected again.
Iraqis will give their voice through elections, and everyone should accept it because its their sovereignty. Regardless if Saudi (or Iran for that matter) likes the candidate or not. I dont know what could be more simple?

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